The Choice Is Yours!


Choice, Select, Decide, Decision, Vote, Policy, Board

The above CC0 image comes courtesy of Gerd Altmann at


Our Heavenly Father planned for us to be conformed to the same image as his Son, Jesus Christ. In other words we are to emulate him.

However, our carnal flesh prefers to conform to the ways of this world. Now, the celebrity culture means many of us seek to live our lives as close as possible to those we admire and believe represents the epitome of success.

Jesus is, and was a celebrity in heaven, before he came to earth. However, he chose to set his privileges aside and made himself poor, so we could become rich in the things that truly matter, such as an eternal destiny beyond our wildest dreams, peace of mind, freedom from guilt and fear, hope for our future, and the absolute assurance of an Almighty God’s protection and provision.

Now in this current climate of the Covid-19 virus and the resulting havoc wrought by each nation’s lockdown measures, doesn’t this sound attractive?

Unfortunately, even though Jesus has already paid the price for us to have and enjoy an abundant lifestyle of Kingdom privileges, we have a spiritual enemy, who is determined that we should not.

So he fights. He intimidates. He lies, both about us and to us!

And when you measure the quality and effectiveness of our lives against the life of Jesus whilst he was on this earth, it would seem that Satan’s tactics are succeeding in most of our circumstances.

Dear reader, we can either remain passive, or fight back. We can either accept the status quo, or get on board with God’s programme and engage in spiritual warfare.

How do we do this?

In prayer! By standing our ground in faith. By choosing to live our lives as victorious overcomers.

So, are you praying?

Are you praying effectively?

Are you praying without ceasing (i.e. developing a consistent prayer lifestyle)?

Are you emulating Christ, or seeking to emulate an ungodly celebrity’s lifestyle?

If the former, you are ensuring a victorious future. If the latter, you are most likely heading towards a disappointing denouement.

Apoorva Gupta, a writer at the Thought Catalog, makes the following observation:

The choices you make and the decisions you take have a long lasting impact on your life. They make us special, put a bar of distinction between us and everyone else. Our lives are a series of choices we’ve made so far. We live with those choices for the rest of our lives.

[…] We can’t undo the past, but we can always learn from it. Choices are the building blocks of our lives and despite all the mistakes one makes, a new day brings with itself new opportunities and a whole new world of choices.


If you are interested in reading the rest of what Gupta has to say regarding how choices shape our lives, click here:

Reader – you have a choice. So, choose you this day whom you will serve, whom you will emulate!

With love,

Carol (aka Lady Cee)

Effectual, fervent prayer avails much!

Do you need a resource that encourages you to develop a consistent and confident prayer life? If so, don’t hesitate to check out the links below.






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4 thoughts on “The Choice Is Yours!

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