Easter Joy!


This morning, I became aware that my spirit was singing a song. As the words bubbled up within my consciousness, I recognised it as the opening words of a hymn, one I had not sung for a very long time. I decided to look for the words and sing it during my devotional session. The song is Crown Him With Many Crowns and as I sang the words this morning, I became overcome with emotion.

Now, since this month’s Praise Prayer & Worship Wednesday post falls just before Easter, I decided to share two of the hymn’s verses below, as the praise element.


Crown Him with many crowns,

The Lamb upon His throne;

Hark, how the heavenly anthem drowns

All music but its own!

Awake, my soul, and sing,

Of Him who died for thee,

And hail Him as thy matchless King

Through all eternity.


Crown Him the Lord of years,

The Potentate of time,

Creator of the rolling spheres,

Ineffably sublime!

All hail, Redeemer, hail!

For Thou has died for me;

Thy praise shall never, never fail

Throughout eternity.

(Matthew Bridges & Godfrey Thring)


Father God, what a privilege you have granted us to be able to come directly into the Holy of Holies, and fellowship with you. O Lord Jesus, thank you for making this possible. Thank you for inaugurating this new and life-giving way into God’s presence. We step boldly over the threshold of guilt and condemnation, into the welcoming atmosphere of acceptance, grace, and unconditional love.

Lord Jesus, as the Easter season approaches, we take time to consider your amazing act of love in laying down your life for us… in choosing to die an ignominious, shameful, and painful death, so we can be set free from the clutches of Satan, our Enemy. We can never, ever, thank you enough!

Father God, thank you for your ingenious plan of salvation. Lord Jesus, thank you for your commitment to God’s plan and purpose for your life. Thank you for allowing your body to be cruelly chastised and broken, and your blood to be so callously shed, so that we can be reconciled to God, so that we can escape the eternal damnation of our souls.

Holy Spirit, we ask that you stir up within our hearts an ever-increasing love for the Father, a dogged determination to honour Christ with our lives, and a supernatural joy that permeates our thoughts, attitudes, and behaviour as we seek to walk in harmony with those that are a part of our lives.



Wishing all my readers and visitors a wonderful time of peace and joy over the coming Easter season.

With love,


Author, Blogger and Victorious Overcomer!


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A Big Issue, or a BIG God?


The above image comes courtesy of Pixabay.com

Today’s post is dedicated to those of you who, like me, have an ongoing situation in your life which has not yet been resolved. You’ve held on, and on, and on to God’s Word. You believe. You’ve prayed. You may even have resorted to begging. Or bargaining! Yet still the problem remains. Unchanged. Unresolved.

It’s in long-standing situations like these that your heart can become a little weary, a little hardened. Or you can become offended. After all, God knows your plight. Why doesn’t he change it? Why won’t he intervene? When will he answer your prayer?

Dear friend, may I encourage you today?

The Bible has several examples of characters in difficult situations. Circumstances that seem hard and unfair. Predicaments that are in stark contrast to the individual’s dreams and expectations. Vexatious trials that appear to be at odds with God’s will, and his promises, even the prophetic words uttered over, or to, them.

For example, Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers, then later imprisoned for something he did not do. Surely, he must have wondered what would become of those God-given dreams about becoming a man of prominent power and authority.

David, the shepherd boy, was anointed as God’s chosen king when Samuel came to his family home looking for Israel’s next ruler. However, he spent years fleeing for his life from the incumbent king.  As Saul pursued him relentlessly, no doubt David wondered what the heck was going on!

I’d recently been wondering what God was doing about a certain situation in my life. Every now and again I feel aggrieved that God has not stepped in before now and resolved it, once and for all.

Last week, the words of a song I used to sing in church started to bubble up within my heart. I recognised that the Holy Spirit was encouraging me, whilst at the same time gently reproving me. The time had come for me to decide how I was going to see the situation going forward. Was I going to focus on the big issue, or remind myself I served a BIG God?

I share the words of this song below and trust God will use them to encourage anyone reading this post, who feels in need of God’s supernatural peace, assurance and staying power.

Be Magnified

I have made you too small in my eyes

O Lord forgive me

And I have believed in a lie

That you were unable to help me

But now O Lord, I see my wrong

Heal my heart and show yourself strong

And in my eyes and with my song

O Lord, be magnified

O Lord be magnified.



Be magnified O Lord

You are highly exalted

And there is nothing you can’t do

O Lord, my eyes are on you

Be magnified

O Lord, be magnified.


I have leaned on the wisdom of men

O Lord forgive me

And I have responded to them

Instead of your light and your mercy

But now O Lord, I see my wrong

Heal my heart and show yourself strong

And in my eyes and with my song

O Lord, be magnified

O Lord be magnified.

(Words & music – Lynn DeShazo)

© 1992 Integrity’s Hosanna! Music


Who is like You, O Lord, among the gods?

Who is like You, glorious in holiness,

Fearful in praises, doing wonders?

(Exodus 15: 11 NKJV)


For your glorious righteousness

Reaches up to the high heavens.

No one could ever be compared to you!

Who is your equal, O God of marvels

And wonders?

Even though you’ve let us sink down

With trials and troubles,

I know you will revive us again,

Lifting us up from the dust of death.

(Psalm 71:19-20 TPT)


O Lord God, how awesome you are!

We thank you that you are not a God who has ears yet cannot hear, or eyes that cannot see. Thank you for your assurance that before we call, you will answer and whilst we are still speaking, you will hear.

Thank you, Father-God, for inviting us to come to your throne of grace and find help in our moments of need. We come today and ask that you grant us heartfelt and abiding peace, regardless of any problems we may face. Forgive us when our faith fails and we look at the impossibilities of our circumstances, instead of contemplating your magnificent might.

Lord Jesus, by faith, we confess today that we can endure all things through you, who continues to strengthen us.

Holy Spirit, help us to focus our attention upon Jesus, who is the author and perfecter of our faith. Grant us that inner strength and resilience, so we may walk today and every day, as victorious overcomers!


WoW friends and visitors, may you enjoy God’s peace and victory throughout the rest of this week!


With love,

Carol – Author, Blogger and Prayer Advocate

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Your Face Lord Will I Seek!

You have said, Seek My face [inquire for and require my presence as your vital need]. My heart says to You, Your face [Your presence], Lord, will I seek, inquire for, and require [of necessity and on the authority of Your Word].

(Psalm 27:8 TAB)

God’s Word invites us to seek his face. To seek God’s face is to seek his presence. It is his desire that we come daily into his presence. Can you imagine how awful it would be if God were to turn around and withdraw that invite and forbid us access to his presence?

He did it with Cain, who declared that God’s punishment was greater than he could bear (Genesis 4:13-16).

In another Bible story we read about King David and one of his sons, Absalom, who incurred the king’s wrath and displeasure by murdering Amnon, one of his own brothers and David’s firstborn.

Absalom fled but after a few years David agreed he could be brought back home to Jerusalem. David however, refused to see Absalom, repeatedly declaring that he did not wish to see his son’s face (read 2 Samuel 14:21-24, 28).

Now, for me, this story highlights the magnanimous grace of God, because no matter what we do, have done, or will do, to incur our Father-God’s displeasure, he will never, ever forbid us to come into his presence.

Thankfully, Jesus’s blood (which speaks on our behalf and in our defence), grants us unrestricted access to God’s presence, unlike Abel’s blood which had cried out from the earth seeking vengeance and resulted in Cain’s banishment from the presence of God.


Oh, give thanks to the Lord!

Call upon His name;

Make known His deeds among the peoples!

Sing to Him, sing psalms to Him;

Talk of all His wondrous works!

Glory in His holy name;

Let the hearts of those rejoice

 who seek the Lord!

Seek the Lord and His strength;

Seek His face evermore!

(1 Chronicles 16:8-12 NKJV)


Precious Father-God,

What an honour it is to be invited into your holy presence. We do not take this privilege for granted.

Our thanks to you, Lord Jesus, for making it possible for us to enjoy unrestricted access to God’s presence through the torn veil of your own flesh. We thank you for your precious, incorruptible blood that speaks favourably on our behalf from the mercy-seat in heaven, and we come with boldness to God’s throne of grace for his help and support during times of need.

Holy Spirit, refresh our hearts today. May they never become jaded regarding the privileges of our salvation.

In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen!


Wishing you all a joyful and victorious week.

With love,


Author, Blogger and Prayer Advocate


Examine your heart today – are you taking access into God’s presence for granted?


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I Will Bask in His Presence!

Have you ever sat in the presence of someone and wished you could get up, give them a piece of your mind, and then walk out, or else just suddenly disappear?

I have!

I’ve sat in the presence of a bigoted interviewer, who because of my name, qualifications, and experience, had not expected to see a black candidate. And even though I sat in his presence with a pleasant smile, pretending that this invisible (yet perceptible) wall of racial prejudice was not there between us, even though I presented myself capably, I did so, knowing full well I was wasting my time, knowing full well that the colour of my skin had already disqualified me from securing the post.

And, dear reader, I’m sorry to have to report that I’ve even sat in some church meetings and felt not the sweet presence of warm acceptance, but the frosty arms of rejection.

I have never, ever come into God’s presence however, and been treated by him in a way that made me feel unwanted, unworthy, unloved. And yet, this awesome God, this holy God, this magnificent and supreme being has every right, every reason, to reject me.

I would therefore like to publicly appreciate my Father-God today for his gracious, capacious love, for his amazing acceptance of me. I want to bask in the warmth and sunshine of his glorious presence. Will you join me?

Dear fellow blogger or visitor, I am sure that somewhere along your life’s journey, you have also experienced the pain of rejection. Whether because of your appearance and/or shape, your age, your class, your gender, your skin colour, or some other obscure reason; someone, somewhere (a parent, a friend, a family member, a lover, a community), has rejected you.

So let us take time out today, to acknowledge the acceptance, love, and generosity of our glorious God. And let us exalt his name together!


Thank you! Everything in me says “Thank you!”

Angels listen as I sing my thanks.

I kneel in worship facing your holy temple

And say it again: “Thank you!”

Thank you for your love,

Thank you for your faithfulness…

(Psalm 138:1-2 The Message)

I lift you high in praise, my God, O my King!

And I’ll bless your name into eternity.

I’ll bless you every day,

And keep it up from now to eternity.

God is magnificent; he can never be praised enough.

There are no boundaries to his greatness.

(Psalm 145:1-3 The Message)


Awesome Father-God,

I come into your holy presence today with joy and gladness. I come knowing I’m acceptable in your sight, not because of my own goodness, but because you have imputed to me the righteousness of your Son, Jesus Christ.

Father-God, in a similar vein to King David, I often wonder: Who am I that you should delight in me, deign to reach down to me, deliver and take care of me? Who am I that you should take notice of me and love me unconditionally?

Father-God, let me bask in the sunshine of your holy presence today. Let me revel in the richness of your unadulterated acceptance. Let me luxuriate in the wealth of your mercy and forgiveness. Let me rejoice in the truth of your Word that grants me spiritual freedom.

I ask this in the matchless name of your precious Son, Jesus. Amen!


Women of Warfare followers and visitors, I wish you all a joyful and enriching week in God’s presence.

With love,


Author, Blogger and Prayer Advocate


 Thank you for taking the time to visit today. Would you be so kind as to share your response to this post in a comment box below? And if you know anyone who could benefit from its message, please don’t hesitate to share it. Many thanks!

Come Join Me on the Pathway of Praise

Carol’s Praise, Prayer & Worship Invitation


Without doubt, we are living in difficult times. Governments come and go. Economic systems are proving unsustainable. The cost of living is such that some people are facing the difficult choice of whether to eat or heat their homes.

After the unexpected disruption of our lives by Covid 19 and the global pandemic, we were perhaps looking forward to some semblance of normality. Alas! For many people this is not to be.

The good news, however, is this: wherever we happen to live in the world and whatever challenges we face, God remains the same. He is an unchanging God. He is a covenant-keeping God. It would be natural to look around us and despair but as people of God, we are asked to put our trust in the One who knows the end from the beginning.

Dear reader, will you accompany me today on the pathway of praise?



I will love you O Lord with all my heart

I will worship you my God, in Spirit and in truth

I will draw closer to you my Lord and Saviour

I will celebrate your goodness, steadfast love and unfailing mercies

For you are worthy of all glory, honour and praise.

Therefore by Him [Jesus] let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His Name.

(Hebrews 13:15 NKJV)


Father God, your Word says we should not be anxious about anything but through prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, make our requests known to you. Your Word also states we should not be concerned about our material needs for you are aware of these.

Heavenly Father, the psalmist David declared he had never seen the righteous forsaken, nor their descendants begging for bread and the Apostle Paul said that you would supply all our needs. We therefore hold onto your Word and stand upon your promises during these difficult times.

Gracious God, remember our obedience in giving tithes and offerings for the purposes of ministry and for the poor. We ask that you demonstrate your ability and willingness to bless us and thank you in anticipation of your generous provision. Jehovah Jireh, we declare that you are our source of supply.

We believe that just as you provide for the birds of the air, so you will also meet our material needs for we are your children, and we are of more value to you than a sparrow. You said we should ask, and you promised our request would be granted.

Bountiful God, we thank you in advance for your timely provision. Thank you for your faithfulness, Father God, and thank you for this opportunity to exercise our confidence in you as our provider. Amen.

© Carol Hind (Adapted from: Petitions From My Heart)

When you’re ruled by circumstances and emotions you live on a rollercoaster. But if you look to the Lord of your circumstances and praise Him, you move from weakness to strength. (UCB Word For Today – written by Bob and Debbie Gass)

*UCB Word For Today – For the current online version of this devotional please click here:


Wishing you all a peaceful and victorious week.

With love,

Carol – Author, Blogger and Prayer Advocate

Thank you for taking the time to visit today. Would you be so kind as to share your response to this post in a comment box below? And if you know anyone who would benefit from its message, please don’t hesitate to share it. Many thanks!


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The Power of Praise


Anybody can praise God in the good times. But when you have to rise above your feelings and your circumstances, that’s when it really counts.

Hello dear friends and followers,

I’d like to share an excerpt from my favourite devotional, which I trust will not only be an encouragement to you, but also be a word “in season” to someone who is feeling confused, discouraged, fearful or weak.

I’ve been there! And I can assure you that when you engage in prayer, praise and worship, it is as if you are miraculously transported into a different sphere where God is able to minister his comfort, his peace and his perspective to you.

So, wherever you are right now in your relationship with him, or with others, or however you may be feeling about life, why not take this moment to refresh your heart in his awesome presence?


Praise opens doors. Praise breaks chains. Any time you praise God in spite of the circumstances, the forces of heaven come to your aid. You say, ‘But sometimes I don’t feel like praising God.’ The psalmist wrote, ‘I will bless the Lord at all times’ (Psalm 34:1 NKJV).

Sometimes praise is an emotional response to God’s goodness; other times it’s an act of your will. Anybody can praise God in the good times. But when you have to rise above your feelings and your circumstances, that’s when it really counts.

The battle of Jericho teaches us that sometimes you have to shout God’s praise when:

  1. You are up against a brick wall.
  2. It feels like you’re going in circles.
  3. Your circumstances seem to mock you.
  4. Your rational mind thinks, ‘This plan doesn’t make any sense.’
  5. It’s the last thing you feel like doing.

But when you praise God anyway, you discover the truth of Nehemiah’s words: ‘The joy of the Lord [the joy that comes from knowing He is present with you and has gone before you to work things out in your favour] is your strength’ (Nehemiah 8:10 AMP).

When you’re ruled by circumstances and emotions you live on a rollercoaster. But if you look to the Lord of your circumstances and praise Him, you move from weakness to strength.

(The above excerpt was taken from: *UCB Word For Today – 5 July 2016 – written by Bob and Debbie Gass)

Free postal copies of UCB Word For Today are available from: FREEPOST RLTX-ABUL-GRAR, United Christian Broadcasters, Westport Road, Stoke-on-Trent, ST6 4JF (UK and Republic of Ireland only).

For the current online version of this devotional please click here:



Behold, God is my salvation,

I will trust and not be afraid;

For YAH, the Lord, is my strength and song;

He also has become my salvation.

(Isaiah 12:2 NKJV)


YAHWEH, you are our God. We are grateful to be able to call upon you at any time of the day and night. We are grateful that we do not have to make a prior appointment, nor do we require a third party (other than Jesus), to be able to access your presence.

We come humbly today before your throne of grace. We simply wish to bask in your holy presence. We simply wish to lift our eyes away from our circumstances and gaze upon your bright and beautiful countenance. We raise our hands to you in praise and worship and declare you as our Lord and our God—the Lord of all our circumstances, the God of all our hopes and dreams.

Thank you, Father God, for your extravagant and steadfast love. Thank you for your pre-ordained plans and purpose for our lives. Thank you for your faithfulness. Thank you for your ability to transform us into the people you have called us to be.

We choose to yield to your Will, your Word, your Wisdom. We ask that you take these earthen vessels and make us fit and suitable for your use. Help us to express the excellency of your name and nature, in a way that truly glorifies you.

In Jesus’ precious name we pray. Amen!

When you’re ruled by circumstances and emotions you live on a rollercoaster. But if you look to the Lord of your circumstances and praise Him, you move from weakness to strength.


Wishing you all a stress-free and victorious week.

With love,

Carol E. Hind – Author, Blogger and Prayer Advocate

Thank you for taking the time to visit today. Would you be so kind as to share your response to this post in a comment box below? And if you know anyone who could benefit from its message, please don’t hesitate to share it. Many thanks!


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Our God Is a War Veteran!



Praise the Lord!

Praise, O servants of the Lord,

Praise the name of the Lord!

Blessed be the name of the Lord

From this time forth and forevermore!

From the rising of the sun to its going down

The Lord’s name is to be praised.

The Lord is high above all nations,

His glory above the heavens.

Who is like the Lord our God,

Who dwells on high,

Who humbles Himself to behold

The things that are in the

Heavens and in the earth?

(Psalm 113:1-6)


Father God in heaven, may your name be exalted and magnified throughout the entire earth. You deserve all glory and honour, so we offer to you the fruit of our lips and render jubilant praise, with thanksgiving. We salute you, O Lord God of Angel armies.

Jehovah Nissi*, hear our petition today, on behalf of all those who are residents of war-torn lands. Summon your power O God, and reveal your awesome strength and might against those who bring bloodshed, fear and turmoil to law-abiding citizens and vulnerable communities. Spread your canopy of divine protection over those whose lands and lives have been invaded illicitly and without mercy. May your spirit of peace reign over these borders and battle fields.

You are the God, who sees and knows the hearts of men and their motivations. We ask that you frustrate those who muster their military might without just cause. We ask that you punish those who execute devastation and violence against the innocent. We ask that you bring a speedy resolution to the issues that triggered the conflict and acknowledge that there is nothing too difficult for you, nothing impossible to you.

O Lord God, comfort the afflicted and bereaved. Exercise your good, gracious and perfect will, so that it ultimately prevails in these combat zones.

We ask in faith, and in the name of your precious Son, Jesus – the Prince of Peace. Amen.

*The Lord God our banner


Wishing you all a blessed and victorious week.

With love,

Carol E. Hind – Author, Blogger & Prayer Advocate

Related Reading:

A World of woesclick here

Watch & Prayclick here

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Putting Away Childish Ways – A Commitment to Change

Commitment is an act, not a word (Jean-Paul Sartre)


Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.

James 1:17 (KJV)

How Can I Not Praise Him?

Jesus, the Son of God, is the Heavenly Father’s wonderful gift to the world. And salvation, i.e. ultimate deliverance from eternal death (which is permanent separation from God), plus access to God’s spiritual resources such as peace, healing and deliverance, are just some examples of God’s goodness and generosity.

Today, I found occasion to be truly thankful to my Father God for his unchanging nature. Regretfully, I cannot claim to be the same, even though God expects me to imitate him. I can be up and down in my responses to him and today, as the Holy Spirit convicted me, I just had to repent.

A Confession!

You see, every now and then I find myself having a bad attitude towards God. Let me explain. Because I had not seen spectacular results from my significant seasons of devotional activities, I felt aggrieved. I had certain expectations and when these were not satisfied, I foolishly adopted the stance of the Children of Israel in Malachi 3:13 and allowed the Enemy to suggest God was holding out on me, so what was the point of continuing with certain spiritual disciplines, such as fasting.

The Holy Spirit used two scriptures to gently reprove me.

The first reminded me that I need to be patient and consistent:

Who [God] will render to each one according to his deeds:

Eternal life to those who by patient continuance in doing good seek for glory, honor, and immortality (emphasis mine).

(Romans 2:6-7 NKJV)

God Owes Me Nothing!

God sent his Son to die for me and Jesus sacrificed his sinless life for me, so that I can have a relationship with God… so I can be redeemed from the evil influence of Satan and from the curse of being unable to fulfil the requirements of God’s Law to the letter. As a result, when I die, I will not spend eternity in hell, a place originally designed for the devil and his cohorts.

So, anything God does for me over and above his provision of eternal life, is a wonderful bonus.  I don’t want to adopt the wrong attitudes of this world, where people feel that their expectations of life are their absolute rights. Particularly as Jesus had given up his rights, in order to come to earth, identify with, and die for me.

Commitment is the little choices every day that lead to the final results we’re striving for. (Anonymous)

The second scripture the Holy Spirit used to convict me, is as follows:

When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

(1 Corinthians 13:11 KJV)

A Christian behaving badly?

I believe many of my readers will be familiar with the scenario of a child screaming and throwing a tantrum in the supermarket, because he or she could not have what they desired (usually sweets).

My behaviour towards God is the equivalent. Because things had not happened the way I expected them to happen and within the timeframe I wanted, I was prepared to throw my spiritual toys out of the pram. I was behaving like a spoilt child!

In the above quote, the apostle Paul reminds us that as Children of God, we are expected to grow up, to put away childish thinking and behaviour.

Today, I am giving God extra special thanks and praise because despite my unjustified thoughts and accusations towards Him, despite my childish behaviour, He remains the same towards me—ever loving, ever forgiving, and ever merciful.

Thank you Father God!


Heavenly Father,

What an awesome God you are!

I am so grateful that you never change. I can always rely upon your loving kindness, your tolerant heart and constant forgiveness.

Lord Jesus, thank you for your wonderful example of submission to the Father, even when his will meant dying for the very people who rejected, conspired against and crucified you.

Holy Spirit, I am committed to change and know I am incapable of achieving this by myself. Help me to imitate Father God’s consistent behaviour, in both my relationship with him and with others around me. Help me to put away childish ways and expectations. Help me to be more Christ-like. Help me to resist the Enemy’s false accusations against both God and myself, and to actively arm myself with the weapon of God’s Word, so that I don’t fall victim to his deceitful ploys.

I ask in faith, believing that you will grant my request, since I ask it in the name of Jesus. Amen.

You don’t get 100% results with only 50% commitment. (Anonymous)


As part of my repentance, I partook of communion, since I wanted to show God that I’m committed to changing and I also wanted to avail myself of Christ’s resurrection power.

The following song was brought to my attention by a dear blogger friend of mine at Distillations (do check out Jacquie’s post sharing about her own commitment to change). I hope this beautiful song ministers to you, as powerfully as it does to me.

Thank you dear visitors for reading this post. I hope you found it helpful to you in your own spiritual journey and I trust that as a follower of Women of Warfare, your heart’s desire is to be conformed to the wholesome image of Christ, and not to the ways and wisdom of this world.

If you have been challenged by what I’ve shared above, or would like to add your thoughts to this post, please don’t hesitate to comment below. Alternatively, please share what change you are committing yourself to this year. I look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes,


Author, Blogger and Prayer Advocate


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Have you lost your spiritual verve? Has your Christian life become somewhat humdrum? Discover the secret to a vibrant and victorious spiritual life, through Holy Communion.



And if you’d like to read an honest review on my book Ritual, Routine or Remembrance? please don’t hesitate to check out this post:

PS: the only reason this review is not on Amazon is because they refuse to upload it, stating she has not spent a certain amount with them as their reason!

Let Us Adore Him

Praise, Prayer & Worship Wednesday

Godafoss, Iceland, Waterfall, Falls, Canyon, River


We give thanks to you this day O God that One so mighty, high and lifted up, One so awesome in holiness, One so glorious with the brightness of your splendour—would deign to think of us, care about our lives and stoop to rescue us from eternal damnation, and even lift us out of our pits of depravity, depression and self-centredness.

Our hearts are ever grateful to you O Father God.


Exodus 15:11 (NKJV)

Who is like You , O Lord, among the gods?

Who is like You, glorious in holiness,

Fearful in praises, doing wonders?

Psalm 71: 19 (TPT)

For your glorious righteousness

Reaches up to the high heavens.

No one could ever be compared to you!

Who is your equal, O God of marvels and wonders?


Let us adore

The Ever-Living God

And render praise unto Him

Who spread out the heavens

And established the earth

And whose glory

Is revealed in the Heavens above

And His greatness

Is manifest throughout all the earth.

He is our God

There is none else.

He is our God

There is none else!

© Kent Henry (Lyrics)


Father God,

Open our spiritual eyes and ears, and sharpen our perception regarding the magnitude of your greatness. Help us to remove you from the limiting cage of our human understanding. Extend our knowledge and personal experience of your greatness, since we desire to truly love and honour you to the maximum of our capability.

We ask this in the matchless name of your precious Son, Jesus.


With love,

Carol (aka Lady Cee)

The effectual, fervent prayer avails much!

NKJV = New King James Version

TPT = The Passion Translation

Why not share in a comment box below, which aspects of creation, or what personal insight you have which helps you to appreciate God’s greatness. I’d so love to hear from you and perhaps your contribution could be just what someone else needs to help them today.


Are you looking for a resource that will help you to draw closer to God and develop a consistent and confident prayer life? Then please don’t hesitate to check out the links below.

AMAZON UK https://amzn.to/3ciUt1q

AMAZON US https://amzn.to/3bj6gM1

All Glory, Honour & Praise to You My Awesome God!



Whilst I’m most happy to share my good news with all who will listen and rejoice with me, I feel it is only right that I take some time to write a special post thanking my awesome God for enabling me to achieve a long, long, long-standing dream – the completion and publication of my book – Petitions From My Heart.

If you haven’t heard about it, or if you have but still haven’t checked it out, I invite you to do so. Just click on the highlighted link above.




Let your lives overflow with joy and thanksgiving for all he has done.

(Colossians 2:7c The Living Bible)


Whoever offers praise glorifies Me

(Psalm 50:23 NKJV)



Father God, I want to offer you exultant thanks and praise for your amazing goodness to me. I want to thank you for your mercies over these past years (indeed, since my conception), which have preserved my life through dangers (known and unknown), through health concerns, through constant opposition from both physical and spiritual foes.

There is no God like you. In fact, there is no other God but you! You are the only true and living God. And I’m so, so, glad to be able to say that you are my God!

Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!



Father God, I want to thank you for the privilege of being able to enter into your Holy Presence without fear, or any sense of guilt or condemnation. I want to thank you for making it possible for me to enter into your Holy of Holies through the precious blood of your Son, Jesus Christ. I come with reverence. I come with joy. I come with gratitude.

I thank you Father God that you are able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that I can possibly ask or think. I thank you that you are a God who does not lie and you are an unchanging God. I thank you for answered prayers. I thank you for the achievement of this long outstanding dream. I commit this work (Petitions From My Heart) into your hands to do with it as you will. Use it for your glory and honour. Use it to bless those of your people to whom it has been assigned.

I ask this in the mighty, matchless name of Jesus. Amen.





How has God come through for you in an amazing way this year? Please share in a comment box below, so we can rejoice along with you.



All Praise & Glory to My Awesome God!



I love to worship the Lord. And for me one of the best things about church meetings is the opportunity to enter into corporate worship and get a taste of what it must be like in heaven for multitudes of people directing their attention, their love and devotion to the most High God, to the King of kings and Lord of lords.

And when God acknowledges our sacrifices of praise and thanksgiving by honouring us with his awesome presence, words cannot express how blessed, how privileged and humbled this makes me feel.

Now whenever God answers my prayer in a miraculous way, I cannot help but lift my hands. I cannot help but bow my knees. I cannot help but leap and grin. I’ve experienced one such joyous occasion recently and so, I’d like to share this post in tribute to my Father God.

I do hope that it ministers to somebody out there. If it does, please let me know in the comment box below. I’d really love to hear from you.





I waited patiently for God to help me; then he listened and heard my cry.

He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out from the bog and the mire, and set my feet on a hard, firm path and steadied me as I walked along.

He has given me a new song to sing, of praises to our God. Now many will hear of the glorious things he did for me, and stand in awe before the Lord, and put their trust in him.

Many blessings are given to those who trust the Lord, and have no confidence in those who are proud, or who trust in idols.

O Lord my God, many and many a time you have done great miracles for us, and we are ever in your thoughts. Who else can do such glorious things? No one else can be compared with you. There isn’t time to tell of all your wonderful deeds.

Psalm 40:1-5 (The Living Bible)



Heavenly Father,

You deserve all praise and glory.

What a mighty God you are! I’m so grateful that you are not only a living God but you are also willing to intervene in the lives of your people. You are willing to manifest yourself as our protector and provider.

Thank you for your everlasting mercies. Thank you for your unfailing compassion. Thank you for your right hand of justice and your powerful arm of vindication. Continue to thwart the proud and crafty, so their hands cannot perform their enterprise.

Cause righteousness to prevail and your perfect will to be done, in and through our lives. I ask this in the matchless name of your Son, Jesus. Amen.





Women of Warfare followers and visitors, have a blessed and victorious week.


Carol ♥ ♥


CREDIT: The above image comes courtesy of Pixabay.com


Whether Broken Hearts or Celestial Spheres…



During my quiet time this morning, I was reflecting on a facet of God’s amazing greatness.

You see the evening before, I’d been feeling tired and demotivated. And even though I felt I should get up from my settee and do something constructive towards my goals, after a long day at work, I just didn’t feel like doing anything. I had neither the energy nor the inclination. And so I gave in to my feelings.

As I prepared to spend time in God’s presence the following morning, I thought about how God never gets tired and his interest in us never wanes. It caused me to be thankful that he is who he is and that I can depend upon him to always be the same.

Today I want to give my Father God thanks and praise because no matter how I feel, no matter what I have done (or not done), no matter whether I feel too tired, or too discouraged to spend time with him, He will never change!

He will always love me. He will always welcome me into his presence.

Our God will never be too busy to hear our prayers (or our complaints). He will never be too cross or offended, to care about our needs.

Psalm 147:3-4 tells us that:

  1. He heals the broken-hearted and binds up their wounds
  2. He counts the number of stars and calls them all by name.


Now that set me thinking. I wondered, what is the connection between wounded hearts and stars?

The answer that came to my heart was this:

Whether a matter is great or small, nothing escapes God’s notice. It may be as hidden and seemingly insignificant as a broken heart, or as conspicuous and majestic as the stars, God notices. And whilst we may look up and just see a mass of stars, God looks and sees individual celestial bodies. He knows how many there are and he even names them.

Beloved reader, he sees you. He cares about you more than you can ever comprehend.

What a wonderful, wonderful God we serve. Is he not worthy of our heartfelt praise?



Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised;

And His greatness is unsearchable.

(Psalm 145:3)



Dear Father God,

How wonderful you are. You are beyond comprehension. It’s just mind-boggling to know that one so great, so perfect, so holy would deign to love a fickle, imperfect and sinful people. Thank you for reaching down and offering us a new life on a higher plane.

Open our eyes Lord that we might see you in the beauty of your holiness, that we might appreciate your greatness and glory. Open our hearts Lord that we might love and worship you the way you truly deserve.






 Women of Warfare followers and visitors have a blessed week!



Credits: CC0 Images used are courtesy of Pixabay.com


Heartfelt Praise




PRAISE the Lord!

Praise the Lord, O my soul!

While I live I will praise the Lord;

I will sing praises to my God while I have my being.

(Psalm 146:1-2 NKJ)


Whoever offers praise glorifies Me;

And to him who orders his conduct aright

I will show the salvation of God.

(Psalm 50:23 NKJ)



Father God,

Right now we come into your awesome presence to honour you – not just with our lips but with our hearts and souls, with our entire being.

We come to offer you the praise and worship that you deserve because you are so worthy. We love you Father God. We want to love you more. We want to know you more. We want to understand your ways better because we want to glorify you, both in and through our lives.

Lord Jesus, thank you for your example of honouring our Father whilst you walked on this earth. As your disciples we want to do likewise, so we thank you for your ongoing prayers and intercession on our behalf. We realise this will not happen by our own efforts or willpower but by your Holy Spirit.

Holy Spirit, we call upon you as our Helper. Thank you for your anointing within us that teaches us. Teach us how to honour Father God, not only with our lips but also with our lifestyle.

Thank you Father God for hearing our prayer and granting our request. Amen.


(References: Matthew 15:8; Revelation 4:11; Romans 8:34; Hebrews 7:24; Zechariah 4:6; John 14:16, 26; 1 John 5:14)




Women of Warfare followers and visitors, I pray that the Lord will draw you into a deeper experience of Him.  I pray your hearts will overflow with inexpressible joy as you spend time in his presence and take time to express your love for him. Share those secret desires of your heart in prayer, knowing he listens and knowing he loves you and desires to fellowship with you.

Have a victorious week!

PS: If you are reading this and you do not have a relationship with God but would like to, may I invite you to accept Jesus as your Saviour? To do so, you simply have to repeat the following prayer and God will do the rest (please don’t hesitate – your eternal destiny depends on whether or not you take this next step!).


A Prayer for Salvation and a Relationship with God

Father God,

I want to have a relationship with you. I come to you today in the name of your Son, Jesus. Thank you for making it possible for me to be reconciled with you. I realise I am in need of rescuing from the penalty of sin. I believe Jesus died for me and I accept He is the only way through which I can escape eternal punishment. I therefore repent of my sins and ask your forgiveness.  Jesus, I invite you into my life as my Saviour and my Lord. Amen.


Dear reader, if you prayed the above prayer, congratulations and welcome to the Family of God!

The following links will help you take your next steps in your new life and provide the guidance you need. I’d also suggest that you talk to a Christian friend and find a church to attend and receive support. You may also find the following post at my other blog site enlightening (Paradise Lost or Paradise Regained?), as this explains why the step you have just taken is vital for safeguarding your eternal destiny.

If you accepted this invitation to commit your life into God’s care and prayed the above prayer, please share the good news in the comment box below (don’t be shy!) 🙂

WoW! followers and visitors – no need to feel left out! If you’ve been encouraged, inspired or uplifted by this post, don’t hesitate to share your comments below. I look forward to hearing from you.




The Scourge of Rejection

The following is a long-playing instrumental music (don’t be put off!). I am not expecting you to listen to the entire album but you may enjoy listening to it playing softly in the background, whilst you read this post. And then when you have finished reading, please don’t rush away. I’d certainly encourage you to sit and listen for just a little while longer. Allow the Lord to minister to your soul and spirit.



Dear fellow-bloggers, friends and visitors – forgive me!

A few mornings ago, as I was worshipping the Lord, the phrase Praise, Prayer & Worship Wednesday suddenly entered my head. I then realised that I’d missed last month’s feature post. I am not sure whether anyone noticed. If you did, please accept my apologies!

I cannot believe how fast the month has flown. So fast, in fact, I hadn’t even realised that the last Wednesday of February had come and gone.

Now, I obviously cannot roll back the time. So for the benefit of anyone who did notice and perhaps missed this feature and, because I truly want to honour God on this blog, I’d like to focus today’s post on doing just that. I want to praise and glorify my Father God.


***     ***     ***



I have come across many in my life who for various reasons have rejected me and systematically seek to rob me of my dignity. They do not welcome me into their presence.

And there are those who, whenever I happen to be in their midst, never miss an opportunity to show me their contempt, to subject me to mockery, ridicule and scorn. Yet who are they? Are they not fellow human beings? Are they not fallible flesh and blood individuals, just as I am?

However, for some reason, these people have elevated themselves above me in their thinking, in their behaviour toward me. They have lifted up themselves in their own estimation and chosen to exclude me from their ‘acceptance’ club. They continually seek to hurt me. And they often succeed.

But I thank them. Sincerely!


Because the weight and constancy of their unkind treatment has opened my eyes to the expanse of God’s continual grace, lovingkindness and mercy.

Yes. My wonderful Father God, who is God indeed, who is exalted above the heavens (you can’t get higher than that!), finds it in his generous, loving heart to include me, to make room for me in his life, to even want to share that life (eternal life, abundant life) with me.

I know from personal experience that when I enter into that atmosphere of sincere praise and worship, when I enter into God’s awesome presence, when my spirit connects with my Father God’s—I sense the holiness, the loveliness, the majesty of his awesome being. And when I reflect on the privilege that this wonderful being has granted, in inviting unwanted and unworthy me into His throne-room, I am overcome and overwhelmed.

Charles Green, a contributing author to the Spirit Filled Life Bible (NKJV), says:

Man was created to live and breathe in an atmosphere of praise-filled worship to his Creator.

My first thought as I read this was of a fish taken out of water, taken out of the ideal environment in which it was created to survive and thrive. To fail to offer God the fruit of our lips, and our free-will sacrifices of praise and thanksgiving, is to be like a fish out of water.  It is removing ourselves from the atmosphere and environment in which we were created to survive. And guess what? The Enemy of our souls, is always seeking to discourage us from praise, prayer and worship, because he knows that therein lies our spiritual strength.

Satan, my enemy, (and yours!) has sought to surround me with pack-bullies. He has worked hard at promoting an atmosphere of contempt around me. But I refuse to be hemmed in by thoughts of intimidation, fear and rejection. I refuse to be defined by the words and actions and attitudes of those whom the devil deploys to come against me, who walk in the counsel of the ungodly, choose to stand in the path of sinners and sit in the seat of the scornful (Psalm 1:1).

I refuse.

And so Father God, today I want to celebrate your goodness. I want to praise you:


I will extol You, my God, O King;

And I will bless Your name forever and ever.

Every day I will bless You,

And I will praise Your name forever and ever.

(Psalm 145:1-2)


And I offer you my heartfelt prayer:

Father God,

Thank you for your unconditional love. Thank you for your acceptance. Thank you for that wonderful sense of peace that your awesome presence exudes. Help me to bask in that holy presence, to allow your peace to soothe my soul.

I worship you today in spirit and in truth. Accept my humble sacrifice. May my offerings of praise, prayer and thanksgiving, rise like sweet incense to your throne. Amen.


Have you been hurt – by a colleague, church member, wife, husband, close relative or friend? Then use that hurt to propel you into the arms of Jesus. He is able to relate (remember Judas!). He is able (and willing) to comfort, strengthen and restore. Just ask him!

Why not accept today’s invitation to visit with your Father God?

Image from: M. Maggs - Pixabay.com
Image from: M. Maggs – Pixabay.com

It is an open invitation. Spend time saturating yourself in his presence. Spend time cultivating an atmosphere of praise, prayer and worship around you, so that your Father God can heal and restore you. So that he can lavish his love upon you – the way you deserve. So that you can become the person, the victorious overcomer, God created you to be.

Fellow Christian bloggers and visitors may I encourage you to make God’s presence in your life a priority?

Have a blessed weekend.


Our Magnificent Father


(4th Wednesday of each month)



 CC0 Image courtesy of Gerd Aldmann – Pixabay.com

I recently read an excellent book on prayer, Destined For The Throne, by Paul E. Billheimer. In it he discusses the place and importance of praise. In a nutshell he says that praise develops our character, is good for our mental health, decentralises self and contributes to inner peace.

Billheimer also points out that both heaven and earth are engaged in one grand, uninterrupted chorus of praise to our creator.

If our life on earth is a dress rehearsal for the life to come in heaven, we’d better get with the programme. Praise and worship is not just for Sundays or mid-week meetings. Praise, prayer and worship needs to become an integral part of our daily lives.



20 . . . Blessed be the name of God forever and ever, for he alone has all wisdom and power. 21World events are under his control. He removes kings and sets others on their thrones. He gives wise men their wisdom, and scholars their intelligence. 22 He reveals profound mysteries beyond man’s understanding. He knows all hidden things, for he is light, and darkness is no obstacle to him. 23 I thank and praise you, O God of my fathers . . .

(Daniel 2:20-23 – The Living Bible)



Father God, we want to thank you for the privilege of being able to enter into your holy presence and fellowship with you. We come with boldness into your throne-room, to enjoy your presence, to present our needs and petitions.

Lord Jesus, you said a time would come when men’s hearts will fail them for fear. As we listen to and read the media reports, there are world events that could perhaps instil fear in our hearts. Thank you for your peace that surpasses natural understanding. Holy Spirit, minister that peace to our hearts and minds today and in the coming weeks.

Father God, in obedience to your word, we pray for our leaders and particularly for those who hold key international roles. We commit their lives into your hands. We ask that you direct their decisions. We pray that you will grant them wisdom, knowledge and understanding and that you will help them to rule with integrity and in justice.

Summon your power O God. Show us your awesome and miraculous might. Let your will be done on earth, as is being done in heaven. Our eyes are upon you, as we wait for the revelation of your grace and glory.

We ask this in faith and in the mighty, matchless name of Jesus. Amen.





 WoW! followers and visitors, have a blessed and victorious week.



The Stain Of Ingratitude



CCO Image – courtesy of Pixabay.com


If there’s one thing I just can’t abide, it is blatant ingratitude!

Whether it is as minor as the rudeness of an untrained child (who ought to know better) that grabs a sweet from your hand without saying “thank you”, or as major as the malicious person who conveniently forgets your former kindness and stabs you in the back with the knife of pernicious gossip, or deliberately plunges the lethal blade of false accusation into your reputation, or turns a blind eye to your hour of desperate need.

Ingratitude stinks! But it can be all too easy to spot ingratitude in others, yet not be aware of the varying shades of an unthankful heart within one’s own life.

If you got up this morning, you owe the breath in your body to God. Did you thank him? Are you grateful that you are alive when there are so many others who’ve had their lives snuffed out prematurely by famine, murder, war, terminal illness or tragedy? Or are you obsessing about what you don’t have… about unmet desires… about disappointed dreams?

If God had only sent his Son to die for you and me, in order to rescue us from eternal death and destruction, this would have been enough. But he has gone beyond that. He has ensured that we are not alone and defenceless in this troubled world and, he has equipped us with tools, to ensure we emerge victorious against the Enemy of our souls—should we choose to use them!

There are people blindly grasping at the straws of pseudo-spirituality through dubious avenues, whilst looking for an authentic connection with a higher being. Yet, those of us who know the Lord as our personal saviour, are privileged to have the most powerful being in the entire universe reveal himself to us, and furthermore, open the door to unfettered fellowship with him.

So, let’s not become like the Children of Israel, who became dissatisfied with their lot, took God for granted and failed to acknowledge his unfailing mercies, goodness and provision. Let’s take the time to offer him our sacrifices of praise and thanksgiving. Let’s celebrate our Father God.



I bless the holy name of God with all my heart.

Yes, I will bless the Lord and not forget the glorious things he does for me.

(Psalm 103:1-2 – The Living Bible)


Father God,

This morning, I choose to enter with thanksgiving, into the gates of intimate fellowship with you. I choose to enter into your holy courts with praise. Today, I choose to forget about my anxieties, needs and problems and remember the wonderful benefits of my salvation.

Thank you for sending Jesus to die for me, indeed for the whole world. Thank you for your unconditional love and your unmerited mercies, which are available every single morning. Thank you for your peace that surpasses natural understanding and for your promise to keep me in a state of perfect peace, when I focus my mind upon you.

Almighty God (Elohim), I praise your awesome name. Lord God (Jehovah), who can compare with you? You are a covenant-keeping God… you are the true and living God… you are the sovereign ruler of Heaven and Earth—and besides you, there is no one else, there is no other supreme being!






 Women of Warfare! followers and visitors – have a peaceful and victorious week.


Alpha and Omega



CCO Public Domain - Image from Pixabay.com
CCO Public Domain – Image from Pixabay.com


A little while back I made a vow to myself.

Today, I renew that vow. Never, ever again, will I ascribe the word “awesome” to anything, or anyone but my Father God and his Son, Jesus Christ. Never!


Because there is nothing and no one besides them worthy of such an adjective. NOTHING and NO ONE!

My dictionary (Chambers 21st Century Dictionary) gives the following definition for the word awesome:

  1. causing awe or deserving awe
  2. colloq: completely and utterly wonderful

Now let’s look at the word “awe”.

  • noun:    admiration, fear and wonder
  • verb:     to fill with awe, in awe of someone or something – filled with admiration for them or it, but often slightly intimidated too.

Yet even these definitions do not go far enough for me when it comes to describing my Father God. So, bearing these in mind, let’s also consider the following:

“And they saw the God of Israel. And there was under His feet as it were a paved work of sapphire stone, and it was like the very heavens in its clarity.”  (Exodus 24:10)


“Immediately I was in the Spirit; and behold, a throne set in heaven and One sat on the throne.

And He who sat there was like a jasper and a sardius stone in appearance; and there was a rainbow around the throne, in appearance like an emerald.”  (Revelation 4:2-3)


“And above the firmament over their heads was the likeness of a throne, in appearance like a sapphire stone; on the likeness of the throne was a likeness with the appearance of a man high above it.

Also from the appearance of His waist and upward I saw, as it were, the colour of amber with the appearance of fire all around within it; and from the appearance of His waist and downward I saw, as it were, the appearance of fire with brightness all around.

Like the appearance of a rainbow in a cloud on a rainy day, so was the appearance of the brightness all around it. This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord.”  (Ezekiel 1:26-28)

When you read these verses, together with their surrounding passages describing the hosts of angels, the 24 elders and the 4 mind-boggling creatures, all bowing down or prostrating themselves in worship before this Being of jewelled fiery brilliance and utter purity, you cannot help but be awed. You cannot help but say: “You are awesome Holy God!”

Imagine standing before such a One. Would you be absentminded? Would you be flippant? Would you be querulous? Would you dare believe that a paltry sacrifice of auto-pilot praise and worship would suffice, as you might do in a church meeting, or even in your devotional time?

When Jesus was on this Earth, he declared that God was looking for worshippers who will worship him in spirit and in truth (John 4:23-24).

Our Father God is accustomed to an atmosphere of undiluted, uninhibited and exuberant praise from beings and creatures that are always in his presence—day and night.

Does not this fact, plus the wondrous reality of his exquisite being make you want to step up your game and worship him wholeheartedly, worship him more often, worship Him from a new perspective—as One who alone is AWESOME?

I sincerely hope it does. I pray that you will be prompted to ask our Father God to give you an increasing and ongoing revelation of his holiness and majestic being. After all, he is surely worthy of our devoted praise.

*****   *****   *****


You are worthy, O Lord,

To receive glory and honour and power

Who shall not fear You, O Lord,

And glorify your name?

For You alone are holy.

(Revelation 4:11; 15:4)



Father God, we have heard and read much about you. We even enjoy some semblance of a relationship with you, for which we are grateful. But Father God, we want to become so intimately acquainted with you, so reverential of your wondrous person that our very hearts and souls stand perpetually in awe of you.

Take us on that journey Lord. Motivate us to seek your face as never before. Help us to ascend those heights… to plunge those depths and explore the ever-widening horizon in our knowledge of you.

In Jesus’ name we earnestly pray. Amen.




WoW! followers and visitors – have a blessed week and may the peace of God rest upon you and upon your loved ones.

Celebrating the Father-heart of God





Every good and every perfect gift is from above and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning (James 1:17 NKJ)

Every desirable and beneficial gift comes out of heaven. The gifts are rivers of light cascading down from the Father of Light. There is nothing deceitful in God, nothing two-faced, nothing fickle. (James 1:17 TM)



Father God,

I don’t want to merely read about, or sing of your goodness. I want to be wholly convinced of it. I ask you to settle this truth deep down in my heart. Help me to stand firm in that assurance, even when things do not go according to my plans or meet with my expectations.

Father God, draw me closer to you with your gentle cords of love. Continue to work within my heart so I may fulfil your perfect will according to your satisfaction and your delight.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.



Chris Tomlin and Pat Barrett – You are a good good father

(Please don’t skip this – take a moment to sit before God and allow him to minister to your heart)


WoW! followers and visitors, may I encourage you to draw closer to your Heavenly Father this week and rest in His unchanging goodness, peace and security? Have a blessed and victorious week.

Praise Anthems


Image by Oliver & Hen Pritchard-Barrett (Unsplash.com)



What a beautiful thing, God, to give thanks.

To sing an anthem to you, the High God!

To announce your love each daybreak,

Sing your faithful presence all through the night,

Accompanied by dulcimer and harp,

The full-bodied music of strings.

(Psalm 92:1-3 – The Message)



Abba Father,

What an honour you have bestowed upon us, in bringing us into royal relationship with you… in deigning to bend your ear to listen to our prayers… in scattering our paths with your bountiful blessings.

Thank you Father God for your manifest presence in our lives. Thank you Heavenly Father for your daily mercies and unconditional love. Help us to glorify you with sincere hearts and joyful lips. May we magnify you in our minds, celebrate you with our songs and exalt you with our praises. I ask this in the matchless name of your Son, Jesus. Amen.




Women of Warfare! followers and visitors, have a blessed and victorious week!

A Grateful Heart






You are my God, and I will praise You;

You are my God, I will exalt You.

Bless the Lord, O my soul;

And all that is within me, bless His Holy name!

Bless the Lord, O my soul,

And forget not all His benefits

(Psalm 118:28; Psalm 103:1-2)



Father God,

Forgive us when we murmur and complain. Open our eyes to see the wonderful blessings you have showered upon our lives. Open our hearts and enable us to appreciate your goodness and mercy toward us. May we acknowledge in humility that we have done nothing to deserve your unfailing love and kindness. Open our mouths that we may speak with tongues of gratitude and glorify you in the manner you deserve.





Have you deposited into your “Thank God account” today?

Women of Warfare! (Wow!) followers and visitors, I wish you God’s joy, peace and favour throughout the coming week.



Awesome, August and All-powerful!



marble(KatrinSchulz)-393357_960_720Image: Katrin Schulz – Pixabay.com



GOD! Let the cosmos praise your wonderful ways,

The choir of holy angels sing anthems to your faithful ways!

Search high and low, scan skies and land,

You’ll find nothing and no one quite like GOD.

The holy angels are in awe before him;

He looms immense and august over everyone around him.

GOD of the Angel Armies, who is like you,

Powerful and faithful from every angle?

(Psalm 89:5-8: The Message)




Father God,

Since creation shouts in triumphant testimony to your phenomenal power,

How can our lips refrain from praising you?

You are awesome Holy God.

Having fashioned us from dust into complex works of art,

How can we refuse to sacrifice our lives to you?

You are worthy Holy God.

Crowned with precious gifts for your service, dare we use them for self-glory?

You are gracious Holy God.

Hear the cry of our hearts and

Let the work of our hands glorify—not alienate you.

May our endeavours reinforce your divine order—not undermine it.

Combine our private faith and public pursuits into a pleasing and lingering fragrance,

Which rises like incense to your throne. Amen.

© Carol Hind 2005



(please don’t skip this video – you will be blessed! – I recommend that you open this to full screen)




Wishing all Women of Warfare! (Wow!) followers and visitors a Happy Easter!



We Exalt and Worship You O Lord






Yours, O Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty, for all that is in the heavens and the earth is Yours; Yours is the kingdom, O Lord, and Yours it is to be exalted as Head over all.

Both riches and honour come from You, and You reign over all. In Your hands are power and might; in your hands it is to make great and to give strength to all.

Now therefore, our God, we thank you and praise Your glorious name and those attributes which that name denotes.

1 Chronicles 29:11-13 (Amplified Bible)



Awesome God, I come into your Holy Presence with heartfelt praise and thanksgiving. Thank you for making me worthy through the precious blood of your Son, Jesus. Father God, I choose to magnify you today. I choose to magnify you above those circumstances which have distracted and broken my focus. I choose to hand those situations over to you, to trust you and not lean on my own understanding. I choose to recall that your mercies are new every morning and to remember you as a covenant-keeping God. I choose to exalt you above my fears, inadequacies and insecurities. I choose to worship you in the beauty of holiness. Be exalted O Lord God most High. Thank you for welcoming me into your throne room and thank you for hearing my prayer. Amen.




Women of Warfare followers and visitors, may the Lord bless you and keep you safe, may His grace and favour surround you and may His peace that surpasses all understanding be yours throughout this week.


An Awesome God!





Awesome God, You are worthy to be praised. I bring to you today my sacrifice of joy and thanksgiving. Grant me O Lord an ever-increasing sense of your mighty power… an ever-increasing revelation of your glory and might. In Jesus’s name I pray. Amen.



Who among the gods is like you, O Lord?

Who is like you—majestic in holiness,

Awesome in glory,

Working wonders?

(Exodus 15:11 NIV)





Women of Warfare, may the peace of God be with you – have a blessed week!