Not After Sundown!






The Chambers 21st Century Dictionary gives the following definition:

a feeling of great displeasure or annoyance, usually brought on by some real or perceived injustice, injury etc.

And VINE’S Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words describes anger as: “the strongest of all passions”.


I recently shared a post about Iago (a character in the Shakespearean play Othello), who became so angered when his superior did not choose him for promotion that he set about destroying this man’s marriage.

The Bible tells us that anger rests in the bosom of a fool.  Well. I certainly don’t wish to be a fool, nor do I want to be considered a fool in God’s eyes.

In fact, I don’t want anger to rest within me, to make its home in me. I don’t like the idea of me making anger comfortable in my life, allowing it free bed and board, so to speak.

I am referring to the type of anger that is corrosive. The kind that destroys either yourself as you harbour it within your heart, or motivates you to hurt others.

The Bible shares various stories which reveal how unrestrained anger can eventually escalate out of control and manifest itself into something evil. Cain killed his own brother (Genesis 4:3-8) and Haman plotted to annihilate all Jews (Esther 3:1-6).

I recognise and admit that I’ve struggled in the past to reign in my anger, so that it does not harm me, so that I do not stew in resentment or bitterness because of what people have done, or said, which has hurt me.

When I look back over my life, I can see that I failed to obey the Bible’s command to let go before sundown, any issue which arouses my anger. And, if I’m honest, I still struggle with this sundown deadline.


However, as I seek to be changed into Christ’s image, and as I consider more and more all that Jesus willingly suffered on my behalf, in order that I might become a member of God’s family and be conformed to the image of his Son, the greater has been my desire to deal with those areas of my life which are contrary to God’s will, contrary to his Word, contrary to my standing as a disciple, and decision to take up my cross and follow Christ.

To me, unrighteous anger is like an illegal immigrant. It needs to be discovered and deported! In fact, unchecked anger has to go, since it opens the door for the Enemy to come in and take up residence within our lives! I am sure you are familiar with that old adage about giving someone an inch and them taking a mile. We can be sure that the devil is no different.

Dear reader, are you seeking to walk in life as a victorious overcomer? Then let me encourage you today to examine your hearts. And if anger, has been a long-term bed-fellow in your heart, recognise it has the capacity to cause significant internal damage.

Jesus went to a lot of trouble and suffered immense pain, so we can be made whole, so we can lead victorious lives. Now, we can acknowledge the huge cost Jesus paid on our behalf, and avail ourselves of the abundant life he desires us to have, or we can pander to the carnal dictates of our flesh and continue to live our lives, as victims. The choice is ours!

Victim, or victor? Which will you choose?

With love,

 Carol (aka Lady Cee)

Choosing to walk as a victorious overcomer

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