Update! (New Purpose-Driven Achiever Posts)

Hello Fellow Bloggers,

I am having to advertise my PDA posts through my Women of Warfare! (WoW!) blog site since, for some obscure reason my PDA posts do not appear in the Reader. Consequently, I have no means of driving traffic towards this other blog, or making potentially interested bloggers aware of its existence.

Thank you for your forbearance.

 The following are three posts, which I hope will be of interest to you.  To read more, simply click on the links and they will bring you to the relevant post on my Purpose-driven achiever blog site.DownArrow(tremara1)-254093_960_720

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Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude (Denis Waitley).



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As purpose-driven believers and dream-achievers we can all benefit from the advice of those who have already reached that pinnacle of success in their own lives.



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It’s vital to have a supportive community around you. It’s important to have people who will speak a positive word into your life. And it can be invaluable, when that key word is spoken at the right time. I read a post this week from a very switched-on young lady, whose words of wisdom belie her years. I just had to reblog this post and I trust it will be a timely word of encouragement and inspiration to many of you.



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PS: If you wish to like these posts, or leave any comments, I’d be grateful if you would kindly put these on my Purpose-driven achiever site. Thank you.

New PDA Post! – May I Wash Your Feet?

Hello Fellow Bloggers,

I write for another blog site but for some obscure reason my posts from there do not appear in the Reader. Consequently, I have no means of driving traffic towards this other blog, or making potentially interested bloggers aware of its existence.

I am therefore resorting to advertising my new posts through my Women of Warfare! (WoW!) blog and appreciate your forbearance.




JesusWashingFeet (BennoOosterom)-1051030_960_720

Image from Benno Oosterom – Pixabay.com

In recent weeks we’ve been looking at life metaphors. One of mine is that life is a journey. I believe most of you would agree with me that we are all on a journey of some kind—a journey towards our dreams and aspirations, towards God’s purpose for our lives and ultimately towards our eternal destiny.

In biblical times it was the custom for hosts to wash the dust and grime from the feet of their guests. It was an act of hospitality but also seen as an act of servitude. To wash someone else’s feet requires humility, as demonstrated by Jesus when he laid aside his garments to wash the feet of his disciples.

To read this post in its entirety please visit: https://apurposedrivenachiever.wordpress.com/2016/03/25/may-i-wash-your-feet/

If you are minded to leave a comment, like, or rating of this post, please do so on my PDA blog site. Many thanks!


New Post! (Purpose Driven Achiever)

Hello Fellow Bloggers,

I write for another blog site but for some obscure reason my posts from there do not appear in the Reader. Consequently, I have no means of driving traffic towards this other blog, or making potentially interested bloggers aware of its existence.

I am therefore resorting to advertising my new posts through my Women of Warfare! (WoW!) blog and appreciate your forbearance.



Charisma or Character?

In his best-selling publication, The Purpose Driven Life, Rick Warren said that when we understand life is a test, we will realise that there is no situation we face and no incident that occurs, which is insignificant.

So, what is the purpose of tests?

Deuteronomy 8:2 provides a clue:

And you shall remember that the Lord your God led you all the way these forty years in the wilderness, to humble and test you, to know what was in your heart, whether you would keep his commandments or not.

And Rick Warren further elaborates on the purpose of tests. He says:

Character is both developed and revealed by tests

And so, in this post, we’re going to take a look at character.

To read this post in its entirety please visit: https://apurposedrivenachiever.wordpress.com/2016/03/18/charisma-or-character/





Is Your Life-Metaphor Flawed?





  • An expression in which the person, action or thing referred to is described as if it really were what it merely resembles (Chambers 21st Century Dictionary)


In his book, The Purpose Driven Life, Rick Warren states that the way we see our lives will shape our lives. He says, whether consciously or unconsciously, our life-metaphor (the internal image we have of life) will influence how we conduct our lives…

Interested in reading more? Please visit my PDA blog.

Not yet read part one? Follow this link.


PS: If you wish to like this PDA post, or leave a comment, I’d be grateful if you would kindly put these on my purpose-driven achiever site. Thank you.


What is your Life Metaphor?






An expression in which the person, action or thing referred to is described as if it really were what it merely resembles (Chambers 21st Century Dictionary)


…What metaphor do you use to describe your life?

To read more please visit my PDA blog


PS: If you wish to like this post, or leave a comment, I’d be grateful if you would kindly put these on my purpose-driven achiever site. Thank you.


Give God Your All

Image from: Pixabay..com
Image from: Pixabay..com


Has your life been a failure so far? God can change that! Have you enjoyed a measure of success? God can take you to a higher level of achievement! Want to maximise your potential? Make yourself available to God! He is able to do infinitely beyond your highest desires and dreams.

To read more please visit: https://apurposedrivenachiever.wordpress.com/2016/01/22/give-god-your-all/


PS: if you are so inclined, please leave your comments and/or likes in relation to this post  at my Purpose-driven achiever site. Thank you.