New Month – New Me!

Hello dear friends and visitors,

How has the past two months of 2024 been for you? I trust it has gone well and that this post finds you enjoying good health and strength—emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually.

And if that is not the case for you for whatever reason, I pray God’s amazing grace, peace and strength be with you in the coming days, weeks, and months, and I also pray that God will touch your life afresh, in a new, noticeable, and undeniable way!

For myself, thinking back to just over one year ago, the unexpected death of my dear sister threw me off target, and since I’m still struggling to get back on track, I do feel for, and commiserate with you, if you are dealing with some sort of tragedy or misfortune.

Dear reader, I wonder how you are doing with your goals/resolutions. Did you set any at the beginning of this year? If you didn’t, I hope that you at least picked a meaningful word for the year (WOTY), to encourage and motivate you during the months ahead. My WOTY is LIVE!

So, here we are in a brand-new month. I was wondering how I may encourage myself and my readers, to use the new opportunities that a brand-new month offers. Okay, maybe we are not used to looking at each new month in the same way that we view a New Year, but I found myself wondering, why not? Why not capitalize on that feeling of turning a new page and use each month to re-motivate yourself? So, my dear friend, why not climb aboard and embrace the idea of “New Month – New Me!”?

After all, if we did so, then we’d have 12 fresh opportunities to plan, pursue and execute… 12 new opportunities to assess our growth and plan our ongoing development. And whilst I suspect most of you reading this are thinking that I mean personal development or health goals, in the secular sense, what I am referring to and seeking to get you to think about, are spiritual goals.

Did you set any?

If not, why not challenge yourself to do so, beginning with this month?

The above image comes courtesy of Unsplash

Perhaps you may be wondering what kind of spiritual goals you could pursue. Let me help you with some ideas:

  • Read the entire Bible in 1 year but if you’d find that too daunting, take 2 years (Old Testament in year 1 and the New Testament the following year). And why not try an unfamiliar version?
  • Journal about your devotional sessions for 1 year
  • Pray regularly for 1 or 2 unsaved friends / family members to commit their lives to Christ
  • Read 2-3 Christian books in an area you would like to grow in, takes notes and review regularly. Decide on which aspect intrigues / challenges you, begin applying to your life, then journal about the results
  • Fast (1 meal per week, or try 1 day per month, or per quarter)
  • Increase your current time spent in fellowship with God by 5-15 mins (more if you wish) and try to introduce a new or creative element every month (e.g. write a “Dear God” letter, compose a poem or song to the Lord)
  • Learn a minimum of 5 Bible verses related to an area you struggle with (e.g. anger, fear, forgiveness, ill health, or insecurity) and start meditating on these.

I hope I have given you something to consider and strive for.

The above image comes courtesy of Unsplash

Dear reader, may I invite you to make a concerted effort to pursue at least one spiritual goal this year, and to begin doing so this month? If you forget, become discouraged, or get side-tracked, start again next month. And by way of encouragement, let me remind you of a well-known proverb:

If at first you don’t succeed, try, try, and try again!

Now, if you are someone already pursuing a goal for your spiritual growth and development, well done! And keep going!

Prayer Focus:

Let’s pray firstly, for one another’s spiritual growth and maturity this year and secondly, that we will maintain our motivation as we pursue our spiritual goals.

PS: Are you wearing your spiritual armour daily? You need to, if you are to walk victoriously in life, remain resolute in your faith, and stand firm on the battlefield of prayer!



What a privilege you have given us—to be a member of your royal family!

We thank you for welcoming us into your holy presence without reservation and accept the invite to visit your throne of grace, to seek specific help in our moments of need.

Father-God, we want to please you, and live our lives in a way that honours and glorifies you. We seek to comply with your command that we don’t conform to the ways of this world but allow ourselves to be changed into the image and nature of your Son, Jesus Christ.

Lord Jesus, grant us daily strength and motivation to complete our goals. May our efforts to make spiritual progress bring you pleasure and align with your purpose for our lives.

Holy Spirit, you know our failings, our shortcomings, our areas of weakness. Show us those aspects of our lives where we need to develop and grow. Help us to pursue an achievable program to address them. We ask that you bring relevant scriptures to our remembrance that will challenge, or encourage us, as occasion demands.

We acknowledge that success will not be by personal might or willpower alone but by your enabling grace and therefore ask for your sustaining help, so that we may earnestly pursue and achieve our spiritual goals.

Heavenly Father, thank you for supplying every spiritual resource required to help us on our spiritual journey. Thank you for hearing our petition today and for granting our requests.

In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

© Carol Hind

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Sunday’s Supplications

Sunday’s Supplications invites you to not only read the posts but also participate in the prayers. Let’s pray for ourselves and for each other. Let’s obey God’s command to watch and pray for all the saints (Ephesians 6:18)

Please note, you do not have to be a blogger to participate in this praying community.

Women of Warfare followers and visitors I wish you a victorious week and a successful month pursuing your spiritual goals.

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Are you looking for a resource that will help you to draw closer to God and develop a consistent and confident prayer life? Then please don’t hesitate to check out the links below.



Don’t Be a Hothouse Christian!

The above image comes courtesy of

I have a question to ask of you today. Are you a hothouse Christian?

What a strange question to ask (you may be thinking), and what on earth is a ‘hothouse’ Christian?

Let me explain.

A hothouse Christian is a term used by revivalist, Tommy Tenney, in his book The God Chasers. He describes this type of Christian as those who:

…bloom as long as they are kept in a protected and carefully controlled environment far from fear, distress, or persecution.

Tenney goes on to say the following:

…if you take hothouse Christians out of their protected environment and put them into the real world where the wind of adversity blows and the rain of sorrow falls; if they have to endure the hot sun and the drought it brings, then they discover that they never developed a root system in the hothouse. So they wither…

Is there a biblical precedent for this kind of thinking? Well, yes!

Jesus shared two parables warning his listeners about:

  1. the folly of not taking his teachings to heart and therefore building their spiritual house on a foundation of sand, and
  2. the fate of those who do not allow God’s Word to fall on good ground (i.e. fall into hearts prepared to hear and act upon the Word, allowing it to bear fruit in their lives).

You can read or refresh your memory about these parables in Matthew 7:24-27 and Luke 8:11-15.

Now obviously, you can’t put into action what you don’t know, or don’t recall, so are you regularly reading God’s Word?

And sorry friend, I do not mean a single scripture verse or two, every now and again. I do not mean Psalm 23 whenever occasion demands. I mean, are you regularly reading ample portions of scripture?  


If the unthinkable should happen, and you find yourself a persecuted Christian… if the unimaginable should take place and you as a Christian find yourself having to endure hunger, war, or religious persecution, could you cope?

I don’t mean to alarm or depress you dear friend, but as world events draw us closer and closer towards the end times, we should be asking ourselves these things.

How would you or I fare if what happened in the Ukraine, or Israel and Palestine, was to occur in our own part of the world? Would our faith remain intact?

Dear believer, since the Bible tells us that faith comes by hearing and hearing faith comes by (or through) the Word, can you see… can you appreciate how important it is to know God’s Word? I do hope so!

Let us pray.

Prayer Focus:

During the coming days, weeks, and months, let us pray for ourselves and our brothers and sisters in Christ (both nationally and internationally), that if we are guilty of neglecting the Bible, then we will fall in love with God’s Word and make it a priority in our lives.

PS: Are you wearing your spiritual armour daily? You need to, if you are to walk victoriously in life, remain resolute in your faith, and stand firm on the battlefield of prayer!


Father God,

We want to thank you today for the privilege of being able to call upon you and offer prayers and petitions with full assurance that you hear us.

In obedience to your direction that we remain watchful and offer supplications for all saints, we approach you on behalf of ourselves and our fellow-Christians around the world.

O Lord God, in a secular, political and spiritual climate that is constantly changing and feels erratic and unstable, we thank you that your Word is forever fixed and unchanging, a valuable spiritual resource to which we can anchor our souls.

Lord Jesus, we acknowledge your role as our faithful High Priest who ever lives to make intercession for us, and we thank you for your representations to the Father, on our behalf.

Holy Spirit, we repent for neglecting to pay proper attention to God’s Word. We ask that you stir up within our hearts an ever-increasing hunger for the Word. Help us to give it a place of true priority in our lives. As we commit to reading and meditating upon it regularly, open the eyes of our understanding, so we can receive its encouraging, life-changing truths, so we can obey its commands, and so that our faith becomes rooted and grounded in that which is solid and stable.

Holy Godhead members, our eyes are upon you.  We invite you to do the necessary work within us so that we are fully prepared for whatever may lay ahead of us.

Father-God, we offer this petition in faith, and ask in the name of your Son, Jesus. Amen.

© Carol Hind

Women of Warfare followers and visitors I wish you a victorious week!

Are you reading your Bible regularly, or were you challenged by this post? Please share your response in a comment box below. I’d love to hear from you. And if there is someone you believe could benefit from its message, please don’t hesitate to share it.

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Sunday’s Supplications

Sunday’s Supplications invites you to not only read the posts but also participate in the prayers. Let’s pray for ourselves and for each other. Let’s obey God’s command to watch and pray for all the saints (Ephesians 6:18)

Please note, you do not have to be a blogger to participate in this praying community.

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If you would like some help with your spiritual growth, here’s a resource that will encourage you to draw closer to God and develop a consistent and confident prayer life. Why not check out one of the links below?



A Disquieted Soul





  • To act as a peacemaker between (two parties, countries, etc)
  • (Usually intercede for someone) to plead or make an appeal on their behalf (Chambers 21st Century Dictionary)


Why are you cast down, O my soul?

And why are you disquieted within me?

Hope in God…

(Psalm 42:5 NKJV)

It is hard not to feel a sense of disquiet within my soul.

I sit in the safety of my own home. I look out of my window at the sun-splashed brick walls of neighbouring homes. I can see a small section of the main road which intersects with our secluded cul-de-sac. Apart from the odd car passing, the gentle ticking of my clock and the clacking of my fingers across a keyboard, all is quiet, all is at peace, all is at it should be.

But if I allow myself to contemplate, and turn my thoughts toward Gaza, then a very different scenario unfolds.

There is the carnage and rubble of bombardments. There is the displacement of citizens. There is the cry of innocent babies oblivious to the military tit-for-tat incursions taking place around them, which have left both them and the medical staff caring for them, without the necessary fuel, food, and infrastructure to care for them properly, to sustain their lives. There is the fear and despair of hostages not yet released. There is the stench of death and foreboding. There is neither peace nor safety.

Taking sides does not help. Airing opinions will not change the situation. Political and international discourse can only go so far.

So, who, or what is the answer?

God is the answer!

And seeking God’s intervention in this world’s affairs, in this ruinous war between Israel and HAMAS, inviting His assistance (through our intercession, prayers, and petitions), is the way forward.

It is God who has the power to change and direct hearts. It is God who is able to tread down His enemies. It is God who has the wisdom and ability to devise a way through impossible scenarios.

Dear reader, God does not sit back upon his sapphire-paved throne and leave humankind to “get on with it”, whilst the forces of evil behind terrorism and war, destroy nations, neighbourhoods, and native citizens. It is not God’s will for Satan and his cohorts to carry on their diabolical work without restraint.

So, if God is so mighty, why doesn’t he just up and do something? Why do we even need to pray?

Because God gave over the responsibility of dominion and the care of this earth to humankind. Having done so, he requires us to ask him to intervene. Because to intervene without being asked, would be akin to a relationship counsellor barging their way into the marital home of a quarrelsome couple and imposing their counsel and will, unasked! To intervene without being asked would make him no better than the despotic leaders or mercenaries of politically unstable lands, who decide to mount a coup.

That is why, Jesus’ model prayer includes the request: Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

That is why Jesus said: Men always ought to pray and not lose heart.

That is why God said: If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves, and pray…

So, will you pray? Will you take time out of your day or your week, to intercede for your beleaguered brothers and sisters in Christ, who reside in *Israel and Palestine? Will you have compassion for those who have been left destitute, disheartened, and displaced?

Prayer Focus:

Let us pray for one another to be faithful, fervent supplicants, and let us also pray for those in war-torn lands, particularly for the Israeli and Palestinian residents caught up amid a horrific battle.

PS: Are you wearing your spiritual armour daily? You need to, if you are to walk victoriously in life, remain resolute in your faith, and stand firm on the battlefield of prayer!

Let us pray.

Father God in Heaven,

We come before you to present our petition on behalf of those men, women and children who live in war-torn lands.

We pray especially for those who are members of the Body of Christ. We ask that you grant them inner peace and well-being, despite their circumstances. We ask that you grant them hope for their future. May that hope act as an anchor for their soul. May it keep them grounded and settled in their faith and in their relationship with you. Cast your canopy of divine protection over their lives. Comfort those who have suffered loss of home, family members, and livelihoods.

Almighty God, we cry out to you on behalf of both Israel and Palestine. We ask that you intervene and bring a solution to end the conflict on both sides. We thank you that what seems, or is, impossible for man, is possible for you.

Summon your miraculous might and awesome power Lord God and cause your good and perfect will to be done. We ask that you thwart the plans and devices of terrorist organizations and bring their counsel to nought. Orchestrate those circumstances that will lead to peace and reconciliation.

Prince of Peace, we ask that you take full control in these combat zones. Cause your spirit of peace to override animosities. Take captive and rule the hearts of leaders and citizens. May your good and perfect will prevail in these territories.

Father God, we ask in faith and seal our request with the all-conquering name of Jesus. Amen.

© Carol Hind

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Sunday’s Supplications

Sunday’s Supplications invites you to not only read the posts but also participate in the prayers. Let’s pray for ourselves and for each other. Let’s obey God’s command to watch and pray for all the saints (Ephesians 6:18)

Please note, you do not have to be a blogger to participate in this praying community.

Women of Warfare followers and visitors, I wish you a week of peace and victory!

With love,


Author, Blogger & Prayer Advocate

Are you looking for a resource that will help you to draw closer to God and develop a consistent and confident prayer life?

*Are you unsure about how to pray for Israel? Petitions From My Heart, includes four ready-made prayers focused on Israel.

Why not check out the links below?



Passionate, Prideful, or Petulant?




  • ask humbly for something (Oxford English Minidictionary)
  • 1. (Usually supplicate for something) to humbly and earnestly request it.
  • 2. (Usually supplicate someone for something) to humbly and earnestly request them for it. (Chambers 21st Century Dictionary)


Hello dear friends,

Are you a passionate, prideful, or petulant pray-er?

Do you pray in faith, with expectation, or do you pray from a sense of entitlement?

Many of you will be familiar with the idea of asking God for something. In fact, for most of us perhaps this is the only, or the main feature, of our prayer lives. To ask… and ask… and ask…

And there’s nothing wrong with that of course. Even Jesus in his teaching on prayer invites us to ask. He said:

Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.

 (Matthew 7:7 NKJV)

However, what I want to bring to your attention today is the way in which you ask. Because, in this modern age, we live in a world where a sense of entitlement is played out with regularity in our lives – upon our TV screens, digital devices and written publications, within relationships, mindsets and attitudes.

Entitlement is the name of the game, and it is reinforced in our hearts by the idea we can get something for nothing!

These days, that “something” sought, is not the piddly prize of a book or a gift token, but is more likely to be the grand, attractive, and desirable prize of becoming a lottery-win millionaire, or inheriting a large fortune, or becoming a Reality TV celebrity, a social media influencer, even an overnight music star.

Fame and fortune. Recognition and rewards. But even if our aspirations do not run along such lines, we can become subtly influenced (infected) by the superstar virus which drives such ambitions. We want things to happen quickly. We want mega-visible results, and we want it NOW! And this worldly attitude can seep out into our prayer lives.

I must admit that the Bible stories of Jesus’ miraculous accomplishments (the healings and displays of supernatural power that invariably occurred with immediate effect), had raised certain expectations, influencing my prayers, causing me to fall into this same entitlement trap. I wanted miraculous answers to prayer, and I wanted it NOW (within my timeframe). Can anyone relate?

Having embraced the prayer warrior mantle, it’s easy to start believing that effectiveness in prayer comes about simply because you’ve seen it, done it, and own the tee-shirt!

However, as the above definition reveals, there’s a difference between asking with a sense of entitlement, and asking humbly, asking earnestly.

To ask humbly is to recognise that the answer is not dependent upon you, your knowledge or past prayer experiences. To ask humbly, is to recognise that the person to whom you are making your request is an almighty, awesome being, who is bigger, higher, wiser than you, the supplicant. To ask humbly is to recognise that God works to his own timetable – not yours!

And as implied in the definition above, as supplicants, we are to ask earnestly. Not selfishly. Not petulantly. And certainly not from an attitude of entitlement.

So, what does it mean to be earnest?

It means to show serious feeling and intention. It means to show determination, sincerity, strong emotion.

Like Moses, who when God threatened to wipe out the entire nation of Israel and start afresh with himself, was more concerned with God’s reputation than his promotion.

Like the apostle Paul, who preferred for himself to be excluded from God’s grace and favour, if it meant that the entire nation of Israel could be included (see Romans 9:1-3).  

Like Elijah, who was so zealous for the spiritual well-being of his nation and for the reputation of God, that he challenged Israel to an incredible competition between Jehovah and Baal. In fact, Elijah is pointed out to us as an exemplar, when it comes to effective and fervent prayer (James 5:17-18).

And so, my dear friends, let me ask you today:

How do you pray?

  • Like a child with a long wish list for Father Christmas?
  • Like a fearful slave begging for scraps of favour from a hard-hearted master?
  • Like an ungrateful child who has begun to take for granted their relationship and position of grace with their heavenly father?


  • Like a humble supplicant? – someone who respects their relationship with the Lord and recognises they are both a co-labourer with God, and a conduit, for His mercy and power.

We are privileged in that we’ve been made priests and kings in God’s kingdom. Let us not behave like King Ahab, with a sense of entitlement. Let us not pray like the Pharisee exposed in Luke 18:9-14, harbouring a secret sense of superiority that soon becomes evident by our prayers.

Let us choose to be like John the Baptist, humbly realising that Christ (his Word, his will, and his character), must increase in our hearts and lives.

Prayer Focus:

Let us pray for one another to be faithful, fervent supplicants, giving our Father God, the reverence and respect he is rightly due and reflecting such attitudes in our prayers.

PS: Are you wearing your spiritual armour daily? You need to, if you are to walk victoriously in life, remain resolute in your faith, and stand firm on the battlefield of prayer!


Father God,

We want to honour you today, as the God who does all things after the counsel of your own will. We want to recognise that your thoughts and ways are much higher than our thoughts and ways. We choose to acknowledge that your plans are beyond our comprehension and finite capacity.

We exalt you in our hearts and in our lives, as the only true and Living God, the one who is in complete control of all events and situations, the one who is all-powerful, all-seeing, and ever-present everywhere.

We want to thank you for the privilege of being a co-labourer with you through our prayers and our deeds. We want to acknowledge that we are nothing of ourselves and can do nothing by our own efforts, which will make one iota of difference in the supernatural realm.

Jesus, it is in you we live and move and have our being. Holy Spirit, we acknowledge it is not by our personal might or prayer power that we can accomplish the Lord’s will or fulfil His purpose. We thank you in anticipation of your assistance, Holy Spirit.

Help us to pray effectively and fervently. Remind us to offer our supplications to God in a spirit of humility. Remind us that our prayers should serve God’s purposes and not our own. Let us not be prideful or petulant petitioners but enable us to pray in sincerity for others, in accordance with God’s will, in faith, and with the right attitude of expectation.

We ask this Father God in the matchless name of your son, Jesus. Amen.

© Carol Hind

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Sunday’s Supplications

Sunday’s Supplications invites you to not only read the posts but also participate in the prayers. Let’s pray for ourselves and for each other. Let’s obey God’s command to watch and pray for all the saints (Ephesians 6:18)

Please note, you do not have to be a blogger to participate in this praying community.

Women of Warfare followers and visitors I wish you a victorious week!

With love,


Author, Blogger & Prayer Advocate

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Where Are You?


The kiss of the Sun for pardon, The song of the birds for mirth, You are nearer God’s heart in a garden than anywhere else on earth!

Hello, my dear family, friends and followers,

I am trusting that you are well and have emerged from the Covid-19/Lock-down drama with your faith intact.

I have a question for you dear ones.

Where are you?

Now before I unpack what it I’d like to say, to encourage you on your spiritual journey, let me ask whether this question raises any recognition bells in your mind. I’ll give you a moment to think.


Now, given that I’m speaking into the context of those who love God and are followers of Christ, and trusting that you are familiar with your Bible, I believe you will recognise that this is a question God had asked Adam and Eve, in the book of Genesis (see Genesis 3:9).

Where are you?

Why did he ask this?

Because when he came into the Garden of Eden to fellowship with them (as was his usual custom), on this particular occasion, they were nowhere to be seen.


Because Adam and Eve had hidden themselves away. They were ashamed to meet with God because they had disobeyed his command and as a result of their disobedience they became aware of themselves in a negative way. They were naked and ashamed. But hang on, they had always been naked. Previously they’d not been ashamed. So what had suddenly made the difference?

Satan. The Devil. Mr Diablo. The Enemy of our souls!

He had made the difference. And the difference he brought into Adam and Eve’s lives was not positive. It was not life-enhancing. In fact, it brought a curse upon all humanity.

Satan had lied. He’d manipulated the truth. He’d implied by his words that perhaps God had misrepresented facts and was withholding something desirable from Adam and Eve. He suggested they could be their own gods, operate in their own wisdom, experience life on their own terms. And all Eve had to do to make this happen was eat of the forbidden fruit from the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. So she did. And the rest as they say, is history!

Before this event took place, it was Adam and Eve’s practice to fellowship with God daily. After the event however, they hid from His presence. They felt naked and exposed and no longer saw themselves as worthy.

Now when God called and asked “where are you?” do you think he didn’t know the answer to his question? Do you think that the One who is omniscient, didn’t know what had happened and why his two friends, his son and daughter had not kept their fellowship appointment as usual?

Of course he did!

He asked because he wanted them to own up to what they had done. He wanted them to be honest.

Behold You desire truth in the inward parts,

And in the hidden part You will make me to know wisdom.

(Psalm 51:6)

He asked because he wanted them to know that just because they had sinned, he did not love them any less than before they had sinned. He still wanted to fellowship with them. He asked because he wanted them to realise that disobedience brings consequences. He wanted them to understand and learn that the Enemy is a deceiver, who will manipulate you into thinking and doing something contrary to God’s will, contrary to whom God called and made you to be. He expected them to recognise and admit their error and take responsibility for their actions.

Do you know that God still desires open and honest fellowship with you today?

Dear friends:

  • if you have cooled somewhat in your relationship with him;
  • if you have accepted the lies of the Enemy, and doubted God’s goodness, or faithfulness, or ability to help and deliver you;
  • if you feel spiritually naked, exposed and ashamed because of life experiences and your responses to them;
  • if your choices have led you out of God’s perfect will so that you feel uncomfortable in, or dismissive of, God’s holy presence;
  • if you feel complacent about your commitment to him;
  • if you feel discouraged or bewildered by the disconnect between God’s assurances of blessing in His Word and the contrary evidence of your personal life…

Are you aware that God is reaching out and calling to you? Can you hear your heavenly father asking: where are you?

Whether saint or sinner – God loves you! He wants to associate with you. He wants to fellowship with you. He wants to protect you. But he will not force you to come to him!

Dear friend, if your fellowship with God through prayer, reading His Word and worship has deteriorated, is no longer a priority, or is non-existent, I’d like to encourage you today, to draw close to him. The Bible assures us that when we do so, he will reciprocate.

Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded.

(James 4:8)

No matter how worldly-wise you may believe yourself to be, no matter how ‘got-my-streetwise-head-screwed-on-tight’ you may judge yourself to be, no matter how ‘self-sufficient’ you may feel yourself to be, you are not, and never will be, in complete control of your life. The past two years of the Covid-19 pandemic has been proof of that!

And so, if you don’t want to continue through life without the benefit of the One who is in control, taking care of you… looking out for you… helping and guiding you… then you need to return to the garden of fellowship. You need to return to the terrain of obedience. You need to return to the land of loving submission to God’s will.

Can you hear God’s loving enquiry to you today?

Where are you?

If you can hear him calling, what’s your response?

Dear friend (I speak to both saint and sinner), if you can hear his voice, don’t ignore and don’t harden your heart. Don’t wait to get your life ‘together’, or for a more convenient time. You never know what’s around the corner of life!

So, act today!

With love,

Carol (aka Lady Cee)

Effectual, fervent prayer avails much!

PS: Have you put your spiritual armour on today?

Prayer Focus:

Let’s pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ who are discouraged, or who have become a casualty of the serpent’s bite of deception and wandered away from God’s perspective.


Father God,

You are an amazing God! What a privilege it is to be invited into your holy presence and fellowship with you. Thank you for your steadfast, unconditional love and acceptance. Forgive us for our disobedience, rebellion and ignorance.

In accordance with Ephesians 6:18 we lift up to you every member in the body of Christ, who is struggling in their relationship with you. We pray for those who have been deceived by the Enemy and are reaping the consequences of their actions. We apply the protective covering of the blood of Jesus to their lives, homes and loved ones and ask that you show mercy to them.

We pray for those who have been caught up in the busyness of life, or whose love for you has waned and ask that you kindle within their hearts a deeper love and passionate devotion for you. We pray for those whom the Enemy has targeted with lies and deception. Open their eyes to the truth Father God and deliver them from evil.

Jesus, you said that your sheep hear your voice and follow you. We therefore ask that your voice be raised within our consciences above the subversive voices of our social culture and our self-will. May your voice stir faith in our hearts and bring lasting assurance and hope. May your voice speak wisdom and guidance into our lives.

Holy Spirit, help us to tend to our gardens of fellowship with diligence.  Help us to be vigilant against the wiles of the devil who seeks to undermine our confidence in, and relationship with, God. Help us to love our Heavenly Father the way he deserves, with all our heart, mind, soul and strength.

We ask this in the mighty matchless name of Jesus. Amen.

© Carol Hind

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Sunday’s Supplications

Sunday’s Supplications invites you to not only read the posts but also participate in the prayers. Let’s pray for ourselves and for each other. Let’s obey God’s command to watch and pray for all the saints (Ephesians 6:18)

Please note, you do not have to be a blogger to join this praying community.

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Women of Warfare followers and visitors have a wonderful and victorious week!

A Glorified Weakling!

Do you like being weak? Feeling weak?

Do you relish it when other people have the upper hand over you?

Are you quite happy to let those who feel so inclined walk over you, or play their petty mind games and pull down, even crush your carefully erected but fragile self-esteem?

Now, if you are anything like me, or like the average human being, I’m sure you’ve nodded your head vigorously, indicating NO! No way! Absolutely not!

Dear reader, I admit there have been a number of unpleasant occurrences in my past, which left me feeling weak and helpless. It left me feeling a victim. And, as far as I was concerned, God did not seem to care one hoot, because if he did where was he? Why didn’t he exercise his power and deal with those infernal thorns in my flesh? Prompto!

Ever felt the same way?

Well I don’t know about you but when I thought along these lines, I knew full well in my heart of hearts that God did care. He always does and always will! I knew it. But because he was not intervening in the way I wanted, and because he was not intervening within my time-frame, I became angry and accepted the lies of the Enemy, who was quick to suggest that God did not care. After all, if he did, surely he would… blah, blah, blah!

Now when you are hurt and angry, all you care about is your pain and all you want is for that pain to be eradicated, or at the very least, alleviated. And you want it to happen yesterday!

And so, let’s recap. I’ve been mistreated. I’ve been deeply hurt. I’m been left feeling a victim. I’m licking my wounds.

Furthermore, I’m angry with God and I’m sulking because he hasn’t come flying to my defence. I’m so out of sorts that I hardly even noticed that the devil has gate-crashed my pity-party!

Perhaps you too have been there, done that, and got the proverbial tee-shirt!

During my Bible reading recently, I was reminded of the following:

…My grace is sufficient for thee; for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly, therefore, will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

(2 Corinthians 12:9 KJV)

It set me thinking.

I’ve been praying and believing God for a manifestation of his power in my life. And it has been a heart-felt desire and prayer throughout my Christian walk.

Without realising it, I’ve received prime opportunities for this desire and prayer to be answered. And also without realising it, I have failed to avail myself of these God-given opportunities.

How is that? (I hear you ask).

Read the above scripture quote again.

Did you notice? Have you clicked yet?

Paul is quite clearly saying that God’s power rests upon us when we gladly suffer those occasions which leave us feeling weak, powerless and afflicted. In fact, he is also saying we should glory (take pleasure in, boast about, or Big-up), our infirmities (our inability to obtain or sustain desired results).

The thing is, we don’t like feeling weak. We want to be Superman or Wonder Woman. We want to be seen as “having it all together”. We want to feel in control.

However, God wants to be God in us, for us and through us, and he wants us to acknowledge that he is indeed God, no matter whether circumstances or Satan, tells us otherwise.

Dear friends, if you are praying about a situation that does not seem to be changing, consider this, perhaps God is using the situation to change you!

Women of Warfare readers and followers, if the message of this post applies to you, may I counsel you today? Don’t just go through it – grow through it!

Prayer Focus:

Let’s pray for those in the Body of Christ, who feel broken by their circumstances, forgotten by God and forsaken. And please don’t forget to put on your spiritual armour before entering the battlefield of prayer!


Father God,

You are the Ever-living God, who endures for ever. We bless and praise your holy and most awesome name.

Heavenly Father, you are a God of compassion and your mercies are new every morning. They are extended toward us every single day.

I commit into your tender care, all those within Christ’s Body, who feel alone and afflicted by their circumstances. I ask that you send your Holy Spirit to come alongside each one, to comfort and strengthen them. Minister your peace to their hearts, the peace that surpasses natural understanding. Minister hope for their future and cause that hope to act as an anchor for their soul. Anchor them to an unwavering belief that you are with them and will never leave or forsake them. Anchor them to the revelation truth within your Word that is able to set them free from every taunt, lie, and false accusation of the Enemy.

Afflicted child of God, I speak to your heart, to your spirit being, in the name of Jesus. Whoever you are, and wherever you may be, I command you to arise now in the strength and grace of God. I command you to arise and anoint yourself with the oil of joy. I declare that you will choose to cast aside your spirit of heaviness and you will arise in faith and put on your garments of praise.

Lord Jesus, I thank you for all that you suffered on our behalf, so that we may be redeemed from the hand of the Enemy and from the curse of the Law. I thank you that you ever live to make intercession for us. I thank you that you are a Good Shepherd and the overseer of our souls. Help us, both as individual members and corporately as your body, to keep our eyes and hearts fully focused upon you, the author and finisher of our faith. Help us to walk victoriously in life.

Holy Spirit, we call upon you as the one sent to come alongside us and help. Teach us to know who we are in Christ. Empower us to exercise our authority over the Enemy. Motivate us to die to every inclination and desire of our carnal lower selves, so that we may grow into the full measure of the stature of Christ.

Father God, we ask this petition in faith, and in the mighty, matchless name of your Son, Jesus. Amen.

© Carol Hind

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Sunday’s Supplications

Sunday’s Supplications invites you to not only read the posts but also participate in the prayers. Let’s pray for ourselves and for each other. Let’s obey God’s command to watch and pray for all the saints (Ephesians 6:18)

Please note, you do not have to be a blogger to join this praying community.

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Women of Warfare followers and visitors have a wonderful and victorious week!

Credits: The above CC0 images come courtesy of

A Living Letter Read by Others!



Simply No Excuse!

I’m sure I’m not the only one.

In fact, I’m positive I’m not the only child of God who has said something, or done something that undermines the integrity of the Christian stance we’ve taken and the godly pathway upon which we’ve chosen to walk.

But doing so, provides my enemies with ammunition, which they have no hesitation in using. And so, with perfect glee (whether behind my back or at point-blank range), they shoot and scoff: Call yourself a Christian do you? What a hypocrite! Now the fact that other people have fallen in this regard does not excuse me. As a child of God, I’m not called to measure myself against others but against God’s Word, His Will, His standards.



Stock-Check Your Spiritual Life

The Bible clearly tells us to examine ourselves (our thoughts, our attitudes, our conduct):

Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. (2 Corinthians 13:5 NKJV)

Another version puts it this way:

Check up on yourselves. Are you really Christians? Do you pass the test? Do you feel Christ’s presence and power more and more within you? Or are you just pretending to be Christians when actually you aren’t at all? (2 Corinthians 13:5-6 The Living Bible).


So how often do we stop and do this?

It is only as we take an inventory of our beliefs and our behaviour that we can comply with this request.

Unfortunately, we are more likely to focus our telescope or magnifying glass upon the deeds of others, than upon ourselves. No wonder Jesus issues a reprimand about seeking to remove a small spec from the eyes of those around us, whilst a log obscures our own vision and discernment!


Are You Play-acting Through Life?

Nobody wants to be a hypocrite.

I certainly don’t and I’m 100% sure that you don’t want to be one either.

Now don’t get me wrong. I get that we are not perfect beings and that we’ll never reach that stage of absolute perfection until Jesus returns. However, we do have a responsibility to live as true to our confession of faith and commitment to Christ, as far as we possibly can.

We do not want to be like the Pharisees, Scribes and Sadducees of Jesus’ day, whom he denounced as “white-washed sepulchres”.

And we don’t want to be guilty of using our righteousness and liberty as a cloak to hide, or perpetuate a sinful lifestyle (1 Peter 2:15-16).

So how can we be sure that we are doing our utmost to live up to God’s standard of holiness?

As already suggested above, we can regularly examine our hearts and our lives.

And, as David did, we can ask God to search our hearts and reveal any hidden ways of rebellion and dishonesty.

Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. (Psalm 139:23 KJV).


Before I go on, let me make something perfectly clear. Righteousness is not the same as holiness.


Righteousness –v- Self-righteous Rituals or Religious observance

Righteousness is our legal standing of approval and acceptance in God’s eyes.

Righteousness is a state of being which God has imputed to us because of our faith in Jesus Christ, because of that precious blood which He had shed for us, thereby justifying us in God’s sight.

Righteousness is a quality that cannot be increased or decreased. Just as daytime does not become night simply because rain clouds accumulate and dark skies occur, so the condition of righteousness we’ve been given, cannot be undone or contaminated by good or not so good deeds.


Holiness on the other hand is a godly standard of living. It can be maintained. It can be increased or it can be undermined.

Religious observance is not holiness. And rituals or legalistic rules do not constitute holiness.

From my understanding of the scriptures, I believe that holiness is a decision to separate oneself from the corrupting influences of the world. I believe it is a loving and submissive obedience to God, which results in reverence for and towards him, plus respect for and towards others.

When we indulge in behaviour that displeases our Father God and stands at odds to what we know we ought to do, then (provided our hearts have not become callous), the Holy Spirit convicts us. He does this as we read God’s Word, as we receive the counsel and teaching ministry of those placed in authority over us, or through His direct promptings within our hearts.


A Heart He Smites, Is a Heart that will do right!

Even King David revealed that his heart “smote” (i.e. convicted) him when he’d sinned.

And David’s heart smote him after that he had numbered the people. And David said unto the Lord, “I have sinned greatly in that I have done: and now, I beseech thee, O Lord, take away the iniquity of thy servant; for I have done very foolishly.” (2 Samuel 24:10 KJV)

The other day, I read a post from one of my blogger friends, where the Holy Spirit “smote” her heart about a less than Christ-like behaviour. You can read about it here.

I laughed as I imagined the scenario and could identify with that temptation to become impatient and engage in behaviour which condemns us later down the road.

And indeed, there have been those occasions where my own heart “smote” me for un Christ-like behaviour, such as indulging in gossip and backbiting.

Dear reader, perhaps you can relate.

There are periods in our lives when we feel “enough is enough” and, taking umbrage because of other times in the past when we were pushed around or made to feel like a doormat, we charge full steam ahead, pushing our way past those who dare to stand in the way of our self-esteem.

Friends, as we go about our day-to-day lives, let us not forget that we are actually living, breathing, letters being read by others. It may be strangers. It may be work colleagues. It may be family or friends. But you can jolly well bet that amongst those onlookers, there will be a few enemies. So let us diligently strive to walk on God’s Highway of Holiness, so that our lives make at least good, if not riveting reading!


This Week’s Prayer Focus: (Don’t forget to put on your spiritual armour before entering the battlefield of prayer!)

Let’s pray for ourselves and for one another in the body of Christ that we will pay heed to James’ admonition to be “doers of the word, and not hearers only…” (James 1:21-24)



Father God,

We come before you in meekness and with humility. Forgive us for those days when we fall far short of your standard of holiness. Forgive us when we indulge in less than Christ-like behaviour, in order to assert our rights or upholster our self-esteem.

Help us to remember Christ’s example in the face of challenging or humiliating circumstances. Help us to remember that he chose the path of obedience and humility and, as we recall his example, may we choose to emulate him.

O Lord God, help us to also remember the behaviour of Christ’s religious contemporaries, which stood at odds to His gospel. Let us take warning from this and examine our own ways.

Lord Jesus, we thank you for your precious, efficacious blood that even now speaks on our behalf from the mercy seat in heaven. We thank you that your blood speaks of nobler things than the blood of Abel, which had cried out for vengeance. We are so grateful to you that your blood cries out “mercy”, “forgive them for they know not what they do”. And we thank you dear Lord Jesus that whilst you are seated beside our Heavenly Father, you continue to make intercession for us.

Holy Spirit, what a precious gift you are to us. During the coming days, weeks, months and perhaps even years, help us to walk worthy of our calling. Help us to walk uprightly upon that Highway of Holiness. Whenever we stumble or fall, or deliberately desert that path, motivate us to repent, arise and move forward, confident that we are righteous in God’s sight. Finally, we ask that you make us zealous in our commitment to please and obey our Father God, in all of our ways.

We ask this in Jesus’ precious name. Amen.

© Carol Hind

Author of: Petitions From My Heart 

(If you live in the UK click here)




Women of Warfare followers and visitors have a wonderful and victorious week!

Did you enjoy reading this post? If so, please share your thoughts in a comment box below. Do you know someone whom would benefit from its message? Then please don’t hesitate to share it. Thank you.

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 Sunday’s Supplications

Sunday’s Supplications invites you to not only read the posts but also participate in the prayers. Let’s pray for ourselves and for each other. Let’s obey God’s command to watch and pray for all the saints (Ephesians 6:18)

Please note, you do not have to be a blogger to join this praying community.


*****   *****   *****


CREDITS: The above CC0 images come courtesy of

Pursuing Genuine Godliness


The above CC0 image comes courtesy of


What springs to your mind when you think of the word “godliness”?

Do you think of religious people who have a “holier than thou” attitude?

Do you think of weird biblical characters, such as John the Baptist, who lived out in the wilderness and dined on locusts and wild honey?

Or do you think of modern-day saints, such as the late Mother Teresa?

Have you ever considered yourself as “godly” and if not, why not?

Having checked my dictionary, I note that the word “godly” is defined as follows:



(Chambers 21st Century Dictionary)


To me, those two words have negative connotations.

The late Bob Gass, writer of the UCB Word For Today* devotional, said this:

Godliness is an inside job. And the longer you think about it, the more convinced you become that a truly godly person is one whose heart is sensitive to God, who takes God and his Word seriously, and who desires more of Him.


And so dear friends, godliness is not an outside job!

Contrary to how others may have defined it, godliness is not determined by whether or not you wear hats, make-up, jewellery, or dresses that cover you from throat to toes. It is not embracing a poverty mind-set and maintaining a frugal or permanently penurious existence.

Godliness is a matter of the heart, a matter of your will.

Now God’s Word tells us that his eyes move throughout the earth, seeking those whose hearts are perfect towards him.

For the eyes of the Lord search back and forth across the whole earth, looking for people whose hearts are perfect toward him, so that he can show his great power in helping them.

2 Corinthians 16:9 – The Living Bible


Now that word “perfect” does not mean faultless, never making any mistakes in our relationship with him or with others. It points to a fundamental mindset, desire and drive, to love God with all our hearts, live aligned to his Word and purpose and make him the “be all and end all” of our lives.

On the basis of these two definitions, how do you measure up?

And, if you were to consider a biblical character that lived up to these ideals, who springs to your mind?

I don’t know about you, but the person who immediately impresses me as someone who loved God unreservedly and served him wholeheartedly, is David.

The following extracts from the Bible, grants us insight into David’s relationship with God:

As a deer pants for the water brooks,

So pants my soul for You, O God.

(Psalm 41:1)


Do not cast me away from Your presence,

And do not take Your Holy Spirit from me.

(Psalm 51:11)


Because your lovingkindness is better than life,

My lips shall praise You.

(Psalm 63:3)


Search me, O God, and know my heart;

Try me and know my anxieties;

And see if there is any wicked way in me,

And lead me in the way everlasting.

(Psalm 139:23-24)


The Psalms is littered with many more expressions similar to the above extracts and just reading these reveal David’s utter commitment and devotion towards God. They form a picture of his godliness and portrays what a godly heart and mindset entails.

We see that it incorporates, a love and hunger for God, a passionate and perpetual desire to please and honour Him, entwined with a holy reverence for Him.

If you would like to explore the subject of godliness further, I recommend this excellent article. Please click here.

I conclude today’s post with an extract from the above recommended article, written by the author, Jerry Bridges:

This is the heartbeat of the godly person. As he contemplates God in the awesomeness of his infinite majesty, power, and holiness, and then as he dwells upon the riches of God’s mercy and grace poured out at Calvary, his heart is captivated by this One who could love him so. He is satisfied with God alone, but he is never satisfied with his present experience of God. He always yearns for more.


If you enjoyed the article, or would like to read the book from which this extract has been drawn, you can purchase Bridge’s book, The Practice of Godliness, from Amazon – here.

 Now let us pray.


Prayer Focus:

Let’s ask God to stir up within our hearts and within the hearts of our brothers and sisters in Christ, a fervent, genuine and increasing desire for godliness.

PS: Now don’t forget to put on your spiritual armour before entering the battlefield of prayer!



Father God,

Again and again, throughout your Word, I see your heart’s desire is to enjoy an ongoing fellowship with your people.

I see it as you walked in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve. I see it in your relationship with Enoch, where you both enjoyed such a rich and rewarding fellowship with each other, you decided to bring him home with you to heaven!

I see it in your forming a nation for yourself from the enslaved children of Israel and I see it in your abounding love and amazing generosity of heart, in purchasing my redemption and setting aside a group of people similarly redeemed, which make up the Body of Christ.

Father God, I don’t want to be like those whom Paul decried as having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof.

I want to experience every facet of godliness and I desire genuine godliness to be the hallmark of my relationship with you. I pray that my brothers and sisters in Christ will have a similar burning desire.

Holy Spirit, I’m aware that this is not going to happen through my own might or willpower. And so I’m inviting you to come alongside me and help me.

I’m asking that you create an ongoing and increasing hunger and thirst for the knowledge and presence of God, both in myself and in my brothers and sisters in Christ.

Father God, I’m asking that you stir up within me and within your set-apart saints, a heart that reverences you, honours you and ever seeks to please you. May we, as members of the Body of Christ, pursue you and the things pertaining to your kingdom, far more than our own selfish desires and personal aspirations.

Lord God, deliver us from the Evil One. Thwart Satan’s blatant or subtle attempts to discourage, distract, or derail us from a godly mindset and lifestyle.

Enable us to adopt David’s strategy and cry out to you in openness and honesty, seeking your help and daily motivation, regarding our commitment and devotion to you.

In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

© Carol Hind



Has today’s post changed your concept of “godliness”?

What action will you take this week to become one whose heart is “perfect towards God”?


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 Sunday’s Supplications

Sunday’s Supplications invites you to not only read the posts but also participate in the prayers. Why not become a part of the WoW! community by participating in these prayers?

Let’s pray for ourselves and for each other. Let’s obey God’s command to watch and pray for all the saints (Ephesians 6:18)

Please note, you do not have to be a blogger to join this praying community.


 *****   *****   *****

Women of Warfare followers and visitors I wish you a blessed and victorious week!


*Free postal copies of UCB Word For Today are available from: FREEPOST RLTX-ABUL-GRAR, United Christian Broadcasters, Westport Road, Stoke-on-Trent, ST6 4JF (UK and Republic of Ireland only).

For the online version visit:


Prayer – A Precious Privilege!



When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love. Marcus Aurelius



Prayer is a privilege and the soul’s sincere desire. We can move beyond routine and ‘checklist’ prayers and engage in meaningful prayer as we appropriately ask in faith and act, as we patiently persevere through the trial of our faith, and as we humbly acknowledge and accept ‘not my will, but Thine, be done.’ David A. Bednar



This morning, I’d like to discuss the privilege we’ve been given as children of God. You see there was a time when you could not dare to go into God’s holy presence uninvited, or unqualified. If you were not a Levite priest you were not invited and if you didn’t fulfil strict conditions, then you weren’t qualified.

No wonder whenever the High priests entered into God’s presence they went with a sense of trepidation. Would they make it out alive? No doubt, once their offering was accepted and they left the Holy of Holies (the place of God’s presence) alive, they felt relieved.

I thank God that this is no longer the protocol for coming into his presence. Because of Jesus, because his death enabled anyone to have direct access to God, you and I can now enter into the Holy of Holies, into God’s very presence without fear, guilt, or any sense of inferiority.

Prayer is communication with our Father God. And we are privileged to be able to take our cares and place upon his shoulders. We are privileged to be able to share our joys with him. We are privileged to be able to seek his intervention in the affairs of our lives, those of our loved ones, indeed of this world.

Would you not count it a privilege if a famous member of the rich and powerful clique were to take a special interest in you? Would you not feel privileged if a celebrity invited you into their home and made you feel at ease, decided they wanted to bless you with their worldly goods, use their authority and influence to help you?

Yet, sadly, it seems the one who is above all, indeed the one who created all, is not looked upon in the same way… not sought after in the same way.

Dear friends, the God of gods, King of kings and Lord of lords, is the “Celebrity” of all celebrities.

He has graciously invited you and me to share the benefits and blessings of his kingdom. He has graciously invited us to come into the Holy of Holies and visit him without restricted access. He has promised he will never leave or forsake us. He has declared his unconditional and everlasting love for us.

And yet, some of us do not avail ourselves of the tremendous privilege that he offers. Some of us fail to pray, to communicate with Father God on a regular basis. And there are some who may do so, but do it out of a sense of duty or desperation, not from a sense of gratitude, or reverence, or awe.

Friends and followers, where are you when it comes to communicating with your Father God? Are you availing yourself of this wonderful privilege? Have you thanked God for waking you up today? Have you invited him to influence your thoughts, attitudes and actions? Have you sought the riches of his wisdom?


Prayer Focus:

Let us pray for ourselves and for our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ that God will stir up within our hearts an increasing desire to fellowship with him through prayer.

PS: Don’t forget to don your spiritual armour before entering the battlefield of prayer!



Father God,

We want to thank you for waking us up this morning to greet another day. We are aware that there are people all over this world who were not so privileged. Thank you for your breath of life which flows throughout our beings. We want to thank you that we are not only alive but we are privileged to be able to fellowship with you. We are privileged to be able to come directly into your presence, to worship, declare our love for you and make our requests known to you. Hallelujah!

Father God, we ask that you draw us with your gentle cords of love into a closer, deeper, more meaningful relationship with you. We ask that you open the eyes of our understanding so that we can clearly see the wonders of your person and the riches of your magnanimous nature. Draw us into that place of joyful communion and utter dependence upon you. Grant us clear insight into your thoughts and feelings towards us and reveal your plans, your purpose and your destiny for our lives.

Father God, whenever we allow disappointments or problems to draw our attention away from you, change our perspective. Enable us to draw upon the measure of faith you have deposited within us. Enable us to trust you, to call upon you for help during times of confusion, fear or weakness. Grant us the boldness and courage to take our place on the battlefield of prayer knowing you have provided adequate protection and that your Word declares that we are more than conquerors!

We thank you in anticipation of victory. We thank you for hearing our prayers and granting our requests.

In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

© Carol Hind


Would you be interested in a resource that could help you to pray regularly? If so, please check out my book Petitions From My Heart at Amazon.

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Sunday’s Supplications

Sunday’s Supplications invites you to not only read the posts but also participate in the prayers. Why not become a part of the WoW! community? Let’s pray for ourselves and for each other. Let’s obey God’s command to watch and pray for all the saints (Ephesians 6:18)

Please note, you do not have to be a blogger to join this praying community.

*****   *****   *****

Women of Warfare followers and visitors have a wonderful and victorious week!






Enjoy God – Enjoy Life!




  • To find pleasure in something
  • To have, experience or have the benefit of something good

 (Chambers 21st Century Dictionary)



Have you heard of Joyce Meyer?

She is a woman of God, who has a highly successful ministry, attracting both men and women. But my main reason for flagging her up to you today, is the marketing strapline for her daily broadcasts—Enjoying Every-Day Life

One of my goals this year—which I’d like to be an ongoing goal for as long as I live—is to glorify God. Well since last month, I’ve expanded that goal to both glorifying and enjoying God.

As Christians, I sometimes feel we can take ourselves too seriously, or we can be negative and ungrateful. Even, I’m sorry to say, we can be a most miserable set of people.

I don’t say that to upset anyone, to criticise or condemn. I say it because that is what I’ve observed, what I have at times experienced through interaction with other Christians, and have sometimes seen in my own life, and so I point the finger at myself as well.

We are not all of us enjoying life. We are waiting for better times. Waiting for breakthroughs. Waiting for something-or-the-other!

Unfortunately, that wait can extend into years, decades and possibly for ever!

Why does this happen?

I believe it’s because we have unrealistic expectations! Because we have deluded ourselves or been deceived by the Enemy, into thinking that a good life, an enjoyable life is one devoid of problems; a life free from trials and tribulations, an idealistic life that is always self-gratifying.

We think this because we have a God for whom nothing is impossible. We think this because we believe and know he is a miracle-working God. We think this because we are aware that God loves us unconditionally and has declared that we are blessed.

So, if this is the case, why should we encounter defeat or difficulties? Why should we tolerate a situation where it seems God has allowed LIFE to kick away our carefully laid plans and cherished dreams? Why shouldn’t we expect the Godhead and the heavenly hosts of angels to come to our rescue the moment we cry out?


And whilst we wonder and take umbrage, or secretly sulk because our lives didn’t turn out to be the pretty, problem-free packages we’d ordered, or our prayers weren’t answered according to our schedule, or our undesirable circumstances magically and permanently resolved, we choose to forget that Jesus warned: “…in me you will have peace. In the world you will have tribulation” (John 16:33).

We choose to forget that Peter said: “Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you” (1 Peter 4:12).

We choose to forget that Paul described his experience as a servant of God in the following terms: “…being reviled, we bless; being persecuted, we endure; being defamed, we entreat. We are made as the filth of the world, the off-scouring of all things until now” (1 Corinthians 12-13).

Perhaps being brought up on a diet of “happy ever after” fairy tales, or vicariously engaging with the ideal life of Hollywood movies, or emotionally subscribing to romantic scenarios in novels, became a contributing factor to our unrealistic expectations.

We conveniently forget that even in such stories, there are conflicts, or an adversary that needs to be overcome first—before the happy ending is revealed!

And as Christians, of course we’ve read about the destiny of God’s people. We’ve read about God’s promise of a bright, blissful future. We’ve even perhaps responded to an altar-call which promised: when you come to Jesus, everything will be all right!

Then, two months, two years, two decades down the line, we are still waiting for everything to be all right, for all our problems to magically disappear for ever, for life to become absolutely amazing, to be one unadulterated high of blessing and favour and success—but until that happens, we feel we can’t actually enjoy life as it is now, with all its fretful, stressful queries, concerns and frustrations.

We enjoy life’s ups but not its downs. We enjoy the highs of our relationship with God but not the lows. We respond to personal circumstances according to the dictates of our thoughts and emotions, rather than the directions of God’s Word. And so, in the final analysis, no—we are not enjoying every-day life!

Dear reader, please understand me. I am not advocating that we go around as a “happy-clappy” bunch of people pretending all is well, if clearly that’s not the case.

I am however, wanting to draw your attention to the fact that when you examine Jesus’ words to the seven churches in Revelation, he clearly indicates that the promise of a future destiny in the new heaven and the new earth, the promise of a pain-free, problem free life, will be the reward of those who overcome.

Now that word (overcome), tells us right there that we are bound to face circumstances where not everything-in-the-garden-will-be-green-and-rosy. And, if that were not the case, how will we learn to overcome? What challenge will there be to overcome?

Dear reader, even God’s dream of a wonderful, harmonious world in which he enjoys a rich relationship with set-apart individuals, who’d commit to him and lovingly obey him, was (and continues to be) thwarted again and again. Not just for a few years. Not just for several decades. But for centuries!

We see evidence of this thwarted dream again and again throughout the entire Bible. We see it with Adam and Eve. We see it with Sodom and Gomorrah and the antediluvian world.

We see it with God’s own chosen people, the Children of Israel. We see it with the Pharisees, Scribes and Sadducees, who were meant to be waiting for the promised Messiah. And sadly, we see it at times in our own lives.

It is only when we come to the book of Revelation and read about the end of this present world, as we currently know it, that we’re given a prophetic picture of an era when God finally achieves his dream of a devoted, holy and worshipping community within the context of a happy, harmonious world, free from Satan’s diabolical influence.

Meanwhile, dear ones, God has chosen to enjoy us NOW as his children, as his heirs, as his precious Son’s disciples, even though we often fail to measure up to his ideal.

Now if God can do that for us, can we not do the same for him? Can we not use his precious spiritual resources, the benefits of our salvation package and the promise of a brighter future, of an eternal destiny in his glorious presence (where we’ll enjoy the beauty and perfection of his re-created world)—can we not use these factors to enjoy him NOW, enjoy the position to which we’ve been elevated, even enjoy our every-day lives regardless of the battles we face, knowing our victory is guaranteed, knowing our eternal destiny with Him is assured?

Should we not practice and consolidate an attitude of joy now, so we are in good stead for that time which is to come when Jesus himself will welcome us and usher us into his presence, where he will bid us to “…enter into the joy of your Lord”? (Matthew 25:21, 23).

Dear Women of Warfare followers and visitors, I’m convinced that this is God’s heart for you and for me and therefore this is my heart’s desire for you and for myself.

Let’s make a decision today that throughout this year and beyond, we will ENJOY our relationship with our Father-God and ENJOY life. Yes, let’s determine in our hearts to enjoy our redeemed status and enjoy the life for which Christ paid so very high a price.

And if you are looking for ideas on how to enjoy life more, check out the link.

With love and best wishes,


(aka Lady Cee)


This Week’s Prayer Focus:

Let’s focus our thoughts on what God has done for us – not on those issues where we feel let down, or disappointed, or even sceptical towards God because he hasn’t come through with what we wanted, or has not chosen to act within our expected time-frame.

Let’s pray for one another that we will embrace a new attitude of gratitude… that we will reflect upon, remember and rejoice over the fact that Jesus willingly sacrificed his life for us, so we may enjoy an abundant and liberated life.

And, my dear friends, before entering the battlefield of prayer, please don’t forget to put on your spiritual armour.



Father God,

As King David so accurately observed:

What is man that You are mindful of him

Or the son of man that You take care of him?

 And I would add: Who am I that you should choose to adopt me, care for me and cherish a relationship with me? I am both humbled and grateful.

Father-God, my heart’s desire is to glorify you and to enjoy you in my every-day life.

I thank you for setting me apart for your service. I thank you for all that you’ve freely bestowed upon my life, so that I might enjoy the benefits and liberty of your kingdom.

Father-God, help me to focus on what you have done for me—not on what you haven’t! Help me to enjoy life as you meant me to enjoy it. And help me to honour you with the things I habitually say, think and do.

Lord God, may all those who examine me, see a good, great and gracious God who provides for, protects and promotes me. May I in turn, showcase a godly confidence and strength of character, as a result of me walking in the ‘Fear of the Lord’.

Cause me to maintain my confession of faith and to exhibit an uncompromising commitment to pursuing my destiny in Christ. By the enabling power of your Holy Spirit, touch me afresh, so I may experience an increasing fervour for the things pertaining to your kingdom.

Father God, send forth your precious Holy Spirit to embrace and comfort those amongst my visiting readers and also those within our individual spheres of influence, who are depressed or discouraged, who mourn for whatever reason, who are disillusioned with life.

Heal the hearts and hurts of those who’ve become embittered. Strengthen those who are emotionally or spiritually weak. Cause the joy of the Lord to become their source of strength. May inexplicable peace saturate their souls and may godly hope revive their dreams and expectations and act as a spiritual anchor for their souls.

I ask this in Jesus’ precious name. Amen.

© Carol Hind


Women of Warfare followers and visitors be blessed and enjoy this coming week!


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Sunday’s Supplications

Sunday’s Supplications invites you to not only read the posts but also participate in the prayers. Each fortnight, I hope to introduce a new theme and prayer focus. Why not become a part of the WoW! community by participating in these prayers? Let’s pray for ourselves and for each other. Let’s obey God’s command to watch and pray for all the saints (Ephesians 6:18)

Please note, you do not have to be a blogger to join this praying community.


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CREDIT: The above CC0 Image comes courtesy of

The Age-old Secret to Success in Life

Don’t gain the world and lose your soul; wisdom is better than silver or gold.

Bob Marley


A Desirable Attribute

Have you ever been faced with a situation where you need to make a crucial decision and didn’t know what to do?

Or perhaps you’ve had to make a choice between two favourable opportunities and were not sure how to decide.

Or perhaps someone has confided a personal problem and is looking to you for counsel. How should you advise?

Or maybe a feud with a next-door neighbour, or a family member, or a work colleague, has escalated out of control and you are wondering what to do.

In all of the above examples and in numerous other life scenarios, the instinctive ability to know what to do or say, is desirable, even perhaps, essential.

Making the right decision can mean peace and harmony in your life, emotional well-being and self-assurance.

In a nutshell, we need wisdom!


Tap the Source of Spiritual Wisdom

So let me ask you dear reader, when faced with a crossroads, how often have you been bewildered, found yourself stressed beyond measure, been afraid of making the wrong decision, resorted to dubious means or desperate measures, in order to arrive at a solution?

As children of God, as disciples of Christ, we have access to an impeccable brand of wisdom—the wisdom of God!

Now because the wisdom of this world often stands at odds to the wisdom of God, it behoves us to habitually seek this godly wisdom, with diligence.


Because the God who created you, who knows you so well, who is aware of your thoughts and intentions and even what you are about to say, is the best person to advise, counsel and direct you.

Because Father God knows both the beginning and the end of a matter, and knows how it will affect your future.

Because God, who knows the plans he has already set in place for your future, who sees all things and knows all things, is in complete control. So who better to ask? Who better to guide?

Fortunately, this brand of supernatural wisdom is not inaccessible. Lady Wisdom herself calls out to us.

Perplexity or Prudence?

Yet, do we always recognise wisdom when she speaks? And on such occasions when we’ve clearly heard her voice, do we embrace her counsel and pay heed to her directions, or do we ignore that voice because it runs counter to what we really want to do and then suffer the consequences of making a wrong choice?


By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.



The book of Proverbs portrays Lady Wisdom as someone who stands at the intersections of life, at the crossroads of choice, calling and beckoning to all who will listen (see Proverbs 1:20-21).

Furthermore,  God generously invites us to simply ask for wisdom and  promises to provide.

Now King Solomon, a man known for his amazing gift of wisdom, had the good sense to ask. You may recall me highlighting this in a previous post regarding: How to know God’s Will.

Perhaps Solomon felt intimidated by the prospect of taking over the throne after his father—a beloved man, a fearless warrior, someone who raised and inspired champions and a successful ruler.

So when God, who has the power to grant him whatever he desires, asks: What can I do for you?—what does Solomon want? What does he ask for?


Dear reader, take a leaf out of Solomon’s book – ask!   

Are you feeling inadequate? Is there someone, or something that intimidates you? Are you trying to tackle a task yet have no idea how to accomplish it, or facing an issue with no clue how to resolve it?

Then ask God.

Enlist the help of the Holy Spirit, who has been sent alongside you for exactly that reason—to help you!

Now I trust you are aiming to make 2018 a year of unprecedented achievement, success and spiritual growth. I trust by now you are on board with the ethos of this blog and my personal desire for your life—to reign over your circumstances, to enjoy a successful and God-glorifying life, to walk as a victorious overcomer.

And so, by way of motivation to continue on your path, let me conclude with the following quote:

God has already done everything He’s going to do. The ball is now in your court. If you want success, if you want wisdom, if you want to be prosperous and healthy, you’re going to have to do more than meditate and believe; you must boldly declare words of faith and victory over yourself and your family.

Joel Osteen


This Week’s Prayer Focus:

Let’s pray for ourselves that we will seek after and employ godly wisdom in our lives. Let’s also pray for our brother and sisters in Christ, who may be perplexed by their circumstances. Let’s ask our Father-God to guide their decision-making process and grant them peace of mind.

And you know what I’m going to say next don’t you? That’s right! Put on your spiritual armour before entering the battlefield of prayer.



Father God,

We want to thank you today that there is no situation in our lives which will flummox you.

We want to thank you that despite all appearances to the contrary, you are in complete control. You know the end from the beginning and you have said that you will cause all things to work together for our good, because we love you and have been called out of darkness into your kingdom of light, according to your divine plan and purpose.

Father God, we choose to operate in the wisdom that comes from above, which is pure, peaceable, full of mercy and bears good fruit. Cause our spiritual ears to be attuned to the voice of wisdom. Train our hearts, so we become automatically yielded to and perpetually guided by godly wisdom. Whenever we find ourselves at the concourse of indecision, help us to make prudent choices. Motivate us to increase our knowledge and understanding of you and your ways, so we can conduct our lives circumspectly.

Father-God we lift up to you all those within the circle of our influence, particularly those who are our brothers and sisters in Christ. We bring before you those who are perplexed, those who are faced with overwhelming difficulties and don’t know what to do, those who have messed up through making wrong decisions and are suffering the consequences of their actions.

Father God, there is nothing too difficult for you, nothing impossible to you. We ask that you strengthen these individuals with might by your Holy Spirit. Strengthen them mentally, emotionally and spiritually. We ask that you comfort their hearts and cause them to have hope for their future. Grant them boldness and assurance in their relationship with you, so that they may trust you, so that they might lean on you and not on their own understanding. Enable them to rise above their circumstances and see their situation from a new perspective, with the eyes of faith. And, as they do so, equip them with an instinctive ability to make life-enhancing decisions which align with your skilful and godly wisdom.

In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

© Carol Hind

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Sunday’s Supplications

Sunday’s Supplications invites you to not only read the posts but also participate in the prayers. Each fortnight, I hope to introduce a new theme and prayer focus. Why not become a part of the WoW! community by participating in these prayers? Let’s pray for ourselves and for each other. Let’s obey God’s command to watch and pray for all the saints (Ephesians 6:18)

Please note, you do not have to be a blogger to join this praying community.


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Women of Warfare followers and visitors I wish you a blessed and victorious week!


CREDIT: The above CCO images come courtesy of



Live the God-Quality Brand of Life!


Today we celebrate the most wonderful event that has ever occurred in history – the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ!



Because he lives
I can face tomorrow
Because he lives
All fear is gone
Because I know he holds the future
And life is worth the living
Just because he lives.

(Taken from the gospel song: Because He Lives, by Bill and Gloria Gaither)


In today’s world, people are falling over themselves to live a life they covet—the life of the rich and famous—whether it is a celebrity life-style, the life of a footballer or footballer’s wife, or the life of a lottery winner.

However, if we were to examine the lives of those who live what many ordinary folk crave for themselves, we’d see that some of these individuals are  deeply unhappy, or lacking in integrity and moral fibre, or completely godless.

As children of God, as disciples of Christ, we should not be drawn into the ways of the world, we should not subscribe to its way of thinking.



Do I earnestly desire and seek to enjoy the God-quality brand of life?


This Week’s Prayer Focus:

Over the next two weeks, let’s ask the Lord to give us a new appreciation and gratitude for the brand of life (eternal life), with which he has blessed us.

Let’s pray for one another that we will remain grounded and settled in our faith, in our individual walk with the Lord. Let’s ask the Holy Spirit to help us so we can avail ourselves of, and enjoy in abundance the benefits of our salvation, for which Christ has died.  Let’s ask the Holy Spirit to help us so we may freely partake and thrive, not just survive!

And from this point onwards, let’s constantly celebrate, and do our utmost to grasp and enjoy the God-quality brand of life.

PS: Don’t forget to put on your spiritual armour before entering the battlefield of prayer!




O Lord God Almighty, how awesome is your miraculous power!

Father-God, we acknowledge and celebrate your mercy, goodness and grace. Today we remember and rejoice over the resurrection of your Son, Jesus Christ.

We thank you for your amazing and extravagant love for us, in allowing Jesus to lay down his life—so we may be redeemed from the hand of the Enemy, so we may be redeemed from the power of sin and death, so we may be reconciled to you.

Father God, we cannot ever repay you. We cannot ever thank you enough for rescuing us from the fate of eternal damnation. We thank you that because Christ lives in us, we have resurrection life, Zoe life, a God-quality brand of life, flowing in and through our beings.

I ask that you open the eyes of our understanding so that we may live our lives in that higher realm—free from fear, able to govern our thoughts and feelings, so that they align with your Word and your will; able to walk in obedience to your will and enjoy the liberty which your Son’s death has purchased for us.

Lord Jesus, we thank you for sending your Holy Spirit to come alongside us, to remind us of your words, to reveal your truth, to empower us to be effective witnesses of the gospel.

Holy Spirit, come and fill us afresh today. Minister the peace of God which surpasses natural understanding. Minister the joy of the Lord—joy similar to that which the disciples of Christ experienced when they realised he was alive. Cause that joy to infuse us with supernatural strength. Grant us revelation knowledge and a supreme confidence in whom we are as children of God, as disciples of Christ and enable us to exercise the authority and power He has granted to us, in our day-to-day lives.

Yours O Lord is the glory, power, wisdom and strength. Hallelujah!

We bless your Holy Name and we thank you Father-God for not only hearing our prayer today but also granting our request, which we ask in the precious name of Jesus. Amen.

© Carol Hind

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Sunday’s Supplications

Sunday’s Supplications invites you to not only read the posts but also participate in the prayers. Each fortnight, I hope to introduce a new theme and prayer focus. Why not become a part of the WoW! community by participating in these prayers? Let’s pray for ourselves and for each other. Let’s obey God’s command to watch and pray for all the saints (Ephesians 6:18)

You are welcome to print off and use each prayer provided, either verbatim or adapted for your particular circumstance. Even better, why not construct your own prayer and share with others by linking to this post.

Please note, you do not have to be a blogger to join this praying community.


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Women of Warfare followers and visitors – Rejoice! Our Saviour is alive! Have a Christ-centred and victorious week!

Psst! Can I Tell You a Secret?


Those of us who live in countries where we are free to worship and serve God without fear of persecution, are blessed indeed. Not only can we openly attend church meetings or home fellowship groups, we also have access to a plethora of resources, which help us understand the Bible, develop as believers and draw closer to God.

But dear reader, even if you are not fortunate enough to live somewhere where you are able to worship God openly, and have unlimited access to biblical resources, please don’t feel you are at a disadvantage.

Consider the apostles and members of the early church. They did not have a Bible as we know it today. They had only the Old Testament.

Yet if we examine their lives and their achievements, we see they had an enviable relationship with God, were highly committed advocates of Christ’s teachings and were vessels through which God worked mightily, demonstrating his authority and miraculous power.

What was their secret?

The gift of the Holy Spirit!

Now in Acts 19:1-6, we learn that the apostle Paul came across some believers who caused him to ask whether they’d received the Holy Spirit. Apparently, something about their spirituality seemed lacking.

Once these same disciples became baptised in the name of Jesus and once Paul laid hands on them to receive the Holy Spirit, they experienced a higher spiritual level.

WoW followers and visitors, if you are a Child of God, if you are pursuing a God-glorifying and victorious life, if you earnestly desire to fulfil your purpose and follow your God-ordained destiny, I feel bound to ask you the same question today.

Have you received the gift of the Holy Spirit? Are you manifesting the evidence of this (i.e. speaking in tongues)?

In case you do not know what “speaking in tongues” mean, it is the ability (by the influence of the Holy Spirit), to speak to God in a foreign language, which you have not learned.

Going back to the above-mentioned text in Acts 19, we see that following the appropriate baptism and “laying on of hands” (which is the impartation of God’s power through faith and prayer), these disciples of John were elevated to Disciples of Christ.

Perhaps you are wondering why the gift of the Holy Spirit with the accompanying manifestations even matters.

Let me tell you.

You may recall, a series of posts I wrote a little while ago about knowing, understanding and doing the will of God. If you are a new follower, or would like to refresh your memory, please click on the following links:

Do You Know God’s Will? (Part 1)

Do You Know God’s Will? (Part 2)

Do You Know God’s Will? (Part 3)


Now, you may recall these posts flagged up God’s command to us in Ephesians 5:18 to be filled with the Spirit.

Becoming filled with God’s Spirit is not a one-time act.  Just as a motor vehicle constantly needs to be filled up with fuel, in order for it to keep running efficiently and take us wherever we want or need to go, so our spiritual tanks need to be refilled, so that the power of God is readily available, both for our own needs and for the needs of others.

Now this supernatural empowerment may be accessed for use in our every-day lives, so we experience an abiding peace and the wisdom of God. It may also be manifested on such occasions where a miraculous intervention is required, showcasing the loving-kindness, mercy and power of God. However, as we take regular deposits from this resource, our storage capacity decreases.

So how do we top up? How do we refuel our spiritual tanks? How do we keep ourselves filled with the Spirit, as commanded?

An effective way of doing this, is by praying in the language of the Holy Spirit (i.e. speaking in tongues).

The disciple, Jude, encourages us to edify ourselves—that is build and maintain ourselves in the things pertaining to God and his kingdom. Let’s have a look at Jude’s direction:

But you, beloved, build yourselves up [founded] on your most holy faith [make progress, rise like an edifice higher and higher], praying in the Holy Spirit;

Guard and keep yourselves in the love of God…

(Jude 1:20-21 Amplified Bible)

Again, in 1 Corinthians 14:4, the apostle Paul tells us that: He who speaks in a tongue edifies himself.

Since God’s Word reveals that praying in the Holy Spirit (speaking in tongues) is how we build ourselves up in our faith… how we progress in our walk with the Lord… how we guard and keep ourselves within the protection and security of God’s love, why would we not use this mystical facility more often in our personal lives?

I can only think that the reason for this would be ignorance or misunderstanding.

Again, when we look at Romans 8:26, we discover that the Holy Spirit:

  • helps us in our areas of weaknesses


  • helps us to pray effectively for those issues where we have no idea how, or what to pray.

So, how do we avail ourselves of this help from the Holy Spirit?

We simply ask for his assistance and then we allow him to pray through us in his own language direct to God.

Dear reader, I can vouch for the added boost of power and effectiveness that praying regularly in the language of the Holy Spirit brings.

If you are expecting 2018 to be a year of unprecedented achievement, if you want to reign over your circumstances and triumph over the ploys of the Enemy, if you want to establish emotional and spiritual resilience in your life—indeed, if you want to experience victory in the areas of your life which have normally defeated or disheartened you, then begin to add regular (or increased) periods of praying in tongues to your success strategies.

You will be amazed at the difference this simple act makes.


This Week’s Prayer Focus:

Let us invite the Holy Spirit to help us in all our endeavors this year, whether they relate to business, career plans, our dreams and goals, ministry, parenting, relationships, school/university studies, or work.

PS: make sure you put on your spiritual armour before entering the battlefield of prayer.



Father God,

We want to thank you for your foresight in sending your Holy Spirit to come alongside us—to be our helper, comforter, counsellor, intercessor, source of strength and our stand-by.

We want to thank you for blessing us with this precious spiritual resource, to which we have access day and night.

We want to acknowledge and thank you that the effectiveness of your power never wanes. It is our ignorance, or our disobedience, or our failure to persevere in the face of difficulties, disappointment, or disillusionment, which prevents us from experiencing your enabling power.

Father God, you know each one of us by name. You know our besetting sins, our failings and weaknesses.  Create in us a clean heart. Renew a persevering and steadfast spirit within us. Thank you for your amazing grace, mercy and unconditional love, which means you will never dismiss us from your presence, or take your Holy Spirit away from us.

Father, I ask that you grant us a spirit of tenacity, so that when it comes to prayer, when it comes to our faith, when it comes to walking out the Word of God in our lives, we will be like Jacob who refused to let you go until he prevailed.

Father God, we want 2018 to be a year of unprecedented growth and personal development—emotionally, mentally and spiritually. We realise that we cannot achieve this in our own might, or by our own willpower. We therefore invite the assistance of your Holy Spirit.

Holy Spirit, you are welcome. Come and take your place within our personal lives. Come and fill us afresh with your presence. Minister to each one of us the peace of God and the joy of the Lord. Help us to know and fully understand God’s perfect will in our individual circumstances. Motivate us to regularly edify ourselves, so we may build and firmly establish ourselves in our faith, and so we may keep ourselves within the protective parameters of God’s unconditional love.

Father, you said we should ask and it will be given, and you also said you will give the Holy Spirit to those who ask you. We have asked and we ask in faith, confident that you have heard us and will grant our request. Furthermore, as your Word directs, we ask in the precious name of your Son, Jesus.


© Carol Hind

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Sunday’s Supplications

Sunday’s Supplications invites you to not only read the posts but also participate in the prayers. Each fortnight, I hope to introduce a new theme and prayer focus. Why not become a part of the WoW! community by participating in these prayers? Let’s pray for ourselves and for each other. Let’s obey God’s command to watch and pray for all the saints (Ephesians 6:18)

You are welcome to print off and use each prayer provided, either verbatim or adapted for your particular circumstance. Even better, why not construct your own prayer and share with others by linking to this post.

Please note, you do not have to be a blogger to participate.


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Women of Warfare followers and readers, I wish you a Spirit-filled and victorious week!


CREDITS: The above CC0 images come courtesy of

Women of Warfare – Arise!



Out of the huts of history’s shame

I rise

Up from a past that’s rooted in pain

I rise

(from: Still I Rise – Maya Angelou)



Hello Women of Warfare friends and followers,

I recently came across an old journal entry and thought I’d share an edited version of it with you all. Hopefully, it will be of encouragement to someone.

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Yesterday I decided to put the phrase “victor or victim” into google and see what came up.  I was surprised. There were a few blog posts on this, some of which I read then subsequently felt provoked to deal with my negativity once and for all.

It is hard to swallow the fact that I’m responsible for my own misery… that I have consistently made the choice to live in a perpetual cycle of anger, blame, resentment and unhappiness because of the mistreatment of others.

But I have to accept this.

I have to accept that although I cannot control what happens to me, what people do or say to me, what people think about me, I can control how I respond to the things that have happened.

It is a bitter pill indeed to swallow, to realise that me, myself and I have been responsible for years of wrong thinking, wrong attitudes and, wrong reactions. I have allowed other people to control my interior world (my thought life and internal responses) and I have allowed that interior world, to colour my views about myself, my life, my prospects, my future.

Yes – it is a bitter realisation indeed.

Now one of the posts I read gave a scenario about 2 single mothers who found themselves abandoned by their child’s father. The posts described how they chose to go through life thereafter. One emerged a victor and one became a victim. It was a matter of choice—pure and simple.

And so I decided yesterday evening that I was going to make that choice once and for all. I choose to be a victor!

I don’t imagine it will be easy. After all, I have ingrained, deeply entrenched negative habits. But, I am not fighting in my own strength and in fact, whilst I think about it, the battle has already been won. I just have to get on my battle gear and stand against the wiles of the Enemy, who just loves to goad me with his mind games.

 Day after day he has told me (and will no doubt continue to tell me) that I am a loser, that I am rejected, disrespected, fighting a losing battle.  But he is a liar. I am not a loser. I am going to win.

 I need to win. Because there are other women out there who need my help, need me to share my insights and encouragement and wisdom and need me to motivate them, inspire them and support them.

 And so Father God, I thank you for opening my eyes. I thank you for giving me your assignment to minister to wounded, hurting victims. Thank you for your promise to help me.  Holy Spirit I thank you in advance and in anticipation of your help, counsel, direction and enabling power. Teach me. Anoint me. Help me. Give me new perspectives, new aspirations, new insights—a new victorious life!

 I am excited! Excited to see how this turns out. Excited to see my life turn around miraculously and irrevocably. Excited to see lives that the Enemy has held in captivity turn around and be fully recovered from victimhood.

 Things are going to change within me, within my life, within the lives of people around me to whom I have been assigned. This is a mega responsibility but it is also an honour and nothing will delight me more than to see women who have been held down, crushed and incapacitated by the Enemy coming out of captivity, being liberated, arising in strength.


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Dear reader,

After writing the above entry, Maya Angelou’s poem Still I Rise came to mind. You can listen to, or read the poem here.

Serena Williams recited it before her Wimbledon finals match in July 2016. She not only won but achieved sporting history by matching Steffie Graff’s record of winning 22 grand slams.

Dear reader, if the above words from my journal entry speaks to you where you are at, if the message of my posts and the ethos of this blog (Women of Warfare!) resonates with you, may I take this opportunity to encourage you?

Like Serena Williams, you too can win. And you too can arise.

Now if you are a Wimbledon fan, or any kind of sports fan, you will appreciate that it takes more than talent or ability to win. It takes mental strength and determination.

Beloved Child of God, if you are going to win against the lies of the Enemy, if you are going to rise above your negative circumstances, if you are going to walk confidently in life as a victorious overcomer, then as the Word of God counsels, you need to be transformed by the renewing of your mind (Romans 12:2). You need to choose to focus your thoughts upon those things which are in line with God’s Word and his will for your life.

Dear reader, you can change your psychological history. It is a matter of choice.

Precious woman of God, you were created to be a victor. So choose to be the woman of God that He has called you to be – strong, merciful, loving, productive, wise and victorious!

No matter what you have suffered in the past, no matter what you may be experiencing now, choose to believe God’s Word over what the Enemy says or shows you, over what abusers, liars, mockers and scorners say and do to you, over whatever your negative life experiences have been.

Choose to arise. Choose to be a victorious overcomer.


Because as the L’Oréal advert says: “You are worth it!”


Bear one another’s burdens and so fulfil the law of Christ – Galatians 6:2 (NKJV)

This Week’s Prayer Focus:

Let us turn our thoughts and prayers this week towards those who are emotionally unstable—whether for yourself, or for someone you know, or anyone in the Body of Christ who feels victimised by others, who feels oppressed by the Enemy, who feels downtrodden by and despairing of their life’s circumstances.



Father God,

You have said in your Word that those who are strong ought to bear the burdens of those who are weak.

I want to thank you for the examples in your Word, which show us how to overcome in the battles of life. I particularly want to bring to your remembrance the account of Aaron and Hur, who held up the weary arms of Moses, so Joshua and the Children of Israel could prevail in battle (Exodus 17:8-12).

Thank you for this picture of intercessory warfare. Thank you for this beautiful example of saints in Christ coming alongside those who are weary, discouraged or defeated, in order to bear them up with our prayers, in order to support them with our love.

Father God, thank you for your Word, which is living and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword. Thank you that when we speak your Word in faith, when we meditate upon it daily, it does not return to you empty and unfulfilled but accomplishes your purpose in and through our lives.

I ask that you help all those who may be struggling right now, to stand with confidence upon your Word. I ask that you help all those who are mentally or emotionally defeated to awake to the truth and miraculous power of your Word, to resist Satan’s deceptive lies and to break free from the captivity of the Enemy.

Holy Spirit, I ask that you come alongside those who are weak, weary and defeated. I ask that you minister spiritual strength, comfort and peace throughout the coming weeks and months.

Lord Jesus, I thank you that you are the captain of our Salvation. I thank you that you have already disarmed the principalities and powers that have set themselves against us. I thank you that you ever live to make intercession for us. Enable us through your prayers and through the help of your Holy Spirit to stand strong in battle, to walk through life as victorious overcomers.

Father God, I ask this in the name of our all-conquering King. I ask in the mighty, matchless name of your Son, Jesus. Amen.

© Carol Hind

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Sunday’s Supplications

Sunday’s Supplications invites you to not only read the posts but also participate in the prayers. Each fortnight, I hope to introduce a new theme and prayer focus. Why not become a part of the WoW! community by participating in these prayers? Let’s pray for ourselves and for each other. Let’s obey God’s command to watch and pray for all the saints (Ephesians 6:18).

You are welcome to print off and use each prayer provided, either verbatim or adapted for your particular circumstance. Even better, why not construct your own prayer and share with others by linking to this post.

Please note, you do not have to be a blogger to participate.

*****   *****   *****


Women of Warfare followers and readers have a wonderful and victorious week!


CREDITS: The above  CC0 images come courtesy of

Sunrise image – by Jean Louis Tosque



Self Indulgence or Self Control?


Brace yourself dear friends, because today’s theme may be a thorny issue in your life. I refer to the issue of ANGER. You may be someone who blows up at the slightest thing, or you could be someone who quietly stews over perceived offences.

Whatever is your reality, perhaps now is the season to examine your heart, to see whether this trait is disturbing your spiritual equilibrium, affecting your relationships and undermining your peace.

I’m sure you are familiar with what the Bible has to say about this subject:

“Be angry and do not sin”: do not let the sun go down on your wrath, nor give place to the devil.

Ephesians 4:26-27


However, has familiarity with this command, bred compliance or contempt?

Now, whilst it is human nature to become angry at times, to even express our anger, we are warned against allowing it to remain in our heart, so that it festers and becomes a contaminating feature—both to the person harbouring it and to those around them.

So, for all those who desire to walk as a victorious overcomer, the question we should be asking ourselves is: Am I in control of my anger, or does anger with its diabolical accomplices, habitually control me?

It’s easy to think that because you’re not hitting out at anyone, or planning anyone’s demise that the anger we often nurse in our hearts, is harmless. However, God’s Word clearly indicates otherwise.

The writer of Hebrews warns us against a root of bitterness and its ability to spring up, cause trouble and defile many (Hebrews 12:15). And the apostle Paul advises us to:

Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice.

And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.

Ephesians 4:31-32


Now suppose God were to ask us to complete a questionnaire on how compliant we are to the above verses, I wonder how we would rate ourselves – with 5 being fully compliant and 1 indicating blatant disobedience!

Whether or not we dare to honestly assess and score ourselves, God knows our hearts and knows whether having been weighed in his balances, we are found wanting.

Returning now to the above text in Ephesians 4:26, my understanding of this is that it’s okay to be angry but there is a point beyond which our anger becomes sinful.

What is that point? It is when we allow our angry thoughts and feelings to last beyond sunset. Have you ever gone to bed with anger in your heart? Let me be honest here, I have!

Now we are fortunate that our episodes of anger are shielded from the public gaze. Not so for the likes of Donald Trump.  As someone who holds the highest office in the land, Trump is able to hire and fire at the drop of a hat. And don’t we know it? Last year, it seems to me that practically every month we heard about someone being fired from the White House administration.

Anger, or lack of self-control, is not always expressed through physical violence. It can be demonstrated by harsh words, sarcasm, tantrums, withering or subtle put-downs, even silence.

Dear friends, whether displayed publicly or privately, or carefully suppressed within our hearts, uncontrolled or seething anger reveals a weakness of character. Outbursts of wrath is named amongst the works of the flesh, whilst self-control is a fruit of the spirit.

As victorious overcomers, our goal is to glorify our Father-God, not just with our lips but also with our lifestyle. Our aim should be to model Christ-like behaviour, to behave like dear children, imitating our Father-God by showing forgiveness and mercy.

It’s a matter of choice. It’s a matter of obedience. It’s a matter of dying to self.

Easier said than done? Yes.

Impossible to do? No!

As the Bible assures us, we can do all things through Christ, who strengthens us.

I close with the following quotes:


Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured.

(Baptist Beacon)


Anger is one letter short of danger.      

Eleanor Roosevelt (1884-1962)


He who angers you conquers you.

Elizabeth Kenny


Anger can be likened to conducting an archaeological dig, searching for ancient hurts, buried offences, and relics of past resentment.

Carol Hind (aka Lady Cee)


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This Week’s Prayer Focus:

For ourselves and for our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ that we will value our relationship with God, with our family members, work colleagues and neighbours, above our grievances.

And don’t forget to put on your spiritual armour before entering the battlefield of prayer!



Heavenly Father,

I want to thank you for your unconditional love, your everlasting kindness and your unfailing mercies. Your Word reminds me that you are gracious and slow to anger… that you do not deal with us according to our sins, or punish us according to our iniquities.

Father God, I confess my sin of anger today. I ask you to forgive me for my short-sightedness. Forgive me for the times when I’ve acted exactly like the man in Christ’s parable of the unforgiving servant.

As I confess my sin today, I thank you for your promise to forgive my sins and cleanse me from all unrighteousness.  

Father God, I now bring before you all those amongst my followers and visitors who desire to walk in obedience to your Word. I commit into your hands all those who desire to walk as victorious overcomers. May we honestly examine our lives to see whether we measure up to your required standards.

Grant us the grace to humble ourselves and fully relinquish any angry thoughts, hurts and memories which reinforce a cycle of anger and bitterness within our hearts. Help us to resist the goading voice of the Enemy and to dismiss negative internal dialogues regarding those who have offended us.

Holy Spirit, comfort and administer your healing balm to our souls. Enable us to exercise self-control and strengthen our resolve to walk in obedience to God’s Word, to walk on that highway of holiness.

We ask today in faith, believing you have heard our prayers and will grant our request. And we ask in the matchless name of your Son, Jesus. Amen.

© Carol Hind


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Sunday’s Supplications

Sunday’s Supplications invites you to not only read the posts but also participate in the prayers. Each fortnight, I hope to introduce a new theme and prayer focus. You are welcome to print off and use each prayer provided, either verbatim or adapted for your particular circumstance. Even better, you can construct your own prayer and share with others by linking to this post. Please note, you do not have to be a blogger to participate.


*****   *****   *****


Women of Warfare followers and readers have a blessed and victorious week!

Do You Have the ‘S’ Factor?


What comes to mind when you think of a soldier in the army?

What comes to mind when you think of a warrior?

I think of individuals who have been specially trained, who know how to handle themselves in combat.

Paul writes to the Ephesians and instructs:

Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. (Ephesians 6:10-11)

When Paul gave this direction, he would have been thinking about the Roman regiment. And that’s where he got the idea to use these soldiers and their armour to illustrate the child of God in spiritual warfare, with spiritual weapons, engaging in spiritual combat.

The first thing we are commanded to do, is to be strong. Not wishy washy. Not crumbling at the first sign of confrontation, disappointment, or opposition.  We are to be strong.

What does that mean – to be strong?

It means we are to be resilient. To be hardy. To be able to bear up under pressure. To have mental, emotional and spiritual stability. But we are not expected to be strong in and of ourselves (thank God!).

We are commanded to be strong in the Lord. Did you get that? Be strong IN the Lord. To be in the Lord means we are enclosed. It means we are covered. It means we are inside him. We are not on him, under him, beside him, behind him, but in him!

Yet life happens and life is not usually packaged in a neat pretty bow. Life does not offer us an even plane with idyllic circumstances. It offers curved balls. It serves us conundrums. It delivers mountain top experiences along with valleys of adversity and mind-boggling dilemmas.

Our heavenly father knows this. After all he is omniscient. So when he demands that we be strong, does this mean we should only show the “stiff upper lip” as the Brits used to say? Does this mean, never show emotion? Does this mean we should not be susceptible to tears, or discouragement, or fear?

Absolutely not! Jesus was our role model when he was on this earth. He wept over Lazarus. He grieved for Jerusalem. He was fearful of the agony of a cruel death and separation from his beloved Father. And I doubt anyone would describe him as weak!

And that’s why we cannot depend upon our own strength—since that strength can obviously be diminished by discouragement and difficulties. That is why Paul admonishes us to be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might.

What does it mean to be “in the Lord”? It means the Lord is the container and we are inside. It means the Lord is our fortress and we are within that fortress.

So dear child of God, do you understand what is being asked of you? Are you taking heed?

Be strong in the Lord!

Think of it another way. Think of it as abiding. Abiding in the vine. Abiding in God’s Word. Abiding in God’s presence. Living in such a way that you are vitally connected to the source of divine might and strength.

Be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might!

Spiritual strength is important. A soldier who falls to pieces mentally and emotionally is no good on the battlefield. A soldier who does not have physical stamina, is no good to his comrades or superiors. In fact he could become a liability.

Strength is required to withstand the Enemy. Strength is required to withstand the internal voices that assail you as you go about your daily living (Can I do this? Suppose I fail? Am I good enough?), or as you take your place on the battlefield of prayer (Has God heard my petition? Will God grant this request?).

Let me illustrate how Paul’s challenge to the Body of Christ, plays out in a real life scenario. I presume you are familiar with the Bible story of David and Goliath.

Do you recall the response of Saul and members of his army? These men were seasoned soldiers. These men were fighting veterans. And yet they were afraid. They were afraid because they approached the prospect of facing their enemy, in their own strength and might. And when it came to measuring their strength and their might against this gigantic Philistine, they believed they were no match for this enemy – and of course they were right!

However, David, an unseasoned, and untested and unorthodox warrior, saw himself as strong in the power of God’s might. He saw not the bigness of this giant foe but the greatness of his covenant-keeping God.

How did he come by such spiritual strength? How did he gain such supernatural confidence? Through regular fellowship with God. Through a committed ongoing relationship. And through experiences gained during his every-day life as a shepherd, as a worshipper.

In Daniel 11:32b, we are told: …the people who know their God shall be strong and carry out great exploits.

Dear warrior of God,

Dear WoW follower or visitor,

How is your relationship with God?

Do you have spiritual strength?

Without spiritual strength you cannot resist the Enemy. Without spiritual strength you cannot stand your ground.

Don’t waste time, don’t expend your energy fighting against people. It’s tempting yes, to use carnal weapons such as put-downs, arguments, hostility, withdrawal of love, etc.

It may even feel temporarily satisfying but use of such weapons will only dissipate your spiritual strength. Use of such weapons will only put you at odds with the Commander of our faith. Even worse, use of such weapons puts us in the same territory (i.e. on the same side) as our deadly Enemy.

Want to succeed this year?

Want this year to be better than those gone before?

Want to walk as a victorious over-comer?

Want to reign in your circumstances, instead of your circumstances ruling you?

Then develop your spiritual strength. Aim to be strong and let that supernatural strength, that sense of stability, that emotional and internal resilience be a product of God’s power and might. Let that strength permeate your life through your ongoing relationship with him.

And remember dear one, regardless of any negative circumstance you may face—you are more than a conqueror. So believe it, declare it, and walk confidently in this truth – today!


This Week’s Prayer Focus:

In accordance with Ephesians 6:18, let’s pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ (particularly those who’ve been imprisoned for their faith). Pray that we will be empowered by our relationship with God and will stand firm in the face of any attack by the Enemy.

Remember to protect yourself by putting on your spiritual armour before entering the battlefield of prayer!



Father God in heaven, thank you for making us a partaker of your divine nature. Thank you for granting us all things that pertain to life and godliness through the knowledge of Christ. Thank you for equipping the body of Christ with supernatural weapons of warfare and with an armour that protects us from the onslaught of the Enemy. Help us to be vigilant, to be aware that Satan prowls around seeking to devour our faith and our confidence in you and seeking to prey on our weaknesses.

Lord Jesus, you are the high priest of our confession. We therefore declare with boldness that this year we will not be intimidated by, or slothful about the Enemy’s attacks against us and our loved ones. We declare that we are not ignorant of Satan’s devices and we determine in our hearts not to indulge in the use of carnal weapons but to submit our thoughts, attitudes and actions to the obedience of Christ. We apply the protective power of the blood of Jesus over our minds and over our lives, against which Satan and his cohorts have no immunity.

Lord, we pray for those brothers and sisters in Christ who are suffering persecution for their faith. We ask that you strengthen them with might by your Holy Spirit in their inner being. Cause them to hope in you and may that hope act as an anchor for their soul. Deliver them from evil. Let not the plans of the Enemy prevail against them or their families. Grant them the inner peace that transcends natural understanding.

Thank you Father-God for your goodness and mercy. Thank you for your unfailing compassion. Whether at liberty or imprisoned, we proclaim your sovereignty in the lives of your people and we declare your miraculous power is at work within our lives.

In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

© Carol Hind


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Sunday’s Supplications

Sunday’s Supplications invites you to not only read the posts but also participate in the prayers. Each fortnight, I hope to introduce a new theme and prayer focus. You are welcome to print off and use each prayer provided, either verbatim or adapted for your particular circumstance. Even better, you can construct your own prayer and share with others by linking to this post. Please note, you do not have to be a blogger to participate.

*****   *****   *****


Women of Warfare followers and visitors be blessed and have a wonderful week!


CREDIT: The above CC0 image comes courtesy of

Remember Your First Love?



Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love (Revelation 2:4 NKJV)


Draw near to God and He will draw near to you (James 4:8a NKJV)


Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him, and dine with him, and he with Me (Revelations 3:20 NKJV)




Do you remember the first time you landed that job? Or the first time you were given a responsible role? Or the first time you met your spouse?

Do you remember how excited you were? How committed you were to doing your utmost best? How full of zeal and excitement and plans? Do you remember how you could not stop talking about it, telling others about what you’ve accomplished, or sharing the good news about what has happened to you?

Now cast your mind back to how you felt when you first invited the Lord Jesus Christ to take control of your life. Do you recall your fervour… that incredible feeling of love, joy and gratitude? Well, that’s what is referred to as ‘your first love’ in the above quote.

When you consider how motivated you were then to loving and pleasing God, and measure this against your relationship with him now, how does it compare? Have you cooled down? Become lukewarm, or cold, or completely indifferent?

Once the novelty of a relationship wears off, if we want it to flourish, then we jolly well have to work at it! Neglected relationships deteriorate. As in the natural, so with the spiritual.

We can find ourselves failing to pay full attention to the things of God. We can allow the monotony and minutiae of life to distract us. We can become preoccupied with our daily struggles, disappointments, or desires. And after a while, as the demands of spouse, family, work, social circles and even church life overwhelm us, we may unconsciously, or deliberately, push God to the back burner of our lives.

Yep – He’s right there  – in the background! Of course we love him. Of course we’re “committed” to him. And of course, we’ll certainly call upon him when trouble arises. But once the crisis is over, to the back burner he returns. Instead of Jesus being our consort, he becomes a convenience.

Dear reader,

Dear child of God,

Dear friend or follower,

If we are to make it as a victorious overcomer throughout 2018, then our relationship with God cannot be secondary. It needs to be a priority. And even if you feel your spiritual life is somewhat satisfactory, there is always room for improvement.

If we want to enjoy a notable year of spiritual growth, satisfaction and triumph, then it is imperative that we connect with and stay connected to the three members of the Godhead – our Heavenly Father, His precious Son Jesus, and the Holy Ghost.

So this year, resolve to draw closer to God. Resolve to make seeking God’s face an absolute priority.


This Week’s Prayer Focus:

Let’s pray for ourselves as individuals and for the corporate Body of Christ, that we will develop an ever increasing passion for his presence… that we will pursue a closer, deeper and stronger relationship with him.



Father God,

You are worthy of all praise, glory and honour.

What a privilege you have bestowed upon each member of the Body of Christ by adopting us into your family. Thank you for your unconditional love and faithfulness. Forgive us for the many times that we’ve allowed other things to take pre-eminence in our lives.

Father, your Word says that when we draw closer to you, then you will draw closer to us. Honour your promise today. As we seek a closer connection with you and the other members of the Godhead, cause our souls to hunger and thirst for you. Draw us to yourself with unbreakable cords of love. Entwine our hearts into a deeper, richer relationship with you.

Lord God, may we experience an assurance of mind, which enables us to declare (like Paul), that neither tribulation nor distress, persecution or peril, nakedness or famine, will separate us from your love.  And may we, like the psalmist, seek your face and require the manifestation of your awesome presence within our lives, as a vital necessity. May we love you the way you deserve, and as your Word commands—with all of our heart, all of our mind and all of our strength.

We ask this in faith and in the matchless name of Jesus. Amen.

© Carol Hind


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Sunday’s Supplications

Sunday’s Supplications invites you to not only read the posts but also participate in the prayers. Each fortnight, I hope to introduce a new theme and prayer focus. You are welcome to print off and use each prayer provided, either verbatim or adapted for your particular circumstance. Even better, you can construct your own prayer and share with others by linking to this post. Please note, you do not have to be a blogger to participate.


*****   *****   *****


Women of Warfare followers and visitors have a blessed and victorious week!



New Beginnings…

“As the year comes to a close, it is a time for reflection – a time to release old thoughts and beliefs and forgive old hurts. Whatever has happened in the past year, the New Year brings fresh beginnings. Exciting new experiences and relationships await. Let us be thankful for the blessings of the past and the promise of the future.”
Peggy Toney Horton


For years, decades even, I could not let go of the malicious things people said and did to me. Believe me when I say, I was not being totally paranoid. I had people in my life who’d decided they were going to systematically target me and undermine my self-esteem, my reputation, relationships and career prospects.

Christian or not, when such spiteful and unwarranted behaviour continues from day to day, week to week, month to month, even year to year, it can take its toll on your character, on your relationship with God or others and, on your ability to grow and develop as an individual, as a disciple of Christ.  It can even take its toll on your ability to enjoy every-day life.

As the years clocked by, I allowed these people to get into my head. I allowed bitterness to take root in my heart and I allowed resentment to influence my actions. I became a victim.

It was only when I suddenly woke up to the fact that if God loves me unconditionally, cares about me and has complete control (which I did believe), and that if God is omniscient and therefore aware of my predicament and the actions of those perpetrators (which I had no doubt that He is and was aware), then my Father God must be allowing the circumstances—and if He is allowing it, then it is for a reason.

My choice at that point was to either submit my will to His, or rebel against it. Submitting would demonstrate to both God and Satan that my frequent prayer: not my will Lord God but Your will be done, in and through my life was not just an empty platitude.

It took much fretting, agonising and dying to self before I understood that God was not going to respond to my complaints, or cries of outrage, or bargaining, or unhappiness. I finally had to accept that my Father God responds only to faith and obedience.

Now, I’m not saying that I’ve arrived, or that I’m perfect (far from it!). However, I can now confidently declare that I no longer see myself as a victim. I can humbly testify that my predicament gave me ample opportunities to make mature choices, appropriate God’s strength, use his spiritual weapons and learn to walk in life as a victorious overcomer.

I share this post, having been inspired by today’s devotional reading, which focused on the following verse of scripture:

…forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal…

(Philippians 3:13 NKJV)


Dear fellow-believer,

Dear precious woman of God,

Dear WoW follower or visitor,

We are at the threshold of a brand new year.

And so dear reader, as you enter 2018, where applicable, may I encourage you to leave behind any disappointments, failings, grudges or other victim behaviour from your past?

May I encourage you to enter into this New Year with a godly resolve to be the best person you can be as a new creation in Christ?

May I encourage you dear Child of God to appropriate and live the best life (i.e. the God-quality type of life) that you possibly can, so you may be that bright spiritual light, that sanctified dispenser of salt, that God-glorifying and victorious overcomer, you have been called to be?


This Week’s Prayer Focus:

Let’s pray for the New Year ahead and the fresh opportunities it brings to walk in a manner that pleases God, to grow in our knowledge of and relationship with him and, to enjoy our every-day lives.



Loving Father God,

I want to praise and thank you for your goodness, mercies and blessings throughout this current year.

Thank you for keeping both me and my loved ones safe from harm, danger and evil. Thank you for supplying my daily needs. I ask that you keep me ever appreciative of your divine presence, protection and provision. May I never take my salvation for granted, or squander the priceless privilege, which you have granted to me as your heir.

Lord God, you already know what 2018 has in store for me. I choose to enter this year with an expectation that whatever I face, you have given me the ability to reign in my circumstances through Christ, who strengthens me. You have given me the spiritual resources to emerge as a victorious overcomer.

I commit my dreams, goals and vision into your hands. Your Word advises me to commit my works to the Lord and to acknowledge you in all my ways, so that you may direct my paths. I therefore do so in faith and with confidence that throughout this new year, you will cause all things (both good and bad), to work together for my advancement and welfare.

Lord Jesus, I want to thank you that you ever live to make intercession for me and I thank you for being a faithful high priest. As I offer my life as a daily sacrifice and in service to my Father God, I ask that you make it acceptable in His sight. I ask that you cause my accomplishments, worship and prayers to rise as sweet incense before God’s presence.

Holy Spirit, I acknowledge my need of you and therefore call upon you. Enable and empower me to walk in agreement with God’s Word and in obedience to His will. Fill me afresh with your anointed presence each new day. Fill me with the peace of God that transcends natural understanding. Fill me with the wisdom of God, so that I know what to do, how and when to do it. Give me ears to hear and understand my Father God’s guidance and direction. Help me to recognise His voice, to differentiate between what He is saying, what the Enemy implies and accuses, or what my selfish instincts dictate.

Father God, thank you for hearing my prayer today. I believe you’ve heard me and because I have asked in faith and have prayed in the name of your Son, Jesus, I am confident that you will grant my request. Amen.

© Carol Hind

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Sunday’s Supplications

Sunday’s Supplications invites you to not only read the posts but also participate in the prayers. Each fortnight, I hope to introduce a new theme and prayer focus. You are welcome to print off and use each prayer provided, either verbatim or adapted for your particular circumstance. Even better, you can construct your own prayer and share with others by linking to this post. Please note, you do not have to be a blogger to participate.

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Women of Warfare followers and readers I wish you a successful and triumphant year, filled with God’s abundant blessings and perpetual favour.

Have a wonderful week!


CREDIT: The above CC0 images come courtesy of


Press into Passion


Last week, we looked at the heart-breaking truth of people who for some reason cannot accept the reality of God, yet desperately wish they could. We learned through the testimony of one man that there are agnostics who wish they could believe, who wish they could experience the comfort and confidence that our faith in God provides.

Which brings me to today’s theme.

Often, as Christians, we can take our faith, our salvation for granted. Sometimes we fail to appreciate what we have.

Relationships take hard work. We know this from our own experience with others—whether it’s a family member, a partner, a work colleague, a neighbour. And so when it comes to our relationship with God, things are no different. We have to work at it!

Now the Bible reminds us that sometimes we can allow affection for God and our commitment to things relating to his kingdom, to slide. Other things get in the way. Other things become a priority.

In Revelation 3:14-22 we read that the Laodicean church received a grave warning. They’d become blasé and lukewarm about their faith and their walk with God. Not cold. Not hot. Lukewarm. And God was having none of it.

Priscilla Shirer in her excellent book Fervent  suggests that stealing our passion for God is a deliberate tactic of Satan. She says when our passion dims, our resistance to temptation is lowered, whilst our discouragement levels heighten. When passion dims, our faith in God is weakened.

Again, if you’ve ever read though the entire Bible, you will be aware that there were instances in the history of the Children of Israel when they served God with all their heart. But there were also times when they allowed themselves to be drawn away from their vows of adoration, commitment and faith. Despite all the miracles they witnessed. Despite all the victories they experienced. Despite the many instances of God’s miraculous provision.

And so we can see clearly that even though we are committed, born-again Christians, as human beings, we are prone to making the same mistakes as the Children of Israel and members of the Laodicean church.

So let me ask, where are you in this regard? When you look back to the days when you first committed your life to Christ and compare it to now, has your love for God increased, or diminished?

If the latter, recognise that whilst you do have a responsibility for where you are at in your relationship with God, you also have an Enemy, who is actively seeking to break your focus, undermine your faith, and sabotage your relationship with the Lord.

So, what should you and I do when we examine our lives and note we are not where we should be in terms of our relationship with God?

We should:

  • Recognise
  • Resist
  • Re-connect

Recognise our state. Recognise the danger.

Resist the Enemy. Resist our own petty inclinations.

Re-connect to God. Reconnect with the spiritual resources and godly people, which help to fuel our passion for the Lord.

Dear believer, there are people out there who envy what you have in terms of your relationship with God—so cherish it, nurture it, celebrate it!


This Week’s Prayer Focus:

For ourselves. For our brothers and sisters in Christ. That depending on where we are in our relationship with God, our passion will increase, or be rekindled.


Father God,

I am so thankful that you are who you are. I am thankful that you are an unchanging God and that your love for me is everlasting and unconditional. You deserve that I reciprocate this love.

I want to obey your command and love you with all of my heart, mind, soul and strength. Forgive me for the times when I fail to do so. Forgive me for the times when I allow other things, other people to take first place in my life. Help me to recognise quickly when my commitment to you has waned, and whenever this happens, create a fervent desire within me to rectify this.

Father God, I recognise that I cannot maintain my passion for you, for the things pertaining to your kingdom, in my own strength and ability. It is you who works within me to both will and fulfil your good pleasure, satisfaction and delight.

Lord God, I don’t want to be cold. I certainly don’t want to be lukewarm. Help me to emulate those people in the Bible such as King David, or St. Paul, whose passion for you and commitment to your purpose remained constant.

Heavenly Father, just as I pray for myself, I wish to pray for my brothers and sisters in Christ, particularly those amongst my readership. I ask that you create within them a strong, steadfast spirit. I ask that you open their eyes, so that they may see and recognise every attempt by the Enemy to sabotage their faith in, and relationship with, you. I ask that you grant them the ability and the tenacity to resist Satan’s tactics within and against their lives.

Father God, if disappointment, discouragement, disillusionment, or disinterest has set in, I ask right now that you break through the lies and false accusations of the Enemy and enable those affected to refocus their thoughts upon the truths of your Word. I ask that you minister hope, assurance, comfort and peace to their souls. I ask that you renew the passion and commitment they once enjoyed. I ask that you both remind and influence them to wear their spiritual armour, so that they can protect themselves from the fiery darts of the Enemy.

Father God, we thank you for your daily mercies and ongoing patience. May we be ever grateful to you for your goodness and loving-kindness and may we not take your grace and our salvation for granted.

In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

© Carol Hind


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Sunday’s Supplications

Sunday’s Supplications invites you to not only read the posts but also participate in the prayers. Each week, I hope to introduce a new theme and prayer focus. You are welcome to print off and use each prayer provided, either verbatim or adapted for your particular circumstance. Even better, you can construct your own prayer and share with others by linking to this post. Please note, you do not have to be a blogger to participate.

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Women of Warfare followers and readers have a wonderful week!


CREDIT: The above CC0 image comes courtesy of Gordon Johnson at

The Sore Need for Compassion


Dear believer,

Are you not grateful that in these troubled times, these days of uncertainty, God, your God, the immortal and all-wise God is a prominent feature in your life?

Are you not happy that in these times of change, the one who never changes is a permanent feature of your life?

Are you not relieved that whatever you may face in your personal life, or as a citizen of this troubled world, there is someone to whom you can turn with absolute confidence, knowing that whatever life throws at you (the good, the bad, the downright devastating and ugly), God is in control and he can cause all things to work together for your good, your benefit, your welfare?

I have had thoughts like these over recent years when facing sickness, opposition, family discord, job uncertainty—and I can confidently declare that God has come through for me and my loved ones, again and again, and again!

There is no doubt in my mind that we serve an awesome God, a God who is a very present help in the time of trouble, a God who is not deaf towards our pleas for help or reassurance, a God who makes all things beautiful in our lives, within his timing (Ecclesiastes 3:11).

But what of those who don’t have this? What of those who don’t know where or to whom they may turn? Who even if they seek assistance from the arm of flesh in the way of counsellors, family and loved ones, hypnotists, psychiatrists and psychics, they soon discover these to be inadequate, insufficiently robust, indeed lacking the required omniscience to be able to offer lasting solutions, permanent inner peace, or suitable and specific direction?

What of those who do not know God? Who may have heard about him but denied him, dismissed him, even dissed him?

What of those who have been caught up in a diabolical maelstrom of disbelief or unbelief, of deception, cynicism and scepticism?

This weekend I read a passage taken from UCB Word for Today* (a devotional resource, which I highly recommend!), which touched and grieved my heart.

I felt compassion for those who for whatever reason have rejected God, but at the same time I felt grieved over the influence of the Enemy within their hearts, who keeps them from recognising and reaching out for the very thing that could transform their lives and grant them the security, peace and confidence their heart so craves.

The passage of which I speak, runs as follows:

Writer and editorialist W. O. Saunders said in American Magazine: ‘I’d like to introduce you to one of the loneliest and unhappiest individuals on earth… the man who doesn’t believe in God. I can introduce you to such a man because I myself am one, and in introducing myself you shall have an introduction to the agnostic or sceptic in your own neighbourhood, for he is everywhere in the land. You’ll be surprised to know that the agnostic envies your faith in God, your settled belief in a heaven after life, and your blessed assurance that you’ll meet with your loved ones in an afterlife where there’ll be neither sadness nor pain. He’d give anything to be able to embrace that faith and be comforted by it, but for him there is only the grave and the persistence of matter. After the grave all he can see is the disintegration of the protoplasm and psychoplasm of which my body and personality are composed, but in this materialistic view, I find neither ecstasy nor happiness… He may put on a brave front but he isn’t happy… He sometimes yearns for a staff to lean on. He, too, carries a cross. For him, this earth is but a tricky raft adrift in the unfathomable waters of eternity with no horizon in sight. His heart aches for every precious life upon the raft – drifting, drifting, drifting, whither no one knows.’


Dear reader, what a position to be in. Does your heart not go out to him and others like him?

Do you appreciate the fact that if it were not for the grace of God, we would have remained in a similar situation regarding unbelief, we would have shared a similar fate regarding the inability to accept God’s free gift of salvation?

Oh dear believer in Christ, dear women of warfare, may the compassion of God grip your heart for the hopelessness and helplessness of those such as the man in the passage above.

Let us pray.


This Week’s Prayer Focus:

Can we turn our hearts this week towards those individuals within the circle of our influence, who are like the man that speaks in the passage above? Let’s turn our hearts in compassion towards those who are lost, who do not know God, who are seeking resolutions to seemingly insurmountable problems, who long for peace of mind, who require sound direction for their lives.

(And please, do remember to protect yourselves by putting on your spiritual armour before entering the battlefield of prayer!)


Father God,

Your Word declares that it is not your intention for anyone to perish. It also tells me that whomsoever wills, yea whomsoever believes, may come to you through Christ and experience the benefits of salvation—forgiveness, restoration, peace and wholeness.

I want to lift up towards you those within the circle of our influence who feel that the gospel is foolishness, who believe that death is the end and the idea of heaven and hell is ridiculous, who scoff at the notion of eternal life or eternal damnation.

Father God, I know that such individuals have been deceived by the lying influence of Satan. I am also aware that it is only through your goodness and mercy that men will be drawn to a place of godly sorrow and true repentance.

Father God, let not the evil will of the Enemy prevail within and against the lives of such men, women and youths. I ask that you turn their hearts away from unbelief, cynicism and scepticism. I ask that you draw such men, women and youths toward you with your gentle cords of love. I ask that you cause the glorious light of your gospel to illuminate their minds, hearts and understanding. Have mercy dear Lord upon those who are honestly seeking the truth and deliver them from sin, selfishness and spiritual blindness.

Holy Spirit, hover over their lives. Bring clarity, order and light where there is confusion, chaos and darkness. Soften those hearts. Remove any spiritual calluses caused by self-sufficiency, intellectualism, worldly knowledge and experience. Break down those barriers erected through stubborn and rebellious attitudes. And to those who respond in genuine humility to your salvation call, I ask that you minister assurance and hope as they take their place amongst their fellow-heirs of salvation. Envelop and keep them within the safety of your abiding presence.

Father God, thank you for hearing our prayers and granting our requests, which we ask in faith and in the matchless, mighty name of your son, Jesus. Amen.

© Carol Hind


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Sunday’s Supplications

Sunday’s Supplications invites you to not only read the posts but also participate in the prayers. Each week, I hope to introduce a new theme and prayer focus. You are welcome to print off and use each prayer provided, either verbatim or adapted for your particular circumstance. Even better, you can construct your own prayer and share with others by linking to this post. Please note, you do not have to be a blogger to participate.

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Women of Warfare followers and visitors, throughout this coming week may you experience in an increasing measure, the compassion of God and an unshakeable confidence in him.


*Free postal copies of UCB Word For Today (UK and Republic of Ireland only) are available from: FREEPOST RLTX-ABUL-GRAR, United Christian Broadcasters, Westport Road, Stoke-on-Trent, ST6 4JF

For the online version visit here

CREDIT: the above CC0 image comes courtesy of

Fear or Faith? – Where’s Your Focus?


4For since the beginning of the world

Men have not heard nor

perceived by the ear,

Nor has the eye seen any God

Besides You,

Who acts for the one who waits

for Him.


5You meet him who rejoices and

does righteousness,

Who remembers You in Your


(Isaiah 64:4-5a – NKJ)


It’s easy to look at what we perceive to be the impossibilities of our personal circumstances and become discouraged.

It’s understandable, when considering the darkness of this world, the terror-inducing scenarios that unfold each day, to become fearful and distressed.

It’s natural when we absorb the negative statistics regarding our dysfunctional or depraved societies to become disheartened, or when we consider adverse analytical reports from scientific, psychiatric and economic experts, to feel both alarmed and overwhelmed.

After all, such events, such reports, such realities confront us on a daily basis.

But dear friends, whenever we find ourselves despairing, know this – we are focusing on the wrong thing! We are focusing on that which undermines our personal peace and our confidence in God.

So how can we restore the right balance within our lives?

By deliberately changing our focus. By removing our eyes from the greatness of our needs, the hopelessness of our situation, the enormity of the world’s problems and using the vehicle of prayer, praise and worship to enlarge and increase our perception of the God we serve, the magnitude of his might, the awesomeness of his holy being.

I hope you will take the time to listen to the worship video below and allow Sinach Joseph to minister to you.

As you listen, may recognition of our Father-God’s greatness seep into your consciousness, refocus your mind, your heart and the spiritual eyes of your understanding upon the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth, the Glorious Holy One who sits above the circle of the earth, who despite all contrary appearances remains absolutely in control!





This Week’s Prayer Focus:

Throughout this week, let’s take the time to remember the greatness of our God. Let’s rejoice that there is no situation, no human or demonic entity that can stand against Him, or counteract His purpose—whether that purpose relates to your life, or to the nations of this earth.

(Please remember to protect yourselves with your spiritual armour before taking your place on the battlefield of prayer!)


Father God,

Be magnified today – in our minds, in our hearts, in our circumstances. Be magnified in our thoughts and understanding. Increase our perception of your greatness and glory. When our hearts feel overwhelmed, lead us to your Rock of truth. Extend and strengthen our capacity to refocus our eyes on the incontrovertible truth of your Word, upon the invincibility of your person and upon the incomparableness of your mighty power.

Holy Spirit, help us to focus on Jesus, the originator and completer of our faith. Inspire and motivate us to worship God in spirit and in truth. Grant us revelation knowledge and insight regarding God’s purpose for our lives, for our loved ones and for our nations. Minister the heart-felt peace that surpasses natural understanding, regardless of whatever troubles we may face. Help us to pray effectively about our individual concerns and about those issues which God lays upon our hearts.

Father-God, hear our supplication today. Deliver us from evil. Manifest your good, acceptable and perfect will and may it prevail within our lives and upon this earth.

We ask this in faith and in the name of your Son Jesus, the name at which every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that he alone is Lord. Amen!

© Carol Hind


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Sunday’s Supplications

Sunday’s Supplications invites you to not only read the posts but also participate in the prayers. Each week, I hope to introduce a new theme and prayer focus. You are welcome to print off and use each prayer provided, either verbatim or adapted for your particular circumstance. Even better, you can construct your own prayer and share with others by linking to this post. Please note, you do not have to be a blogger to participate.

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Women of Warfare followers and visitors, may the peace of God envelop your minds and hearts throughout the coming week.


CREDIT: the above CC0 image comes courtesy of Beate Bachmann at

Do You Know God’s Will? (Part 3)


 Hello lovely readers,

As I begin to type this post, I have no idea where my thoughts, or where the Holy Spirit will lead me. When I first planned and made notes for this theme, it looked very different and I had not intended for it to be a series, so bear with me, as together we see how the Lord will lead.

If you have not read parts 1 and 2 and you would like to, please click on the following links:

Do You Know God’s Will? (Part 1)

Do You Know God’s Will? (Part 2)




Last week I ended my post with the following statement:

“When we do not know, or fail to understand, or refuse to submit to God’s will, the end result is unfulfilled potential.”

I had just spoken about the parable of the talents and how the man who received one talent had:

  1. Buried his God-given resource, undermining his future potential and
  2. Had a wrong perception of the Lord.

Perhaps the difference between this man who buried his talent and the other two who maximised their potential, was relationship.

The two who went out and increased what they were given, showed that they understood their master’s requirements. All three men were given the means and the same amount of time in which to develop and increase what they’d been given. Yet one failed. Why? What made the difference?

I believe it was a failure to discern the master’s will. And this failure revealed an ignorance about the master.

Why the failure? Why the ignorance?

I put it down to neglect and complacency. Neglecting to fellowship with God, neglecting to understand how the Kingdom of God operated and complacency regarding his role as a steward.

Now when a job applicant applies for a position and is fortunate enough to secure an interview, if that applicant is wise, he or she will research the company which they are hoping to join. It demonstrates interest to the potential employer but also reveals to the applicant the company’s ethos, history, aims and objectives. The person specification and job description reveals the employer’s will.

It is the same with the Kingdom of God. The Bible reveals God’s ethos. It reveals the person specification for members of the Body of Christ. It reveals God’s will. However, only the wise, only the diligent, will have the ability to discern and fulfil it.

When Jesus shared this parable, he mentioned that the story he told was a picture of the Kingdom of heaven. I think this parable accurately reflects how many members of the Body of Christ behave today. Whilst some will diligently seek to fulfil Father-God’s will, others will accept the costly gifts of salvation yet fail to use their God-given resources and opportunities to glorify him.

When we look at this parable we can see that the onus is upon us to use the resources we’ve been given and, as we are diligent, our capacity to know more about God, about who we are in Christ, about the kingdom of heaven of which we have become citizens and in which we are co-labourers, increases.

When we submit to the will of God, our capacity to please him, to be transformed from glory to glory into the image of Christ and to work the works of God increases. As Daniel says:

…the people who know their God shall be strong and carry out great exploits.

(Daniel 11:32b NKJV)

Dear reader, relationship is a vital key to knowing God and knowing his will. And that relationship has to be genuine, ongoing and meaningful.

In Matthew 25:16 we learn that the servant with the 5 talents traded with them. A relationship with God requires the trading of your time (the most valuable commodity you can offer), in order to enjoy his presence. And whenever you spend time in God’s Word, you are trading that time for exposure to the mind-set of God. You are placing yourself in a position to receive his revelations, his directions, or his correction. You are trading that time to increase your knowledge of God. Whether engaged in prayer, in worship, in meditation, in silence, it is time well spent and the Bible tells us that God rewards those who diligently seek him.

Do you value what you’ve been given?

Do you appreciate the fact that we’ve been given complete access to God’s holy presence and unlimited resources?

The servant with the one talent did not appreciate what he’d been given. He buried it in the ground. Can you imagine that? No doubt it was tucked away in the earth out of sight whilst he went about his day-to-day life and it was only retrieved when he was called to give an account.

When you consider this parable, there is information here that gives another insight into God’s will. He wants us as his servants to be wise stewards of all that he entrusts into our hands. If this man had only deposited what he’d been given, so that it earned interest, he would not have been so severely punished.

The Word of God is replete with clues as to God’s will. From Genesis to Revelation we see a consistent pattern unfolding.

God wants to fellowship with his people. God wants to bless them. He wants to enter into a covenant relationship with them. But he also wants his people to love him, serve him, honour him, glorify him.

Just as he did with the Children of Israel, He wants to show us off to the world around us. He wants them to be able to look at us and examine our lives and witness how he provides and protects and promotes us. He wants them to recognise that we are children of the Living God.

Dear reader, God’s will is to love you, to shower you with the benefits of salvation, with the blessings of his kingdom. His will is for you to appreciate his goodness, to thank him for his mercies.

These are just the basics. There is so much more. Will you be a diligent servant or a complacent member of Christ’s body?

The choice is yours!


This Week’s Prayer Focus:

As I wrote this post I felt a burden for the Body of Christ to wake up, to recognise we’ve been given a privileged position and not take it for granted, so let’s pray for ourselves and for our church communities.

And as usual, before going into battle please protect yourselves by putting on your spiritual armour.


Almighty God,

I come boldly into your throne room and thank you for the privilege of being able to spend time in your presence. I want to thank you for granting me all things that pertain to life and godliness. I want to thank you for your unconditional, everlasting and extravagant love and I want to thank you for your good, acceptable and perfect will for my life.

Father God, I want to honour you. I want to love you with my whole heart. I ask that you make my thoughts and inclinations agreeable with your will. I choose not to conform to the ways of this world but to be transformed by the renewing of my mind. May your perfect will be accomplished within and through my life.

Lord God, I bring to your remembrance those of my brothers and sisters in Christ, who are represented amongst my blog followers and readers, and those who are members of the Body of Christ in the various church communities or fellowships that we attend. I ask that just as an eagle stirs up her young in their nest, so you will stir us up out of our nests of complacency. Help us to pay heed to your warning to watch and pray lest we enter into temptation. Father God, I ask that you deliver us from the temptation to be preoccupied with our problems and not discern, or even care about those around us who are lost, who are grieving, who are without hope in this world.

Touch our hearts afresh. Motivate us to seek your face like never before. Enlighten the eyes of our understanding, so that we can discern your will. Empower us as individuals and corporately as a people, so that we walk in conformity with your will, so that we can effectively implement it.

I ask this in the name of your precious son Jesus. Amen.

© Carol Hind

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Sunday’s Supplications

Sunday’s Supplications invites you to not only read the posts but also participate in the prayers. Each week, I hope to introduce a new theme and prayer focus. You are welcome to print off and use each prayer provided, either verbatim or adapted for your particular circumstance. Even better, you can construct your own prayer and share with others by linking to this post. Please note, you do not have to be a blogger to participate.

*****   *****   *****

Women of Warfare followers and visitors have a blessed week!


CREDIT: The above CC0 image comes courtesy of

Do You Know God’s Will? (Part 2)


Hello friends, followers and visitors – how have you been doing this week? I hope you are growing and flourishing in the will of God.

Last week, we looked at understanding the will of God. A big subject when you consider we serve a BIG God. But you know something? God does not hide his will, his plan and purpose from us. He does not make it impossible for us to discover.

Nor does he require us to have a phenomenal brain, or super-human intellect, or something which is available only to the rich or supremely successful person, in order to access this information.

If you are a child of God (i.e. if you have been spiritually “born-again”) then you have Christ living within you, you have God’s Holy Spirit alongside you, and you have the Word of God, to help you know, understand and fulfil God’s good, acceptable and perfect will.

Last week we looked at the definition of understanding according to Chambers 21st Century Dictionary. Two of these definitions were:

  • The act of understanding or the ability to understand
  • Someone’s perception or interpretation of information received

We also considered God’s command to us through Paul:

Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.

Ephesians 5:17 (NKJV)


We can see then that understanding the will of God must be something accessible to us as children of God, since our Father-God is fair and just and would not ask of us something that’s impossible.

So, if there is an issue regarding our understanding of what God wants, it would seem to be a problem with our knowledge, or our perception, even our interpretation of the information that we have at our disposal.


First things First!

Going back to God’s command to us in Ephesians, note that it begins with asking us not to be unwise. This suggests to me that in order to know the will of God, we need wisdom. Further, I believe that this wisdom has to be the supernatural wisdom of God, not the secular wisdom of this world.

We cannot operate the things of God with the tools of the world. Anything concerning the realm of God requires the resources of God.

So how do we get this wisdom?

We ask!

From James 1:5 we learn that if we lack supernatural wisdom, we can do something about it. We can ask God, who will not only supply us with the required wisdom but also grant us a liberal portion.

We see evidence of this truth in King Solomon’s life, who was dubbed the wisest man that ever lived.

In 1 Kings 3:3-15, we learn that Solomon felt inadequate for his role as king. And so, when God appears to him in a dream and invites him to ask for whatever he desires, Solomon asks for wisdom and understanding, in order to effectively fulfil God’s will and call on his life—to rule the nation of Israel.

Guess what? Solomon received his request in an abundant measure!

Then God said to him: “Because you have asked this thing… behold I have done according to your words; see I have given you a wise and understanding heart, so that there has not been anyone like you before you, nor shall any like you arise after you…”

1 Kings 3:11-12 (NKJV)

Dear reader, if you do not know, or are unsure of what God’s will is, have you asked him? Have you asked for his wisdom?


What next?

Having established that in order to know the will of God, we require the wisdom of God, what comes next?

I believe having a basic understanding of God’s nature and modus operandi, correctly interpreting the information we have regarding the principles of his kingdom and his intention toward us, is key.

Someone can “know” 2 and 2 makes 4, because they’ve learned it by rote but, if you do not know the basic rules of maths, you will not understand why 2 and 2 makes 4, and will therefore not be able to apply this mathematical rule outside of what you have learned by rote. To someone who does not know this basic rule they could easily interpret the information (2 + 2) as 22.

In the same way, we can “know” (i.e. make a cerebral calculation) about God but, if we don’t have a revelation, a spiritual understanding of who He is, then we can come up with a wrong interpretation.

Take for instance the parable of the talents. The two men who’d been given 2 or 5 talents, understood that their Lord’s will was for them to increase the potential of what they’d been given. However, the one who was given one talent did not. He had a completely wrong perception of his master, did not discern his will correctly, or else did not care to recognise and honour it. He therefore buried what he had been given.

When we do not know, when we fail to understand, or refuse to submit to God’s will, the end result is unfulfilled potential.

(To be continued…)


This Week’s Prayer Focus:

This week, let’s consider those areas of our lives where we would benefit from the supernatural wisdom of God. Perhaps it is so we can do our jobs better, bringing creative solutions to problems. Perhaps it is so we can enjoy better relationships with our loved ones. Perhaps it is simply knowing the best thing to do, or the right path to take in a given situation.

Dear believers, in order to walk as victorious overcomers, we need to be in tune with God’s will.  Let’s be bold. Let’s ask for wisdom and understanding in faith and be assured in our hearts that we are capable of discerning God’s will for our lives.

And you know what I’m about to say now, right?

Yep! Don’t forget to put on your spiritual armour!


Father God,

Your Word tells me that the wisdom of this world is foolishness to you. It also tells me that this world’s wisdom is earthly, sensual and devilish. I therefore do not wish to operate in this world’s wisdom. I want to operate in the wisdom that comes from above, which is pure, peaceable, without partiality and hypocrisy.

Father, your Word also counsels me not to be unwise but to understand what your will is. Lord, grant me godly wisdom, so that I may know, understand and fulfil your perfect will for my life.

Merciful Father, I bring before you all members of the Body of Christ who are represented amongst my readership. I pray for them in accordance with Ephesians 6:18. I ask first of all that you divinely protect them and their loved ones as they go about their lives. Deliver them from evil. Protect them from danger. Remove them from the paths of harm.

I now ask Father God that you kindle within each one of your children, an increasing desire to know and fully understand your will. Continue to work within our hearts, so that we might both desire to know and obediently submit to your will. Not just now and again, or when the mood suits, or when a crisis dictates but consistently, faithfully.

Lord God, let not the will of the Enemy, or the will of unscrupulous men, or even our own selfish wills prevail in our lives. But let your good, your acceptable and your perfect will be fulfilled, both within and through our lives.

I ask in faith and in the matchless name of your Son, Jesus. Amen.

© Carol Hind

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Sunday’s Supplications

Sunday’s Supplications invites you to not only read the posts but also participate in the prayers. Each week, I hope to introduce a new theme and prayer focus. You are welcome to print off and use each prayer provided, either verbatim or adapted for your particular circumstance. Even better, you can construct your own prayer and share with others by linking to this post. Please note, you do not have to be a blogger to participate.

*****   *****   *****

Women of Warfare followers and visitors have a peaceful and victorious week!


CREDIT: the above CC0 image comes courtesy of Nähe Bonne at

Do You Know God’s Will? (Part 1)


How many times have you said that?

Not my will Lord but your will be done.

Did you mean it?

Did you try to follow through on your declaration, or did it amount to just another religious platitude?

I admit that I’ve said it many times. In good times and bad times. In times of prayer and worship when my joy, faith in, and reverence for God felt at an all-time high. At times when I’ve felt lower than low, when I’ve felt angry at how I’ve been mistreated, or disappointed that my prayer wasn’t answered in the way I wanted things to go, or discouraged because I just didn’t understand what God was doing.

Not my will God, but your will be done.

I’ve said it and truly meant it, even though I didn’t realise just what road this declaration would take me down. I’ve said it as an act of humble submission with sincerity, yet at the same time fearful of where God would lead me, fearful of how many more devastating scenarios I’d have to face, fearful of the next rough terrain my circumstances would demand I traverse.

And then there were the times when I’ve said it grudgingly because I knew or felt it was the right thing to do but, inwardly I was torn. Of course I want God’s will and power to be manifested in my life but I had wanted it in my timing. I wasn’t sure I wanted God’s will any longer. I didn’t want to accept that his will was the right thing for me at this juncture of my life. Surely, it’s too late now! Besides I have other responsibilities, other ambitions and goals and right now, your will Father-God would just be an inconvenience, it would be too much of a burden, a challenge. I was ready, willing and able years ago, but now I’m not so sure, now I don’t feel 100 percent willing!

Is there anyone who can relate?

Allow me to fast forward to today. During my devotional time, the following scripture was the theme text:


Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.

Ephesians 5:17 (NKJV)


Now the above verse represents another one of my frequent prayers throughout my discipleship history. A prayer that makes absolute sense if you are going to utter the words: not my will Lord but your will be done.

 And it is this verse that provided me the idea for today’s post.

So let me ask you, do you understand what God’s will is?

Of course there is the specific will God has for each human being on earth. That specific will determines our pre-ordained purpose in life. Whether we know what that purpose is or not, whether we fulfil it or not, I believe God has a specific purpose for each one of us—a purpose that represents his will for our lives.

But there is also the general will that God has for his people. Now whilst the onus is upon us as individuals to discover God’s specific purpose for our lives, we only have to pay heed to the things God shares openly in his Word, to understand His general will for the members of his beloved family, indeed for the entire human race.

Dear reader, do you know your Father-God’s will? Do you understand what his will is… what his general disposition toward you is?

Now the Enemy (God’s and ours), is quick to try and undermine our confidence in our Heavenly Father and loves to sow ambivalent seeds in our hearts, suggesting that God’s will involves constant hardship, hassles and hurts.

So that’s why I feel it important to encourage my readers about what God’s Word reveals concerning his will for us as brothers and sisters in Christ. And not just for us, but for whosoever wishes to commit their life into his capable hands. I feel it is important that we use God’s Word, our understanding of His will to counteract the Enemy’s lies, which daily accost and seek to overwhelm our minds.

Let’s begin with the word understanding.

Chambers 21st Century Dictionary defines the word as follows:


  • The act of understanding or the ability to understand
  • Someone’s perception or interpretation of information received
  • An informal agreement
  • A sympathetic harmony of viewpoints
  • A condition agreed upon


For the purposes of this post, I will be focussing on the first two noun definitions.

Let’s look again at this first definition, together with the verse quoted from Ephesians 5:17.

God’s Word implies that we are capable of discerning and understanding His will. So whilst I take you on my theme’s journey, whether or not it is your current experience, may I ask you to please bear this definition and scriptural truth in mind? May I encourage you to mull over and accept the following statement as fact?

You are capable of knowing and fully understanding God’s will.

Perhaps you are thinking: “Well what makes you say this Lady Cee? What makes you so sure?”

At this point, let me ask you to look at definition number 2:

  • Someone’s perception or interpretation of information received


God has given us his Word, Jesus has given us his Holy Spirit to teach and help us interpret it and, as humans, we possess the mental ability to analyse biblical truth, to reason and deduce.

Let me reiterate – we have three powerful means by which we are able to know and understand God’s will:

  • The Bible
  • The Holy Spirit and
  • The exercising of a renewed mind

Consider also the following three scriptures:

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. (Romans 12:2 NIV)

…the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will. (Romans 8:27)

for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose. (Philippians 2:13)


To be continued…


This Week’s Prayer Focus:

Let’s invite God to work within our hearts, making us agreeable to his will. And where we are unsure, or where we have had our faith shaken regarding his will for our lives, let’s ask him to open our understanding, so we can know and walk in conformity with his plan and purpose for our lives.

Prayer warriors and interns, don’t forget to put on your spiritual armour!



I love you. My heart’s desire is to know you better, to know and understand your good and perfect will for my life. I thank you for your Word, which reveals your heart and will for me. Whatever I may face, empower me by your Holy Spirit, to follow Jesus’ example and say in all sincerity: “not my will Lord God but let your will, your good, perfect and acceptable will be done, be fulfilled, in and through my life.”

Loving Father-God, it is not your will that anyone should perish. I therefore bring before you those amongst my readership, who do not have a relationship with you. I ask that you reveal to them the reality of your existence, the awesomeness of your power, the all-embracing quality of your love and mercy. I ask that you present the truth of your being to their spirit, that you cast down all blinding and erroneous beliefs, all false and deceptive arguments, all ungodly mindsets, which govern their lives and exalts itself against the knowledge of Christ.

With regard to myself and your beloved children, those brothers and sisters in Christ, represented amongst my readership, I ask that you stir up within us an ever-increasing desire to be a diligent student of your Word. May we yearn to become more intimately acquainted with you, to be filled with the wisdom that comes from above, so that we may know, understand, be in agreement with and fulfil your will for our lives.

In Jesus’s name I pray. Amen.

© Carol Hind

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Sunday’s Supplications

Sunday’s Supplications invites you to not only read the posts but also participate in the prayers. Each week, I hope to introduce a new theme and prayer focus. You are welcome to print off and use each prayer provided, either verbatim or adapted for your particular circumstance. Even better, you can construct your own prayer and share with others by linking to this post. Please note, you do not have to be a blogger to participate.

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Women of Warfare followers and visitors have a blessed and victorious week!


If you do not have a close, meaningful relationship with God and would like to know how you may become one of his children, please don’t hesitate to read the following post (click here)

And if you’ve been touched, or challenged by this post I’d love to hear from you. You can connect either through a comment box below, or via my contact page.

CREDIT: the above CC0 image comes courtesy of

Pursue a Love Relationship


Sunday’s Supplications

Sunday’s Supplications invites you to not only read the posts but also participate in the prayers. Each week, I hope to introduce a new theme and prayer focus. You are welcome to print off and use each prayer provided, either verbatim or adapted for your particular circumstance. Even better, you can construct your own prayer and share with others by linking to this post. Please note, you do not have to be a blogger to participate.

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Embed from Getty Images


I love the Lord, because He has heard

My voice and my supplications.

Because He has inclined His ear to me,

Therefore I will call upon Him

As long as I live.

(Psalms 116:1-2 NKJV)


Do you love the Lord?

Really love him that is – not just have an affection for him, not just feel a fondness for him, not just have a religious fervour regarding him which is only acted upon at church, whenever you choose to attend.

Do you love God beyond what you may articulate with your lips? Do you demonstrate that love with your lifestyle?

To love God is to obey him – John 14:15

To love God is to trust him – 1 John 4:18

To love God is to yield to his Word, his ways and his will – Deuteronomy 10:12

Dear reader, perhaps you used to love God but you’ve left your first love (see Revelations 2:4), i.e. you’ve abandoned your original commitment and allegiance to him, you’ve become lukewarm spiritually.

Perhaps the fervent love you once had for God, for his Son, Jesus, for the things pertaining to God’s kingdom has now lost its spiritual vitality and deteriorated into a religious routine.

Dear Women of Warfare visitor, there is no better position in life, no safer place to be than to find yourself firmly ensconced within the loving arms and nurturing bosom of our dear Father-God.

When you love the Lord your God, with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, when you seek intimate fellowship with him, Psalm 91:14-16 promises the following benefits:

  • Deliverance
  • Safety and divine protection
  • Promotion
  • Answers to prayer
  • A concerned response to your cries for help
  • A long, satisfying life

Now who doesn’t want, or need these things?


This Week’s Prayer Focus:

Do you need to give yourself a spiritual health check-up?

Do you know someone who used to have a passion for the Lord and the kingdom of God but has either fallen away completely, or has become backslidden in their heart?

Let’s pray both for ourselves and for those who have wandered from God’s pathway.

(Prayer warriors and interns – remember to put on your spiritual armour before entering the battlefield!)

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Dear merciful and ever-loving father,

I want to thank you that your arms are always open in welcome towards your children. I want to thank you for your open invitation to visit your throne-room and make my requests and petitions to you.

Lord God, my heart’s desire is to love you wholeheartedly and without distraction. I ask that you search my heart, that you remove any areas of fickleness from within me. I ask that you continue to guide and establish me in your paths of right-thinking and right-living.

Father-God, hear my petition today. Watch over the lives of my brothers and sisters in Christ, who are among my blog followers and visitors. Grant my request that you stir up within each one an increasing hunger and passion to know you and regularly fellowship with you.

I pray for those sons and daughters within the circle of our influence, who once knew you, who once served you but have left your path of life and light. I ask that you turn their hearts back to you.

Deliver them from the captivity of the Enemy, who has blinded their heart, mind and understanding. Deliver them from the snares of materialism, self-gratification and pride of life. Open their spiritual eyes that they may see and appreciate the reality of sin’s corrosive world of darkness, which both woos and envelops them. Deliver them from every plan, scheme and strategy of Satan designed to further entrap them.

Loving Father-God, deliver your backslidden children from the evil clutches of the Enemy. Cause the glorious light of your gospel to shine once again in their hearts and steer them towards your highway of holiness.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

© Carol Hind


There’s absolutely no obligation to do so but if you are committed to revitalizing your prayer life, if you have prayed the above prayer (or any of the Sunday’s Supplication prayers), please let me know in the comment box below or via my Contact Page. I’d love to hear from you.

Women of Warfare followers and visitors, may this week find you drawing ever closer to God.


CREDIT: the above image comes courtesy of Getty Images

A Spiritual Gauntlet!

Sunday’s Supplications (4)

A command:

Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men

(1 Timothy 2:1 NKJV)


An inquiry:

Who did you pray for today?

Who did you pray for last week?

Who do you pray for regularly?

Do you enjoy a dynamic, effective and ongoing prayer life?


An invitation:

Sunday Supplications invites you to not only read the posts but also participate in the prayers. Each week, I hope to introduce a new theme and prayer focus. You are welcome to print off and use each prayer provided, either verbatim or adapted for your particular circumstance. Even better, you can construct your own prayer and share with others by linking to this post. Please note, you do not have to be a blogger to participate.


A specific purpose:

The aim of this feature is to:

  • encourage you to pray regularly
  • increase your confidence in prayer and
  • develop a praying community.


In Matthew 6:5-6, Jesus did not say “…if you pray” but “when you pray…”. To my mind, this means he expected his followers to pray.


I’m aware that there are all sorts of misunderstandings and misconceptions about prayer. I’m hoping this feature will help to dispel any myths you may entertain regarding this spiritual exercise. I’m hoping to motivate people to pray regularly and demonstrate how natural the act of prayer is, and how vital it is to our relationship with God and to fulfilling our responsibility to fellow members of His family.


A call to commitment:

Now commitment phobes, please don’t run scared. I am challenging myself and other Christian believers to step-up the quality of their prayer lives. As the saying goes: “two is better than one”. So think how much more effective, how much more supportive a prayer network (particularly a global prayer network) will be.

I can understand any reluctance to commit, or concern about letting anyone down. So here’s the deal. If you do decide to engage with this initiative, if you do decide to upgrade your prayer life, your decision can be between you and God alone—unless of course you choose to go public and share with the WoW community! But dear believer, I am asking you to make that commitment – a commitment to honour Christ’s expectation of his followers, a commitment to obey Paul’s direction in Ephesians 6:18, a commitment to pray.

You may sometimes fail to follow through. You may often find that you lack discipline, or the inclination. Your Father-God understands. In fact, the Word of God records Jesus as saying: “the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak”. So whilst you are forming, or renewing, or increasing your prayer habit, commit to whatever you feel comfortable with— a week at a time, a month, 6 months, or a year. Renew your commitment as and when you like. It is entirely up to you. I will not be holding anyone to account.


A spiritual gauntlet

Are you new to praying regularly?

Does your prayer life lack consistency, or authority and fervour?

Then I’m throwing down a spiritual gauntlet. I’m challenging you to do something about it NOW!

Don’t feel intimidated or overwhelmed. Tackle this prayer undertaking one step at a time. You don’t even have to find your own words, if that worries you. Simply pray the prepared prayer provided. I only ask that you pray it daily or weekly—not out of a sense of duty, not as an empty exercise, but with fervent sincerity.

By doing so, I believe your prayer life will change. By doing so, I believe your confidence in God will increase. By doing so, I believe your spiritual life and authority will move up a notch or two because obedience to God brings rich rewards.

Potential prayer warriors and interns, welcome aboard. Let’s build a vibrant praying community together.

One last thing, don’t forget to put on your spiritual armour before entering the battlefield!


This Week’s Prayer Focus:

Can we forget our natural inclinations to care only about me, myself and mine?

Can we pay heed to Paul’s instruction to Timothy and begin to pray for all men? I’m sure I don’t have to remind you that this reference includes women and children also! The more people that participate, the wider the coverage and the greater the impact.

This week, let’s focus on the men, women and children of our neighbourhoods, of our church communities, of our nations.

May God motivate his people all over this world to offer heartfelt supplications on behalf of others around them, and may he use these petitions to effect miraculous changes within the hearts and lives of individuals, including ourselves.


Lord God Almighty,

Even though you are sovereign, even though you possess all power and might, even though you have revealed your will for all men to enjoy an abundant life, perpetual peace and spiritual well-being, you have given us a free-will.

Father God, we are sorry for the times we have exercised our will contrary to your ways. We are sorry that in doing so, we have made a mess of our lives and of our world. We are sorry and we admit that we cannot conduct our lives appropriately, or guide ourselves onto the paths of our pre-ordained destiny, without your help. We ask that you come and take control. We invite you to come and bring order to our homes, to our communities, to our nations. We ask that you heal this world.

Come and change the hearts of men, women and children that are ignorant of, or antagonistic towards your holy Word, your wholesome ways and your perfect will. Lord God, touch the lives of your people whom you have called into your kingdom. Enlighten the eyes of our understanding and empower us to serve you and one another with unfeigned love and devotion.

Father God, we commit this appeal into your capable hands. We believe that there is nothing too difficult for you to do. We believe you have heard our prayers and therefore thank you for granting our requests. Amen.

© Carol Hind


Women of Warfare followers and visitors, have a wonderful and peace-filled week.

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Now there’s absolutely no obligation to do so but if you are committing to upgrade your prayer life, if you have prayed the above prayer (or any of the Sunday Supplication prayers), please let me know in the comment box below. Thank you.

CREDIT: the above CC0 image comes courtesy of Marcia bispo Bença at

Your Spiritual Confidante


Sunday’s Supplications (3)

Embed from Getty Images


6I am weary with my groaning;

All night I make my bed swim;

I drench my couch with my tears.


9…the Lord has heard the voice

of my weeping.

The Lord has heard my


The Lord will receive my prayer.

(Psalm 6:6, 9 NKJV)


In the above quote, we read of David’s distress about his circumstances. What I love about this man is his total honesty. He does not say that he shed a few tears. He uses language that reveals his utter desolation and sense of hopelessness. His relationship with God is such that he feels able to be totally transparent and vulnerable.

Despite David’s despair, at some point during his communication with God, he receives an assurance that the Lord has heard his tears, heard his supplication and received his prayer.

Dear reader, let me ask you a question – do you have such a relationship with God that when you pray, you are confident he has heard you?

It is obvious from the Psalms that David’s relationship with God was of utmost importance to him. No wonder God declared: ‘…I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after My own heart…’ (Acts 13:22 NKJV)

Fast forward through the pages of scripture and we meet another man, who is often referred to as the one whom Jesus loved (see John 13:23; 19:26; 20:2; 21:7, 20). This same disciple wrote:

Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.

And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him.

(1 John 5:14-15 NKJV)


What is the thing that these two men of God from completely different eras share? It is their supreme confidence that God hears their prayers. And that confidence comes from maintaining a close relationship with the Lord.

And so let me ask another question:

How confident are you that God hears your prayers?

Women of Warfare readers, let me assure you today that we serve a God who hears and answers prayers.


This Week’s Prayer Focus:

Let us pray for ourselves and for one another that we will have a strong relationship with God, which leads to a heartfelt assurance that he hears our prayers.

PS: Don’t forget to put on your spiritual armour before entering the battlefield of prayer!


Father God,

I want to thank you for making me worthy to come into your holy presence. I want to thank you for granting me the privilege of entering into your throne room. I want to thank you for the precious blood of your Son, Jesus, which enables me to fellowship with you without fear or condemnation.

Lord God, you began this relationship when you bestowed your unconditional love upon me, when you accepted me into your family. I want to love you with all of my heart, soul and mind – the way you deserve and the way you command. I ask that you stir up within me an ever increasing desire to know you, to fellowship with you, to please and obey you.

Father God, I commit into your hands my brothers and sisters in Christ represented among the followers of, and visitors to this blog. I ask that during the days, weeks and months ahead you draw them into a closer relationship with you. And, as they draw near to you, I thank you for your promise that you will draw even nearer to them. I ask that this closeness will grant them complete confidence that you hear their prayers, that you are concerned about their welfare, that you are able to cause all things that occur in their lives to work together for their good, their benefit and their blessing.

Thank you for hearing my prayer and granting this request, which I ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.

© Carol Hind


Dear reader, God awaits you in his throne-room – will you keep that appointment, or will you be a “no show”?

Have a blessed week!


Sunday’s Supplications (2)


Are you fretting over a problem that has your stomach tied in knots?

Do you feel anxious about a situation over which you have no control?

Have you lain awake worrying over what you should do, what path you should take, what decision you should make?

Dear reader, I’ve been there!

Listen to what the Word of God says:

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;

and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

 (Philippians 4:6-7 NKJV)


It was the year of 2009.

My mother had just celebrated her 80th birthday.

A medical consultant had advised me that she needed a bypass operation. My mother, who hated hospitals and preferred to trust God for healing, rather than place her confidence in man, did not know what to do. She consulted her pastor. She consulted me, as her eldest child.

I was perplexed about what I should advise her. If she did not go ahead there was a risk she could have a massive stroke. If she did go ahead there was a risk that this invasive operation could take her life. The fact that she was elderly, increased this risk. Would she survive?

I dearly loved my mother, did not want her to go and was not ready to let her go, especially in such circumstances. So what (I wondered), was the best thing to do?

If mum didn’t have the operation and had a stroke, I’d blame myself. If she did have the operation and died, I’d blame myself. I had visions of all the family turning against me.

In the end, after consulting family members, we agreed she should have the operation. However, I was not content to leave mum’s fate in the hands of the medical practitioners. I took every single element of the situation that I could think about to God and asked him to divinely protect her. I approached others and asked them to pray also.

Whilst the operation took place, one of my sisters and I, sat in the chapel downstairs, praying and interceding. I recall my sister and I sensing a breakthrough and feeling confident and exuberant. Yet, when the operation took longer than anticipated, I remember my heart thudding with fear and me beginning to think the worst had happened.

Whilst outwardly thanking God for hearing our prayers and granting our requests, there was a moment when I stood outside the theatre ward inwardly bracing myself for unwelcome news.

God be praised! The operation was successful and the theatre nurses expressed amazement about how young my mother looked, given her age and how fresh, given what she had just undergone. We were absolutely overjoyed.

Dear friends, we serve a mighty God!

To conclude, let me share the following footnote in my Bible, which relates to the above verse. It says:

Prayer and peace are closely connected. One who entrusts cares to Christ instead of fretting over them will experience the peace of God to guard him from nagging anxiety.

(Spirit Filled Life Bible NKJV)


This Week’s Prayer Focus:

Women of Warfare followers and visitors, let’s commit our cares and concerns into God’s capable hands. And let us not forget our brothers and sisters in Christ who are currently struggling with anxiety.


Father God,

Your Word says I should roll my cares upon you because you care and will continue to care for me. I thank you that you are not only aware of my problems but you are also able to resolve them.

Father God, I realise that allowing anxiety to consume me is not going to change the situation. I acknowledge that I am powerless to change the winds of ill-fortune that blow my way. Help me to look to you, to trust in you and to rest in the knowledge that you can cause all things to work together for my good.

Heavenly Father, I call upon you today on behalf of all those within the circle of my influence who are worrying about their problems. In particular, I cry out to you for those within the Body of Christ who are perplexed, who feel they don’t know where to turn, or what to do.

Minister your peace to them. Minister the peace that surpasses their understanding. Enable them to take their eyes off the greatness of their need and focus them upon the greatness of their God. Help them to fix their eyes upon Jesus, who is the author and finisher of our faith. Grant them wisdom to make the right decisions. And, in situations where your supernatural intervention is required, manifest your authority, might and power.

I ask in faith and I ask in the matchless name of Jesus. Amen.

© Carol Hind


PS: Don’t forget to put on your spiritual armour before entering the battlefield of prayer!


WoW followers and visitors, have a peace-filled week!


CREDIT: The above CC0 images are from


Sunday’s Supplications



…praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints—

(Ephesians 6:18 NKJV)


Hello visiting friends and followers,

I’d like to introduce a new feature and I do hope you will not only enjoy reading the posts in this new category but will also participate in the prayers.

On checking my dictionary today for the definition of “supplication”, I learned that it is a humble and earnest request made to someone for something. Further, I discovered that the word has Latin origins (supplicare, supplicatum), meaning “to kneel”.

Perhaps the idea of offering supplications seems a little alien to you but, if you were to cast your mind back to some of those old fashioned films, you might recall seeing a king, or some other figure of authority seated upon a throne, and a subject kneeling before that person to beg for their own life or the life of someone else, or to plead for a favour on behalf of another.

Indeed, in the Bible, we read of a situation, where Haman who had plotted to exterminate the Jews, finds the tables turned upon himself and in desperation he offers supplications to Queen Esther, pleading that she save his life (see Esther 7:7).

As children of God, we have a Heavenly Father to whom we can address our prayers and offer our supplications. As members of the Body of Christ, we clearly have a responsibility towards one another, as indicated by Paul in Ephesians 6:18 (see above quote).

I want to be obedient and I also want to encourage others to obey God in this regard. Now if you are already faithfully praying for all saints, then that’s wonderful. Continue your good work. I’d consider it a real honour, if you would also join in with this initiative.

However, if you are a born-again believer and this is not the case for you (i.e. you have neglected your prayer life), then whoever you are, wherever you are and at whatever time you choose, will you commit to praying regularly for other saints, as directed by Paul?

I believe there is no distance in the realm of the spirit and so I open this invitation to anyone who’d like to join their pleas to God, with mine. Will you pray with me? Will you offer God your earnest supplications alongside me and others?

I’ll endeavour once per week to bring the focus and a sample prayer. You can use this to pray verbatim, or adapt it, or even (here’s a blog challenge), construct your own and link to this post. Please note, you do not have to be a blogger to participate.

Now please don’t be alarmed or concerned at the thought of committing yourself. Jesus himself said “the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak”. You can make your commitment publicly (via the comment box below) or you can do so privately in your heart. You can commit for a week at a time, a month, 6 months, or a year. You can renew your commitment as and when you like. It is entirely up to you. I will not be holding anyone to account. Your decision to participate will be between you and God, unless you choose to share what you are doing.

If you are new to praying regularly, so that you don’t feel overwhelmed, I encourage you to take this step one day at a time, or one week at a time, whatever feels comfortable for you. The aim is to increase our current prayer lives, or to establish a regular prayer habit if you don’t already have one.

Potential prayer warriors and interns, welcome aboard. Let’s build a praying community together. Ready? Steady? Go!

Please don’t forget to put on your spiritual armour before entering the battlefield!


This Week’s Prayer Focus:

Let’s begin with ourselves and ask God to increase our desire to pray and establish us in a lifestyle of prayer. And let’s ask him to do likewise for the saints represented amongst our blog followers and visitors.


Dear Father God,

I want to thank you for the privilege of being able to come into your holy presence and make my requests directly to you. I want to thank you for your promise to hear my prayers. It’s my heart’s desire to obey your Word, which requires us to be watchful with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints.

Father God, on behalf of myself and on behalf of my online brothers and sisters in Christ, who follow or visit this blog, I ask that you stir up within each of us a heart that is committed to obeying your command in Ephesians 6:18. I ask that you help us to establish a consistent, dynamic and fervent prayer life that is effective and avails much.

I ask this in Jesus’ name and thank you for granting my request. Amen.

© Carol Hind



Have you been encouraged to step up your prayer life? Would you like to become a part of the WoW! prayer community? Please let me know in the comment box below and don’t hesitate to share this post/invitation with your social media contacts.


CREDIT: The above CC0 Image comes courtesy of