Have you sent Jesus your knee-mail today? (Image by: Gerd Altmann - Pixabay.com)
Have you sent Jesus your knee-mail today? (Image by: Gerd Altmann – Pixabay.com)


Did you…?

Have you spent time in the throne room today?

Have you spent quality time with Him, or did you rush away?

Did you linger at His feet?

Linger in His presence, so pure, so sweet?


Did you let Jesus soothe your soul’s pain?

Did you let him refresh you, once again?

Did you accept His Word’s healing balm

Whispered with love and authority

And with a voice so cool, so calm?


Did you give Jesus sufficient time?

To tell you about his love—

Unfathomable, unconditional,

Tried and true,

Ready at your bidding to be lavished upon you?


Or did you rush absentmindedly away?

Not give Jesus ample time today?

Ample time – for him to remind you

That he sees far beyond your limited view,

That his unfailing mercies

Are prepared and packaged just for you?


Did you pause in his holy presence?

So he could explain,

That you need not agonise,

Despair, or nurse that pain?


Dear wounded, weary, hurt or searching one

Relinquish your load,

Rejoice, and trust God anew

For the road to victory,

The key to your breakthrough,

Lies not in confusion, questions or tears

Lies not in rebellion, anger or fears.


Let me tell you dear daughter,

The solution you seek

Is available this hour, this day, this week!

Yes, the answer is found

In His presence profound,

In tarrying in His throne room,

Trusting His Word,

Waiting for his voice of wisdom,

Waiting patiently – not perturbed!


And should that answer come winging

From heaven’s miraculous sphere,

Remember to thank him,

Remember to praise,

Remember to worship the Ancient of Days.


© Carol Hind – July 2016























Is It Nothing To You…?

Cross(JozsefKincse)-175824_960_720Image from József Kincse – Pixabay.com


For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)


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Is it nothing to you?

That he took your place,

That he died for you,

For the whole human race?


Is it nothing to you?

That he came down from high

And resolved to suffer

Yes, resolved to die?


Is it nothing to you?

That his hands were nailed

‘Cos you’d fallen short

‘Cos God’s law you’d failed?


Is it nothing to you?

That he drank Wrath’s cup

That he drained every drop

Sin required you to sup?


Is it nothing to you?

The cross of Calvary

The pain and price he paid

To set you wholly free?


Is it nothing to you?

That they pierced his feet,

And punctured his side,

That he suffered all this

To make you his Bride?


But if it all means nothing

Which could well be the case—

I have one final question before you go

Do you know anyone else who loves you so?

© Carol Hind – March 2016


Dear reader, do you know Jesus loves you? Do you accept that he loved you more than his own life? That is why he died for you and for me. If you do not have a relationship with Jesus Christ but would like to, all you need to do is ask. You can do so in your own words, or you can say the following prayer:

Father God,

I want to have a relationship with you. Thank you for loving me and sending your son Jesus to die for me. Jesus, I invite  you into my heart.  I invite you into my life as my Saviour and my Lord. Thank you for saving me. Amen.

If you have prayed the above, welcome to the family of God! May I encourage you to visit my other blog and read my post: (Paradise Lost or Paradise Regained?). This will help you understand more about the step you have taken and provide links to help you with your recent decision to accept Jesus into your life. I wish you God’s strength, peace and favour during the coming days.

And to those who have already made Jesus their Lord, are you enjoying the abundant life for which Jesus died, so we may have? As we continue to walk with him, may we remember daily the price he paid… may we remember we are not our own, that we have been bought with a price (His precious blood) and may we be motivated daily to walk as victorious overcomers!

Women of Warfare (WoW!) followers and visitors – have a wonderful Easter break.

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