Will You Please Come Home?

An Open Letter to all lost lambs and sheep who have wandered away from my flock

The above CC0 image comes courtesy of Pixabay.com


Where are you my beloved?

I wonder if you know how much I hurt since the day you wandered away from the safety of my care. Yes, I realise you have done so because you feel hurt… because you’ve been offended… because (and my heart pains me to know this), you’ve been emotionally abused, or blatantly ignored, or marginalised, or cruelly rejected. You’ve had enough.

You have wandered away from the safety of my flock because certain shepherds, or certain church members have disappointed you, failed to live up to your new found expectations of an accepting, loving and united family of God.

And so you withdrew. You’ve withdrawn your heart, your trust and your allegiance to “the church”. You say: I want nothing more to do with those bunch of hypocrites! And believe me, I understand how you feel.

Yes, you still want to be a child of God, a disciple of Christ, but you’ve decided to do so your own way. You’ve decided to do so on your own terms. So you stay away from the religious circus and you erect your walls and barriers.

And even though outwardly there is bravado (I don’t need them), inwardly there is a gnawing resentment, and a deep untended wound because something, or someone you’d placed your trust in, let you down.

You were excited at first. After all, what could be more perfect than joining a loving community of people with good morals and virtuous spirituality? What could be more desirable than mixing with a group of friends who’d always have your back? What a breath of fresh air to be able to be yourself… to be able to confide your concerns or doubts or struggles. What a pleasure it was going to be, to mix with others who are on the same spiritual wavelength and committed to the same standards of Christ’s love. What could be more perfect?

But then the glitz rubbed off to reveal people who appear to be no better than your unsaved next door neighbours, or the ungodly colleagues at your workplace, or the unbelieving members of your family.

You had not expected to be the subject of gossip-mongers or to be propositioned by a church leader. You did not approve of “super-star” shepherds who seek celebrity status, rather than model servant-leadership. You certainly hadn’t expected there to be cliques within God’s kingdom, or worse still, to find yourself excluded. You thought you’d left that kind of thing behind when you separated yourself from the world.

You hungered to experience the supernatural power and presence of God but the most you received were invites to a happy-clappy spiritual bubble, which often burst once you left the vicinity of the church premises and left you feeling unequipped to face life’s challenges.

I understand your disillusionment.

But dear sweet child of God, I want you to know there will always be tares amongst the wheat. There will always be the imposter –v- the genuine. And there will always be the fully sold-out and on-fire believer –v- the lukewarm bench-warmer, with those who sit comfortably in between.

My dear disillusioned one, there will always be a mixture of wolves, goats, lambs and sheep amongst the members of my church. There will be those amongst my flock who get it wrong, yet are bona fide believers. They make mistakes. They are ever learning and growing. And as they learn and grow they are being transformed into my true image – not the synthetic portrait to which you were introduced when you first made my acquaintance.

My precious child, as they learn and grow, they will become that loving, holy community you so desire to be a part of and for which you had originally signed up. But my dear precious one, it takes time. It takes time to mature, just like cheese. Just like wine. And it will take every child of God (including you) to assume their rightful place in the body of Christ. It will require every child of God (including you) to submit to the process of being rubbed against one another… to be chafed and challenged… to do and die.

So I need you to come back, dear one. I want you back in the safety of my fold. I want you joined to a community of admittedly imperfect people, so that I may mature and perfect you and perfect others alongside you.

Because making that choice to come away, to segregate yourself from my family, is making a choice to place your opinions, your disgust and disappointments, your hurts and anger above my will, above my plan and purpose for your life. And whilst you stay away, that serpent (my arch-enemy), feels he has carte blanche to sift and sully you, to poison your thoughts against my people and even at times against me, to alienate and entrench you within your disappointment, hurts and resentment. Whilst you stay away dear precious one, you play into my enemy’s hands and you render yourself an orphan, you make yourself so vulnerable.

Beloved child, will you please come home? Will you return to my sheepfold? Will you let me restore and settle you into my family? Will you allow me to love you, comfort you, hold and heal you?

I do hope you will.

With my utmost, unconditional love,




Sent on behalf of Jesus (The Good Shepherd and Overseer of your Soul)


What’s your response to this post? Are you one of Christ’s lost lambs or sheep? Please share your thoughts in a comment box below. And if you know anyone to whom this message applies, then please don’t hesitate to share it. Thank you.





A Living Dog Trumps a Dead Lion!

The above CC0 image comes courtesy of Pixabay.com


But for him who is joined to all the living there is hope, for a living dog is better than a dead lion. (Ecclesiastes 9:4)


During my devotional time with God recently the phrase “an unpretty path” kept coming to mind. I knew I’d written a post with this title a while ago and felt that perhaps God wanted to bring this to the attention of someone.

Perhaps you are a reader who feels you are at the end of your tether. You are doing your very best to walk in faith and victory but somehow everything always seems to go pear-shaped. You are wondering whether you will ever experience the sweet taste of victory. You are wondering whether God really cares… whether he is listening to, or has even heard your prayers… and if so, why doesn’t he change your circumstances now?

If so, this post has been written especially for you.




…when the baggage of past negative experiences meet with the pressure of current difficulties, and when the vision of your future seems cloudy, burdensome or overwhelming, you might (as Jesus did) be tempted to ask God to relieve you, to take your cup of troubles away from you. We all want that idyllic path but more often than not, success requires us to travel via a thorny crossroad.

It is at this point of pressure that we face a choice. Do we back away from the path we have chosen, or do we trust God to empower us, to enable us to carry on?

Are we truly committed to our Father-God so that honouring him, obeying his will, takes priority over our own pain, fears, disappointments and discomfort? Are we focused on the bigger picture, knowing that once we achieve success, it equips us with the means to bless others?



 The above is an extract from a post titled It’s An Un-Pretty Path! If you would like to read the entire post please click here

Dear reader, I know what it’s like to become trapped within a cycle of negativity. To suffer debilitating hurts and wounds from nasty individuals within your life, whether they be colleagues, church members, family or “friends”. To experience perpetual punches from the Enemy, as he pushes your thoughts around from pillar to post and pulverizes your self-esteem.

I know what it’s like to feel bullied… to believe that the ill-treatment you’ve received in life means you are both unloved and unlovable… to give up hope on ever receiving the welcoming smile and warm handshake of favour. I know.

But. Dear reader. I have come through to the other side.

I came. I saw. I conquered! In that I FINALLY came round to God’s way of thinking about myself and about my circumstances. And as I saw myself in the light of God’s Word (rather than through the warped lens of my persecutors), I began to walk in victory, I began to see myself as a conqueror – not the conquered!

Perhaps you feel you cannot go on. Perhaps you are afraid to, or have no idea how to assert yourself, and so you’ve decided to just roll with the punches others mete out, to accept defeat and live a second-hand “poor me” existence.

Dear. Reader. No!

That is NOT God’s best for you. That is NOT God’s plan for your life. That is NOT your destiny!

So, whether you see yourself as an underdog… whether you feel you don’t have the willpower, or the energy to fight anymore… whether you see perpetual clouds on your emotional horizon, God’s liberating word for you today is: Don’t give up! Don’t accept the lies of the Enemy.

  • Let the weak say: I am STRONG!
  • Let the victimized say: I am MORE THAN A CONQUEROR!
  • Let the hopeless say: God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above ALL that I can ask or think!

So trust God. And hold on. Your change WILL come!

With love,

Carol (aka Ladycee)

Author of: Petitions From My Heart

(If you live in the UK click here)


I do hope the message in this post has benefitted you in some way. If so, please share your response in a comment box below.

Do you know someone to whom this message applies? Then please don’t hesitate to share it. Thank you.


I’ve Been Approved!



A truly strong person does not need the approval of others any more than a lion needs the approval of sheep.

Vernon Howard


I do not need the approval of anyone!


I am God-approved and anointed,




God-justified and God-vindicated.


Dear Woman of Warfare follower and visitor – so are you!


Love from,

Carol (aka Ladycee) ♥

Choose to be a Victor!

Do you value the approval of God above the approval of others?

I’d love to hear from you. Please share your thoughts or response to this post in a comment box below. Thank you.



Lion picture – CC0 image courtesy of Pixabay.com


His Healing Balm


Why is my pain perpetual

And my wound incurable,

Which refuses to be healed?

(Jeremiah 15:18a NKJV)


Is your soul in need of healing?

This blog exists because I have a desire to encourage the people of God, particularly women, to walk victoriously, to reign in whatever circumstance they may find themselves in, which the Enemy may have orchestrated, or which has occurred as a result of their own disobedience to, and rebellion against God.

This blog exists to encourage you dear reader in your journey through life.

Do you need soul surgery?

Do you need to experience the healing balm of God’s unconditional love and mercy?

Then spend time in his presence.

He loves you. Absolutely.

He cares for you. Without the shadow of a doubt!

He hurts with and for you. Listen to what his Word says:


You have seen me tossing and turning through the night. You have collected all my tears and preserved them in your bottle! You have recorded every one (i.e. each tear) in your book.

(Psalm 56:8 The Living Bible)


My Father-God has your very best interests as a primary concern upon his heart. So don’t let anything or anyone (not even yourself!) convince you otherwise.

Trust him. Yield to him. Seek to obey him.

Allow Jehovah-Rophe (the Lord God your healer) into those areas that have been bludgeoned by the merciless clubs of rejection and pierced by the swords of betrayal.

Allow him to begin that healing process TODAY.

I close this message with a few quotes that I trust will speak meaningfully to you and encourage you.


Healing doesn’t mean the damage never existed. It means the damage no longer controls our lives. (author unknown)


For every negative there is a possible, for every failure there is success and for every broken heart there is someone out there to help you mend it, you just have to have faith and believe that even though the clouds are out, the sun will shine on your life again. (Rashida Rowe)


The day you let go of hurt and embrace healing is the day you will start to move forward in your life (Rashida Rowe)


Hate is self-destructive. If you hate somebody, you’re not hurting the person you hate. You’re hurting yourself. And that’s a healing. Actually, it’s a real healing, forgiveness. (Louis Zamperini)


Faith is the cure that heals all troubles. Without faith there is no hope and no love. Faith comes before hope, and before love. (Malika E. Nura)


Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed;

Save me, and I shall be saved,

For you are my praise.

(Jeremiah 17:14 NKJV)


Women of Warfare followers and visitors – have a wonderful and peace-filled weekend.


CREDIT: the above CC0 image comes courtesy of Arek Socha at Pixabay.com