Are You Prepared for Life?


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Wouldn’t it be wonderful if there was such a thing as a School of Good Habits, or if during our school days, Positive Habits Mastery had been on the curriculum?

I think many of us would fare a lot better in life, if we’d been taught how to adopt and maintain positive habits. Because when you think of it, a lot of what undermines us in life, is of course, bad habits!

If we always fail to get out of bed when the alarm clock goes off, it is a bad habit. When we always turn up late for appointments, it is a bad habit. When our default position is to think the worse, it is a bad habit. When we put off until tomorrow or next week, what we could, or should do today, it is bad habit.

Prayer and intercession are positive spiritual habits that we should maintain, yet many of us struggle with this, and not praying, or praying only in crisis situations, has become a bad habit.

The Bible tells us that we are not above our master but that it would be perfectly acceptable to be as our master (Luke 6:40).

Well guess what? Jesus (our Lord and Master), had a consistent prayer habit. The gospel of Luke tells us in several places that He often got up before dawn, to pray. Now, don’t get me wrong – I’m not advocating that we do likewise!

I’m saying that if prayer (and I mean meaningful prayer – not the “bless me and my pet” kind from our childhood days), is not a regular habit of ours, then we should be looking at trying to change that.


Well, I have heard it said that prayer is to our spiritual life, what oxygen is to the natural life. What would happen if you suffered a lack of oxygen for too long?

Now imagine what your spiritual being looks like to God. Imagine what it might feel like to you, if you were to see your prayer life (or lack of it), in those terms!

There are some bad habits which whilst not good, you can still muddle along through life without coming to harm. But there are definitely other habits which could end up becoming life-threatening.

For instance, if you were to smoke 60 cigarettes per day, what is the likely outcome?

If you were to live on a diet of Coco Cola, cheesecake and chocolates only, how healthy do you think you’ll be, a few years down the line?

In the same way, a consistent, quality prayer life (or lack thereof), has future consequences. Those consequences will affect your relationship with God, your confidence regarding the effectiveness of your prayers, even your attitude towards and progress in life. And when a crisis hits, will you have the spiritual stamina to cope?

Friends and followers, if Jesus, the Son of God, felt it necessary to maintain a prayer habit, who are we to not do so?

Sorry to be blunt, but only pride, ignorance or deception would make a believer think that they don’t need to.

May I offer you some advice? If you do not already have a consistent prayer habit, please do something about it.

Not tomorrow. Not next month or next year. Do something about it today!

With love,

Carol (aka Lady Cee)

A Student in His Secret Place (Psalm 91:1)

Do you need a resource that will help and encourage you to develop a consistent and confident prayer life?

Petitions From My Heart is an ideal resource for the believer, no matter what stage you are at in your Christian walk, and no matter what your prayer ability, so don’t hesitate to check out the links below.





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Prayer Gem 20


Have you sent Jesus your knee-mail today?


With love,

Carol (aka Lady Cee)


Are you looking for a resource that will help and encourage you to develop a consistent and confident prayer life? If so, don’t hesitate to check out the links below.






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A Heart Full of Praise & Thanksgiving



Oh, that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!

Psalm 107:8 (KJV)


I am giving God’s thanks today.

Nothing unusual in that because I am always grateful to my Father God for his loving kindness and tender mercies. But today I am giving him special thanks because it is one year since I achieved my long, long, long-standing dream and published my book.

Whoo hoo!

And I am taking this opportunity to also thank God for something else.

You see, I like to read the entire Bible once a year, and each year I try out a different version. I have so far read the entire Bible in the New Kings James, The Amplified Bible, The Living Bible and The Message. This year I am reading from the New Schofield Reference Edition of the King James’ or Authorised version.

Many of us are mega-blessed to have access to so many different versions of the Bible, and we are especially spoiled, to be able to have so many Christian resources at our fingertips, which aid us in our understanding of God’s Word.

I can remember years ago, hearing about church communities in foreign lands that only had one Bible between them to share with an entire congregation of members.

Can you imagine having to cope with that?

And what about those persecuted Christians who are shut away in a dank dark cell with only portions of the Word of God (which they’ve hopefully memorised), to keep them company?

Recently, during my quiet time I was reading Psalm 107 and was struck by the writer’s lament about the forgetfulness of his people and their ingratitude towards God for his goodness.

It has prompted me to write a thanksgiving post today, so below, I share an extract from my book, Petitions From My Heart, expressing thanks to God for the availability of his Word.

I hope it provides you with food for thought and also inspires thankfulness in your own heart.




Heavenly Father, I want to thank you for the freedom enjoyed in this nation that allows me to serve and worship you without fear of punitive measures. Thank you for the unrestricted access I have to the Scriptures and other biblical resources.

Lord God I want to thank you for preserving your Word throughout the ages. Thank you for those such as John Wycliffe who translated the Bible into English and William Tyndale, who lost his life making your Word accessible to ordinary people.

Thank you for the many writers, editors and publishers who have used their knowledge, time and effort to compose the various versions available and I also thank you for those who use their language skills to translate your Word.

Finally Lord God, I thank you for the Bible’s ability to cleanse, comfort and encourage me . . . for its ability to instruct and strengthen. May your Word continue to minister grace, healing, hope and peace to your redeemed people and to a broken world.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

©Carol Hind


Have a wonderful weekend!

With love,

Carol (aka Lady Cee)

A Student in His Secret Place (Psalm 91:1)

Need a resource to develop a confident prayer life? Check out my book at:





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Prayer Gem 19


Have you sent Jesus your knee-mail today?

With love,

Carol (aka Lady Cee)


Are you looking for a resource that will help and encourage you to develop a consistent and confident prayer life? If so, don’t hesitate to check out the links below.





What’s your response to this post? Please share your thoughts in a comment box below and if you know anyone you could bless with its message, don’t hesitate to share it. Thank you.


Prayer Gem – 18


Have you sent Jesus your knee-mail today?

With love,

Carol (aka Lady Cee)



Are you looking for a resource that will help and encourage you to develop a consistent and confident prayer life? If so, don’t hesitate to check out the links below.





What’s your response to this post? Please share your thoughts in a comment box below and if you know anyone you could bless with its message, don’t hesitate to share it. Thank you.


Prayer Gem – 17


With love,

Carol (aka Lady Cee)



Are you looking for a resource that will help and encourage you to develop a consistent and confident prayer life? If so, don’t hesitate to check out the links below.





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I am not writing a review on Elizabeth Gilbert’s memoir of the same title. I enjoyed reading it however, it also left me feeling quite sad.

Sad that this woman appeared to have had an amazing encounter with our Father-God but then went off on a tangent and chose to seek out and explore a relationship with other gods. Sad because she came so close to experiencing the real thing, then ended up so far away.

I realise there are others who would not agree with me. Julia Roberts for one, since she apparently raved about this book, but how I wish the author had realised that the God who’d met with her on her bathroom floor when her life fell to pieces, is the only true and living God!

As I was saying, I am not writing a review about this book. I am simply borrowing the title to speak to you dear friends, about the importance of pursuing an ongoing, authentic relationship with God.


The Scribes and Pharisees knew all about God, or so they thought. Their knowledge was head knowledge. Religious. Theologically based.

Jesus scorned their type of so-called relationship with his Father-God. They dissected the scriptures instead of dining on and delighting in them. Rather than consuming the Word to feed their souls, to provide nutritional value to their spiritual life, they searched the scriptures to feed their ego, to fatten their self-esteem.

Jesus warned us not to be like them. He declared that he is the Bread of life. Are you feeding on God’s Word and allowing Him to satisfy your needs? Whether your need is to be loved, to feel secure, or have significance, that need can only be truly satisfied when you turn your life over to Christ and allow God’s Word to direct your path.


Unfortunately we see examples in the Word of God where the religious folk of Jesus’ day fell down in this area as well. They used prayer as a means of comparing themselves to others, whom they felt were beneath them. They saw prayer not so much as humbling themselves in the presence of an Almighty God but as a way of exalting themselves in their own estimation and showing contempt for those they felt didn’t measure up to their standards.

How do you see prayer?

  • As a wish list to bring to your Heavenly Father Christmas?
  • As a chore?
  • As something done only by those specially called?

Prayer is to the spiritual life what oxygen is to the natural life. So if regular prayer is not a feature of your Christian lifestyle, guess what? You are putting yourself in the same category as those prison inmates who walk towards their execution – spiritually speaking, you are akin to a “dead man walking!”

If this is you, perhaps you need to change your perspective regarding this spiritual discipline and begin practising it with diligence. See prayer as an indispensable, life-enhancing habit. You’ll be amazed at the difference it makes to the quality of your life.


The Pharisees, Scribes and Sadducees did not seem to love very well. However, to be fair, when you look at the attitudes and behaviour of some contemporary Christians, perhaps they were no different to some modern-day church members.

What a stark difference between the uncharitable ways of the Sadducees, Scribes and Pharisees, as they interacted with synagogue-goers, and the caring, generous-hearted members of the house churches in Acts!

Our Heavenly Father’s standard of love (agape love), as elaborated in 1 Corinthians 13, is a high standard indeed. Yet this is the standard that God demands of us as followers of Christ.

When you consider that God so LOVED the world that he gave his only Son to die for it and redeem it, when you consider that Christ laid down his life willingly as an act of love, when you consider what we have escaped as a result of that love, the standard God demands seems reasonable.

And yet we can struggle to accept God’s unconditional love, and we often balk at, even sometimes outright refuse to exemplify that love to others, particularly if we feel they don’t deserve it.


Spiritual food for thought indeed!

Have a blessed weekend.

With love,

Carol (aka Lady Cee)


Are you looking for a resource that will help and encourage you to develop a consistent and confident prayer life? If so, don’t hesitate to check out the links below.





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What’s Your Game Plan?


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There’s a TV programme I love to watch every now and again. It’s called Come Dine With Me! For those of you unfamiliar with this show, let me explain what it’s all about.

Either a chosen set of individuals, or a few couples, come together for an entire week to compete for a prize of £1000. The idea is for each individual or each couple, to throw a dinner party for the other participants. Afterwards, guests mark each individual or couple, according to how well they performed.

Participants vary in the criteria used to mark fellow competitors. Some base their marks solely on the quality of the meal. Others take into consideration the full experience of the evening (food, ambience, attentiveness of host, and the entertainment).

The majority of competitors are honest and mark according to their perceived experience. Others seem to have a game plan. In other words, no matter how well their fellow competitors have done, they will find a reason to offer a low mark, in a bid to ensure that they come out on top. Usually their strategy works. At other times however, it backfires!

When I first considered my idea for today’s post, the phrase “game plan” came to mind.

What is a game plan?

It’s a pre-determined strategy to win.

So, bearing this in mind, let me ask you dear friend in Christ, when it comes to winning in life, do you have a spiritual game plan?

Let me first explain that by “winning in life” I do not mean trampling on others, or undermining others or mispresenting others, in order to emerge as top dog. Nor do I mean ruthlessly removing other competitors from the game, in order to climb that career ladder or reach your pinnacle of success.

I mean emerging as a victor, regardless of what life throws at you and doing so with integrity.

Now anyone who’s been around for any length of time, will be aware that life is never straightforward. In fact, it can be downright difficult! Things we expect to happen, situations we strive to secure, or ideal scenarios we desire and seek after, often do not happen, or else does not materialise in the way anticipated.

Yet even though we are aware of this, even though we know that as we proceed through life, we can expect challenges or obstacles, we often find ourselves unprepared. We end up riding the circuit of disappointment, discouragement and despair.

Now in our normal every-day-life, we try to prepare for expected events. We check the weather forecast and dress appropriately. Because we’re aware that balanced nutritional meals aid growth and repair of our bodies and minimises our risk to disease, we try to eat sensibly. And because we know which jobs attract a higher salary or enables us to serve others, if opportunity affords, we study and choose our jobs/careers accordingly.

As Christians, we know (or should know) that we have an Enemy.

Well, guess what enemies do.

They oppose us! They seek to undermine us. They do their utmost to discourage us.

Given this reality, are we putting the same kind of forethought and planning into the success of our spiritual progress, as we do with our secular lives? Do we have a game plan for dealing with the Enemy of our soul? Are we spiritually prepared to deal with the setbacks in life when they occur?

Thankfully, we have someone on our side, who is able to cause all things (the good, the bad and the ugly challenges of life), to work together for our benefit and good. But the three members of the Godhead (Father, Son and Holy Spirit), will not barge into our lives uninvited. Jesus himself tells us that he stands at the door of our hearts and knocks.

Women of Warfare friends and followers, prayer should be our game plan. Prayer should be the practical expression of our forethought and considered plan, to emerge from any contrary circumstance, as victorious overcomers. Prayer opens the door to the three members of the Godhead, so they can work their magic in our lives.

So, have you opened the door?

If you are currently walking that treadmill of disappointment, discouragement and defeat, may I offer you some encouragement today?

Don’t allow people, or circumstances, or negative thinking to make you a hopeless victim. Choose to be a faith-filled victor.

Decide. Plan. Then pray.

Live your life as a victorious overcomer!

With much love,

Carol (aka Lady Cee)

Would you like to purchase a resource that could help you prepare for life’s challenges and which enables you to develop a consistent and confident prayer life? If so, don’t hesitate to check out the links below.


AMAZON UK – Print: click here; E-book: click here

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How to Move from Victim to Victor (Part 2)

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Hello dear readers,

Yesterday, I shared a somewhat different style of post and hope you found it useful, even inspirational.

For anyone who missed Part 1, you can access it here.

Now, if you’ve read my About page, you will be aware that my heart’s desire is to reach out to hurting individuals, especially wounded women. Women wounded by abuse, malicious gossip, rejection, or any other kind of mistreatment. Women who because of their negative life experiences (which have led to negative emotional responses), find themselves within a vicious cycle of perpetual victimhood.

Having been one such woman, I want to see other females who’ve been emotionally wounded (particularly Christian women), freed from Satan’s lies and deception. I want to see such women rise up in God’s strength and power and take back the ground they have lost.

And I want to see these women, having turned around their lives, having ditched their victim mentality, look towards inspiring others… motivating others… and supporting their wounded sisters in Christ. I want to see them helping broken or despondent women become victorious overcomers, enabling them to reign over their circumstances, enforce Christ’s victory in their lives and in the lives of their loved ones.

Yesterday, we looked at a strategy for transforming negative mind-sets, through regular confession of God’s Word.

Today, I’d like to help you with looking at a few God-empowering scriptures, in order to kick-start your new way of thinking and being.

May I encourage you to write out at least one or two of the following scriptures on postcards and carry them around with you? Memorise them, even personalise them. And every chance you get, review them.

Choose one or two of the following, which resonates with you and start to read them aloud to yourself every day, even 2-3 times per day if possible. Of course you may have your own favourite scriptures, which you can use instead.

  • Ephesians 2:10
  • Psalm 139:14
  • Philippians 1:6
  • 2 Timothy 1:7
  • Isaiah 41:10

In order to show you how to personalise your chosen scriptures, here’s an example of what I did when I undertook this process, using Isaiah 41:10.

I thank you Father God for your Word which says I should not fear because you are with me. I need not be dismayed because you are my God. I thank you for your promise to strengthen me and help me. And I thank you for upholding me with your righteous right hand.

 Or you can personalise this verse another way:

Carol, [substitute with your name] God’s Word says you should not fear because He is with you. He says you need not be dismayed because He is your God. In fact, Carol, God has promised to strengthen and help you and to uphold you with His righteous right hand.

Well, that’s it! So simple, yet highly effective.

Before I close, allow me to bless you with the following prayer:

For whomever this applies 

I commit you and any circumstance you may be currently battling with, into our Father God’s loving hands.

I ask that He enlighten the eyes of your understanding so that you see yourself as He sees you, so that you might know that He has equipped and enabled you with every required resource, to be able to walk as a victorious over-comer.

May God’s good and perfect will be done both within and through your life. May He manifest His miraculous power within your circumstances. May He strengthen you daily, in your inner being. And may He astound and delight you by doing exceedingly abundantly above anything you could possibly ask for, or dream about.

I ask this in faith and in the mighty, matchless name of Jesus. Amen.




Women of Warfare followers and visitors, have a wonderfully blessed and victorious week!

 With love,

Carol (aka Lady Cee)


Are you looking for a resource that will help and encourage you to develop a consistent and confident prayer life?

Petitions From My Heart is just such a resource. You may purchase a copy by right-clicking one of the links below.




AMAZON UK – Print: click here; E-book: click here

AMAZON US – Print: click here; E-book: click here


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Do you know someone who would benefit from its message? Then please be so kind as to share it. Thank you.


How to Move from Victim to Victor (Part 1)


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Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one’s definition of your life; define yourself.

Harvey Fierstein


Dear friend and follower,

Did you know that regular confession of God’s Word yields desired results – abundant blessings, favour, guidance, protection, success, VICTORY?

This is why Jesus died – to destroy the works of the devil, so we may enjoy a God-glorifying and victorious life. (Luke 1:78-79)

Now, you need to be warned that regular negative confession will also work in reverse. If (for example), you keep saying: I’m such a loser! My life is such a mess! – guess what? You will have exactly what you consistently say. What you confess is what you’ll possess!

So what makes the difference?

Personal choice! You can choose to confess God’s Word, or choose to confess your negative experiences and feelings.

Do your circumstances make you feel like a victim?

Believe me, I know from personal experience that nobody wants to feel that they are a victim and not many would wish to even admit that they are one.

Perhaps we should look at what exactly defines a victim. gives the following definitions:

a person who suffers from a destructive or injurious action or agency:

(as in a victim of an automobile accident)


a person who is deceived or cheated, as by his or her own emotions or ignorance, by the dishonesty of others, or by some impersonal agency:

(e.g. a victim of misplaced confidence; the victim of a swindler; a victim of an optical illusion).

 There are 2 further definitions but for the purposes of this post, I’m interested only in the two given above.

So, now we’ve established what defines a victim, where do you stand?

Are you a victim?

Are you tired of being, or feeling like a victim?

Are you wondering how you can change the status quo?

Did you answer: Yes! Yes! And yes!?

Well dear friend(s) God wants the same thing for you.

If you are earnestly seeking to change your status from perpetual victim to triumphant victor, to victorious over-comer, then I’ve good news for you. There’s a fool-proof strategy. Here’s how!


It’s Not a Magic Formula!

Now, I’m happy to share some keys with you but please don’t expect a magic formula!

Don’t expect your position to change overnight. You will have to be determined and you will have to work at it.

Okay I’m in – what do I need to do?

First off, you need to start with the Word of God.

You need to read it, believe it and speak it! And it is the constant speaking, the regular act of confessing God’s Word in faith, which will change your life, change your behaviour and change your perspective, thus changing your status from victim to victor, from underdog to over-comer.

Remember, as the saying goes: “those who say they can’t and those who say they can, are both right!” Or to put it another way: “what you confess is what you’ll possess!”

Not keen on quotes? Or do you prefer to have a scripture to support this claim?

No problem! I do have a supporting scripture for you:

But what does it say? “The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart” (that is, the word of faith which we preach):

 That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

 For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

(Romans 10:8-10 NKJV)


You may well be accustomed to hearing this portion of scripture used in the context of soul-winning and therefore directed at unbelievers. If so, perhaps you are now feeling confused.

 Don’t be!

Yes, this is a scripture shared with unbelievers, in order to bring them to Christ but remember dear friend that God’s Word is multi-faceted. To relegate these verses as useful for soul-winning purposes only, is to make a grave mistake.

So how else should I see it?

As a living, active and powerful seed capable of changing the lives of those towards whom it has been directed, whether Christian or non-Christian.

I believe this passage of scripture represents the secret to walking as a victorious overcomer and enjoying the benefits of salvation as God’s rightful heir. I believe that if you do as it says, eventually your undesirable circumstances will change.

Let me explain.


Change Your Default Setting!

Firstly, you will note that you are being asked to confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus. If we are taking this passage out of the soul-winning context, what does this mean?

It means you are to confess or speak the Word of God regularly.

In John 1:1 it talks about the Word. From this verse’s context we know that the Word being spoken about here is a person. As you read on to verse 11, we learn that this Word became flesh. We realise that the Word being spoken of here is none other than Jesus. To confess the Lord Jesus therefore, is to confess (speak in agreement with) God’s Word.

Want an example of how this works? Okay then!

Say something happens which leaves you feeling a victim. You begin to meditate on what happened and how you feel. Perhaps you have a catalogue of other occurrences which you now dredge up. You start speaking about what has happened to upset you. To others. To yourself.

And the more you dwell on it, or talk about it, the more upset you get and the worse you feel.


Change your strategy. Have a scripture verse or various verses that you can recall and reflect upon and speak to yourself (preferably out loud).

For instance, instead of thinking, believing and saying that you are a victim, a nonentity or whatever description, you, others, or the devil decides to tag you with, say what God says about you or your situation, regardless of how you may currently feel.

Every single time that negative thought or memory comes to mind or heart, slap it down with the Word of God.

As you continue to do this, God’s Word then becomes the truth that you confess (speak) and believe in your heart. The more you do this, the more the old negative thought and belief is displaced, until suddenly, the new confession, the new belief system has taken root, and next time a similar situation presents itself to you, your new positive response becomes automatic, rather than laboured or contrived.

Let’s look again at the scripture passage above. See the words I’ve underlined?

Verse 8: mouth then heart (i.e. confess/believe).

Verse 9: mouth then heart (i.e. confess/believe).

Verse 10: heart then mouth (i.e. believe/confess).

This implies (and I know it’s true because I’ve proven it in my own life), that if you speak the Word of God often enough—to yourself and over your circumstances—you will move from merely parroting the scriptures and desperately wanting to believe, to a position of confidently and consistently confessing biblical truth.

You will now be confessing (speaking) something that bears witness with your spirit, something that you truly believe and (as we see from verse 10), because our hearts and confession have now changed (but not necessarily our circumstances), our confession of God’s Word becomes instinctive and authentic.

Try it!

God’s Word is the most powerful weapon you have and it is right there within reach. Put it in your mind and heart.

Read it. Believe it. Speak it—regularly!

In my next post Part (2), I will share some supporting scriptures which anyone with a victim mentality may use as a starting point.

With love,

Carol (aka Lady Cee)


Are you looking for a resource that will help and encourage you to develop a consistent and confident prayer life? If so, don’t hesitate to check out the links below.


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AMAZON US – Print: click here;  E-book: click here



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A Call for Creative Carers

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I came across this 2mins video yesterday and just felt I had to share it with you all. If you’ve seen it already forgive me – maybe God wants to draw this to your attention once again.

It would be easy to make the Covid-19 virus situation turn you into a victim. Don’t! Resist the temptation to complain and/or criticise. Instead, be a part of the solution. Be an instrument of blessing.

Whether through your prayers, and/or through practical, loving action, become a burden-bearer, a joy-disperser, a victorious overcomer.


Women of Warfare followers and visitors, I pray you are keeping safe and well, and taking advantage of any lockdown situation you may be in, to draw closer to God.

Have a blessed week!

With love,

Carol (aka Lady Cee)

Are you looking for a resource that will help and encourage you to develop a consistent and confident prayer life? If so, don’t hesitate to check out the links below.


AMAZON UK – Print: click here; E-book: click here

AMAZON US – Print: click here;  E-book: click here



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A Gospel According to Moi?

Q:        What is Five Minute Friday?

A:        It is a 5min free write blog event hosted by Kate Motaung. Every Thursday Kate announces a one-word prompt at 10pm EST. The link-up is open for a full week, until the following Thursday evening. For further details on how to participate click HERE



Five Minute Friday Prompt: ANOTHER

It took me a little while to come up with something to fit this theme – ANOTHER!

In the beginning nothing suggested itself to me. Nothing came immediately to mind. What can I write about that would be personally meaningful to me as the writer and to you, as the reader?

I looked up the Oxford dictionary meaning to see if this would give me some inspiration and do you know what? It did!

I saw that one of the meanings of this word is: something different and then Paul’s words came to mind about “another gospel”. Now I have an idea of where to take this theme!

Do I, do you, believe or live our lives according to another gospel?

A gospel not according to Christ, or even according to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John but according to my, or your convenience. A gospel that fits in with our ideas of who God is and who we want him to be, not as he actually is. And a gospel that makes less demand upon us than that which the true gospel requires.


You think?

Let’s see.

For instance, the gospel according to Jesus demands that we forgive. Not just once, or even three times, but 70 times 70!


So, if you examined your life, if you were absolutely honest with yourself (not the sanitised honesty that you present for the scrutiny of others), but the true, raw honesty of “it-is-what-it-is!” would you emerge squeaky clean?

I know when I look at my heart and assess myself in the light of God’s Word in this particular regard, the picture I see is not so pretty. It’s a picture marred by the stain of an unforgiving spirit. A picture that presents a detailed record of wrongs against others. A picture that ought to have been cleaned with the emulsion of forgiveness, mercy and compassion and should have been repainted with the brushes of obedience.

Instead it’s a picture that has built up a steady film of grime and dust. And instead of that picture being framed by the beauty of humility and mercy, it is stretched upon the canvas of a critical and judgmental spirit.

This picture is the result of a gospel according to moi… a gospel according to Carol. A gospel that is man-made and mixed, prompted by the devil’s goading input, along with my rebellious and self-righteous response to those who offend me.

Another gospel!

But as I examine my heart and life in the uncompromising light of God’s Word, as I look within my conscience at the picture of Jesus hanging upon his cross, as I regard the image of his marred face, his broken body, as I recall all that he suffered, so that I can enjoy a new destiny, a happy-ever-after scenario of complete and utter peace, yeah, everlasting joy in Heaven, I feel convicted. I feel ashamed.

How could I continue to behave like the protagonist in Christ’s parable of the ungrateful servant? How could I fail to forgive those who have trespassed against me, when God my Father, when Christ my Saviour, has forgiven and continues to forgive me of so much more?

No matter how big, how deep the wounds of those offences, what deception, what seed of arrogance could cause me to choose this other gospel—a gospel according to my sanctimonious standards, a standard which fell far, far short of God’s measure of righteousness in the first place? A standard which failed to satisfy God’s wrath, who required the shedding of innocent blood, the burden-bearing of an entire world’s sin and depravity before he could be appeased, before the atonement for Adam’s act of treason could be accepted?

Father-God forgive me (there I go again – needing forgiveness!).

Lord Jesus forgive me. Thank you for your wonderful example of forgiveness towards those who hated, humiliated and killed you.

Holy Spirit help me. Remind me to take up my cross and die daily to the ungracious demands of my flesh, to my unmerciful requirements for personal vengeance, to my unforgiving heart.

Help me to walk God’s highway of holiness with humility and help me to paint a Christ-like image over the offences of others, even if it requires me to do so, seventy times seventy each day, even each hour!

Friends and followers, have a blessed weekend and may God’s divine peace and protection rest upon you and upon your loved ones, as we negotiate the paths of these unprecedented times.

Best wishes,

Carol (aka Lady Cee)

Are you looking for a resource that will help and encourage you to develop a consistent and confident prayer life? If so, don’t hesitate to check out the links below.


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FREE EVENT – Purpose Power Summit (April 21-22)

A Purpose-driven achiever

Purpose Power Summit April 21-22, 2020

The Purpose Power Summit is designed specifically for you to embrace the purpose God birthed in you.

Over 2 days you’ll have your PASSION and PURPOSE fired up so you can accomplish your goals!

Join me and 22 other Christian leaders, authors, speakers and entrepreneurs who will be sharing actionable steps you can take to activate you into God’s divine PURPOSE for your life.

Our featured guests include an inspiring group of thought leaders, authors, ministers, authors and entrepreneurs who share their valuable insights.

You can watch the live broadcasts FREE. If you’d like unlimited access to the replays, you can purchase an All Access ticket for just $31.20 (reduced from $39).


Hi purpose-driven achievers,

I wanted to share the above with you all. The conference ends today but you can gain free access to video replays of past events until 24 April. To…

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Are You Sleeping?


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Then they came to a place which was named Gethsemane; and He said to his disciples, “Sit here while I pray.”

And He took Peter, James, and John with Him and He began to be troubled and deeply distressed.

Then He said to them, “My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even to death. Stay here and watch.”

He went a little farther, and fell on the ground, and prayed that if it were possible, the hour might pass from Him.

And He said, “Abba, Father, all things are possible for You. Take this cup away from Me, nevertheless, not what I will, but what You will.”

Then He came and found them sleeping, and said to Peter, “Simon, are you sleeping? Could you not watch one hour?”

“Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.”

Again He went away and prayed, and spoke the same words.

And when He returned, He found them asleep again, for their eyes were heavy; and they did not know what to answer Him.

Then He came the third time and said to them, “Are you still sleeping and resting? It is enough! The hour has come; behold, the Son of Man is being betrayed into the hands of sinners.

(Mark 14:32-41 NKJV)

The above scripture passage reveals that Christ’s disciples had been asked to watch and pray, in support of Jesus, while he battled with fear, the prospect of God’s utter abandonment and other conflicting thoughts, in the Garden of Gethsemane. Instead they fell asleep.

On reading this account, my mind turned to the present world crisis with the Corona-virus. I wondered how many of God’s people recognise the season in which we are living and are taking advantage of the enforced period of self-isolation, or lock-down and are using some of that precious time to seek God, as never before, and to pray.

Because my dear friends, there has never been a richer opportunity for us as children of God, to spend quality time in fellowship with our Heavenly Father and in prayer. Unexpected yes! But opportune nonetheless!

Those measures where people are being forced to isolate, forced to take time off work, or work from home, represent unprecedented opportunities for each of us who are alive and well, to appeal to God for his merciful intervention.

My dear friend, if you have not grasped this, then you are asleep spiritually. So my question to you is this:

Why are you sleeping?

Is it because of, slothfulness, selfishness or sorrow?

Your nation needs you! So wake up from your spiritual slumber party and pray! [tweet this]


Perhaps you are sorrowing over the way your life has suddenly changed with the event of the coronavirus pandemic. Perhaps you are disappointed that your plans have gone kaput – just like that!

The disciples had just been told that their world was to be turned upside down. They’d been told that their beloved master and friend was about to be killed. Worse still, that one of them, was going to betray him. The disciples were sleeping for sorrow because their plans, their hopes, their dreams were about to be upturned… because they didn’t know what to do, or what to say.

Are you sleeping for sorrow?


But perhaps you are sleeping spiritually because you are too self-absorbed to recognise the time, the season we are living in, or worse still, you do actually recognise this, but feel too depressed, or disappointed with, or defeated by life to do anything constructive about it. Perhaps you are thinking let others get on with it!

Then again, perhaps you could care less!

Dear reader, if you are a child of God, then responsibility for your life, your family, your nation, belongs to you. Jesus has equipped us with the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit knows God’s will, so ask him to help you, ask him to guide your prayers.

“Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.”

John F. Kennedy

The unprecedented lockdowns provide opportunities for those who are alive and well to appeal to God for his merciful intervention. [tweet this]


And then again, if the truth were known, perhaps you are just plain lazy (sorry to be so blunt!).

You are used to taking the path of least resistance. You expect other people to step up to the plate and keep your world ticking over nicely, thank you!

To get out of your bed of slumber, or rise from your comfy sofa of self-indulgence, is just too much trouble. Your laissez-faire policy in life has always worked for you before now, so why behave any differently?


Because these are unprecedented times and unprecedented times call for unprecedented measures. As in the natural world, so in the spiritual world.

To all those who are asleep spiritually, God is saying to you today: Arise! Watch and pray!


…praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints—

(Ephesians 6:18 NKJV)


Beloved friend or follower, if you are sleeping spiritually during this global crisis, wake up from your spiritual slumber party and pray! Your nation needs you!

With love,

Carol (aka Lady Cee)

Author of: Petitions From My Heart


Are you looking for a resource that will help and encourage you to develop a consistent and confident prayer life? If so, don’t hesitate to check out the links below.


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Do you know someone who would benefit from its message? Then please don’t hesitate to share it. Thank you.



An Easter Tribute To Love


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Today is Easter Sunday! Hallelujah!

Hallelujah! Jesus is alive. Jesus, my Saviour has been raised from the dead and now he lives for ever more. Now he is seated in heaven at the right hand of our Father. Now he ever lives to make intercession for me. And don’t I need it?!

But I don’t want to focus on my need today. I want to focus on my precious Father-God, my precious Saviour, and my precious Comforter and Counsellor, the inimitable Holy Spirit!

Thank you one and all for your presence in my life. Thank you dear Father-God for making me worthy to come into your presence and fellowship with you. And thank you Lord Jesus for all that you have done, to make it possible for me to be reconciled to God. Thank you for rescuing me from the clutches of Satan and redeeming me from the curse of the Law. Thank you for your obedience to the Father’s will, even to the point of death.


O Lord Jesus, I can never ever, ever thank you enough. I can never ever know and understand just how much you suffered and endured on my behalf. And when I think of this, I feel ashamed for the times in the past when I have been outraged, bitter and resentful, acted ugly because of the things I have suffered.

Ok, so they may have been unjust. But the difference between me and you, is that you have never ever sinned, never ever done anything wrong. You were and are perfect. If there is anyone in this entire universe who did not deserve unjust treatment, it was you. And yet you willingly took it. And took it without saying a word to those who meted out the false accusations, the insults, the mocking jibes, the physical assault and abuse. Nothing!

But I, who was born in sin and shaped in iniquity had plenty of things to say when I suffered. Forgive me!

Thank you for your wonderful and exemplary conduct. Thank you for your strength of character. Thank you for your incredible, extravagant, unconditional love. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!

I love you. I appreciate you. I commit afresh, my life into your hands today. Take my life Lord and let it be, consecrated only to thee. Take my moments and take my days and let them flow in ceaseless praise to you, and to your Father, our Father.

Thank you for all you have done. And dear precious Saviour, I thank you that after all that you’ve accomplished, all that you’ve achieved, you are not resting on your laurels. You are still working, still serving. Because now that you are alive, now that you ever live, you are making continual intercession for me. I so need it! And I am so grateful.

Thank you for being the High Priest of my confessions of faith. Thank you for your precious efficacious blood, which speaks on my behalf from the Mercy Seat in heaven. Thank you for the loving eloquence of your blood, which effectively pleads for mercy, grace and forgiveness. Oh, how much better, how much nobler does your blood speak for me, than Abel’s blood, which had spoken against Cain when it cried out for vengeance!

I love you Jesus.

And I love you Father God. It was your brilliant plan. It was your wisdom and justice tempered with mercy that ensured it was executed. It was your miraculous intervention that implanted the seed of your Word within the Virgin Mary. It was your angelic protection that shielded Jesus from King Herod’s murderous edict. It was your ‘foolishness’ that conceived the idea of that accursed and monstrous cross. It was your awesome and miraculous power that raised Jesus from the dead. Hallelujah!

And you did it all for me!

You did it for the entire world, so that whoever would believe, and whoever would accept what Christ has done for them, could indeed be saved, aye, could be rescued from eternal damnation.

Such inexplicable, indescribable, incomparable love!

Father God, Lord Jesus, Precious Holy Spirit, I bow my heart and my will in reverence before you.

Triune Godhead, you are worthy to be praised. You are worthy to be glorified. You are worthy to be honoured.

Lord Jesus, be magnified today, this Easter Sunday, as I exalt your awesome name!


Happy Easter!

With love,

Carol (aka Lady Cee)

Author of: Petitions From My Heart

Are you looking for a resource that will help and encourage you to develop a consistent and confident prayer life? If so, don’t hesitate to check out the links below.

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I hope you were blessed today by reading this post. If so, please share your response in a comment box below. Do you know someone who would also enjoy and benefit from its message? Then please don’t hesitate to share it. Thank you.



An Easter Sunday Prayer


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Who can compare with you Almighty God? There is no one like you. You are awesome. You are supreme. You are omnipotent.

I join with the psalmist in saying: ‘what is man that you are mindful of him?’ Yet I am so glad that you not only loved this world and loved me but you also sent your Son to this earth to die for us, making it possible for whomsoever believes and whomsoever will, to be reconciled to you… to become intimately acquainted with and worship you.

Today, I celebrate the resurrection of your Holy Child Jesus from the dead, which bears testimony to your miraculous power.


Lord Jesus, I acknowledge you as the Alpha and Omega, The Beginning and the End, the First and the Last, the one who was dead but is now alive and lives for evermore.


Holy Spirit, thank you for your anointing that teaches me. Grant me revelation knowledge regarding the outworking of this same resurrection power that resides within me. Help me to walk with confidence in this newness of life. Enable me to walk in the authority and dynamic power of Jesus, my Saviour, my Lord and my soon-coming King. Amen.


The above prayer is an extract from my book, Petitions From My Heart. If you are looking for a resource that will help and encourage you to develop a consistent and confident prayer life, please don’t hesitate to check out the links below.

With love,

Carol (aka Lady Cee)


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An Easter Petition

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I am sure it would not have escaped the notice of many of you who regularly read my posts, that I published a book of prayers last year, called Petitions From My Heart.

The prayer below is an excerpt from this book, which I share with you all, given the season of Easter.

I hope you will be blessed in your reading but I also hope this excerpt will serve as a sample of my book’s content and (if you have not already done so), will encourage you to explore its content further, even perhaps spur you towards a purchase!

Happy Easter!




Father God,

I thank you for sending Jesus to this earth to die for me and for every individual in the world, so that we might be redeemed from the hand of the Enemy and redeemed from the curse of the law.

Thank you for your perfectly executed plan, which not only satisfied your wrath against sin and demonstrated your mercy in providing an atonement but also outwitted the Prince of Darkness and his cohorts. Hallelujah!

Lord Jesus, you willingly relinquished your position of majestic power and prestige. Thank you for humbling yourself and assuming the limitations of human flesh in order to both identify with me and implement the will of the Father.

Triumphant Saviour, as I reflect on how you were betrayed and delivered into the hands of the Scribes and Pharisees, help me to learn from your exemplary conduct and your total commitment to the Father’s will. I thank you for your intercessory role and ministry and I pray your petitions will pave a path of humility in my life, enabling me to follow your example.

Holy Spirit, I acknowledge you as the one sent to walk alongside and assist me. Help me to walk worthy of the vocation to which I have been called. When occasion demands, bring back to my remembrance the relevant scriptures and motivate me to put my fleshly inclinations and desires to death and faithfully follow Christ. I thank you Holy Spirit for empowering me to take up my cross daily and follow Jesus, my Lord and Saviour. Amen.

With love,

Carol (aka Lady Cee)

Author of: Petitions From My Heart


Did you find the above post useful? Are you looking for a resource that will help and encourage you to develop a consistent and confident prayer life? If so, don’t hesitate to check out the links below.


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I’d love to know your response to this post. Please share your thoughts in a comment box below. And if you know anyone who would benefit from a boost to their prayer life, please don’t hesitate to recommend my book and share the purchase links. Thank you.






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Unless you have just escaped from the dark ages, I suspect you will know what is meant by FAQs. If not, please click here for an explanation.

Now, for some reason, in the early hours of the morning one day this week, the acronym floated into my mind and I began to wonder, if God had a certain set of questions that He frequently ponders and would love to ask us, as his children, as Christ’s followers, what would they be?

I came up with the following and hope they give you pause for thought.

  1. Where are you?

This is the question God asked Adam and Eve after they sinned and hid from his presence.

Now, I am not accusing anyone of sinning, so please don’t get uptight and click away!

What I am wanting to know is, does God have occasion to ask you the above question – Where are you?

Is he often waiting for you to come visit and fellowship with him, yet ends up being disappointed?

To be invited to come into the Holy of Holies, into God’s very throne-room, is a wonderful privilege and an honour. Are you regularly snubbing the one who has secured a free entrance ticket for you, at a very high price (the unimaginable suffering and death of his Son)?

Could you improve on your visitation periods?

  1. Where are my Elijahs?

Are you concerned about the moral and spiritual decline of this world? Yes?

Then what are you doing about it?

“Me?” you ask. “What do you expect me to do about it?”

It’s not what I expect you to do dear reader, it’s about what God expects you to do.

In 2 Chronicles 7:14 he says this:

If my people, who are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

Again, in the book of James, we read that the “effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” Elijah is given as an example of someone with an effective prayer life (see James 5:16b-17).

Will you be an Elijah?

  1. Can I count of you?

So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but found no one.

(Ezekiel 22:30 NKJV)

Remember Abraham? He had such a great relationship with God that the Lord felt he could not destroy Sodom & Gomorrah without telling him first. It may have been because He knew Abraham’s nephew Lot, was living there. Once Abraham became aware of God’s plan, he sought to dissuade God by asking him to preserve the nation if there were at least 10 righteous people within it.

I believe if Abraham had continued negotiating and asked God to spare this wicked nation for just one righteous individual (Lot), God would have done so.

Abraham was not only deemed to be a friend of God but he is also considered to be our forefather of faith. As his offspring, are you prepared to emulate him and stand in the gap for others, who are in need of God’s grace and mercy?

  1. Are you prepared to trust me in the long haul?

The above question refers to a parable Jesus told, encouraging his followers that they should always pray and not give up. The parable is about a widow who seeks the intervention of an unjust judge. This man had no regard for God, nor did he care about the woman’s plight. However, because of her persistence, he eventually gave in and granted her the justice she sought. If you are not familiar with this story, you may read about it in Luke 18:1-8.

I wonder, when Jesus shared this parable, was he concerned that people gave up too easily? Is there a prayer request you have abandoned because God has not answered it within your required deadline?

Do you have confidence in God’s Word, or are you lacking in persistent faith?

  1. Do you believe that I love you and have your best interests as a primary concern upon my heart?

I am sure you have experienced disappointments in life. In fact, I’m positive there are things which have happened to you that do not reflect the abundant or victorious lifestyle you’d expected to enjoy, as a born-again Christian.

How do you feel about these instances? Do you harbour fears that God has abandoned you, or does not care?

Listen to what he has to say to you from his Word:

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, who are the called according to his purpose.

(Roman 8:28 NKJV)

Joseph found himself in prison on a charge of rape, even though he was innocent. He would never have landed up there in the first place, if it were not for the malice of his own brothers, who sold him into slavery. And all this happened, despite God revealing to Joseph that his destiny was to be a prominent leader.

We know that all ended well, not just for Joseph but for his entire family and for his host country, Egypt, when a severe famine hit the land. This, and other similar stories in the Bible should encourage us that God is able to cause all things to work together for our good.

Do you feel forgotten? If so, ignore your feelings and trust God’s Word.

Commit your concerns into our heavenly Father’s hands. Trust Him to work out his purpose for your benefit and for the blessing of others around you.

Commit (in other words pray).


And then rest!

With love,

Carol (aka Lady Cee)

Author of: Petitions From My Heart

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You Are Priceless!


Do you know that you are God’s masterpiece?

What do you think this means for you as an individual?

Oscar Wilde, gives an appropriate response in the following quote ascribed to him:

Be yourself – everyone else is already taken!

This world is filled with people who do not appreciate their uniqueness. They do not believe they have anything worth offering to others. And there are those who are so besotted with the image of another that they seek to replicate him/her.

I am sure you’ve seen on stage or TV (if not in real life), those who earn money from being look- a-likes, or who pattern themselves on well-known celebrities, such as Marilyn Munro, Michael Jackson or Elvis Presley.

There are even people who will buy the same product used or worn by a celebrity they admire, because they somehow wish to emulate the lifestyle of whomever they deem to be cool, or successful, or hard, or whatever.

Women of Warfare followers, whom are you emulating?

A self-help book I’d read a while ago, mentioned a certain young man who’d started a new job and then began dressing and acting like his new work colleagues, even though the way they dressed and the cars they drove etc., was not a fit for his personality. In the end, he did not recognise himself!

And what about the marketing gurus, who sell idealised beauty, holidays, homes and lifestyles? Now there’s absolutely nothing wrong with following the lead of somebody you admire, or seeking to improve yourself, but to do so to the extent that you become a fake copy of someone else, rather than enjoy and express your own authenticity, is too, too sad.

It’s sad for your poor self-esteem, which has been squeezed into the mould of that person you’d much prefer to be. It’s sad for the people around you, who do not get to benefit from the unique gift you are to the world around you. And it’s mega sad for our wonderful Father-God, who took great care in designing and creating you.

Are you guilty of thinking, or feeling, or even saying that you are not good enough?

What has motivated those thoughts or feelings?

Is it peer pressure, or insecurity?

Can I tell you that the worth of anything is determined by the price someone is willing to pay for it? Well, based on that premise, guess what? You are invaluable!

Jesus gave his life for you. Jesus shed his precious, incorruptible blood for you.

…you were not redeemed with corruptible things, like silver or gold… but with the precious blood of Christ… (1 Peter 1:18-19)


You were bought at a price; do not become slaves of men (1 Corinthians 7:23)


So, don’t allow people (your peers, the media, even your enemies!), to dictate whom you should be, how you should behave, what you should buy etc., particularly if doing so cuts across the grain of your own authenticity.

Your uniqueness is God’s gift to you and how you express that uniqueness is your gift to those around you. [click to tweet]

Isn’t it about time you unwrapped yourself?

With love,

Carol (aka Lady Cee)

Author of: Petitions From My Heart

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How COVID-19 Sparks My Gratitude — Journeys of a Homemaker

It is easy to become bitter, fearful, complain, stress, and simply be frustrated during this unfolding corona drama in history. I began a list of things that make me grateful for this experience. I know there are hundreds more bullets that could be added to this ongoing list, so please post your thoughts below! Our […]

via How COVID-19 Sparks My Gratitude — Journeys of a Homemaker 

I wanted to share this blogger’s positive take regarding the devastating drama currently unfolding on the world stage.

Her post reminds me of St Paul’s following words to us:

In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

(1 Thessalonians 5:18 NKJV)

Please note we are to give thanks to God in the situation, not for it!

So what point for thanksgiving would you add? Please share it in a comment box below.

Wishing you divine peace and safety,

Love Carol (aka Lady Cee)


Tomorrow Never Comes!

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Q: What is Five Minute Friday?

A: It is a 5min free write blog event hosted by Kate Motaung. Every Thursday Kate announces a one-word prompt on her blog at 10pm EST. The link-up is open for a full week, until the following Thursday evening. For further details on how to participate please visit her blog at: Heading Home.

***       ***       ***       ***       ***



My immediate thought when I saw this prompt was of a title: Tomorrow Never Comes. I thought it was a book I’d once read by Sidney Sheldon, but a quick check shows me I am wrong.

My mind then turned to Pharaoh in the book of Exodus, who had suffered a plague of frogs, yet when Moses asked him when he’d like this plague to stop, he answered: “Tomorrow”.

Can you believe it?

Why would anyone who had suffered a nasty plague not want it to stop immediately? What on earth was he thinking?

Which then led me to think about procrastination and my problem with it. I’ve tried to break free. I think I have improved. But it is still an issue.

Take this Covid-19 virus that has descended upon and changed our lives. There were things I’d wanted to do and could very well have done, before this plague came on the scene.

Now that it’s here, I cannot do these things. Not without incurring risk. Because it involves going out and mixing with people in close proximity. I cannot, and do not wish to take this chance. Besides, measures are now in place which restrict the movements of UK citizens, so I couldn’t, even if I wanted to.

So now I’ll have to settle for second best. I’ll have to figure out a way to proceed, without doing what I should have (and could have) done earlier.

Procrastination costs. And the time and opportunity that has been lost, cannot be redeemed.

(End of 5 Mins)

Procrastination has been my unfortunate song for as long as I can remember. But I so hate those lyrics. I absolutely despise the melody. I no longer want procrastination to be the rhythm of my life. In fact, you can read my post here where I made public my decision to break with this tiresome habit.

God says we are to redeem the time. I often believe for, and ask the Holy Spirit to help me redeem (make effective) whatever time I may have left. And when I ask this, I mean in terms of how long I have left to live in this world. I mean in terms of available time left, to work on my writing projects. I mean in terms of the time I have left, to network with others, to sow seeds of loving kindness, mercy and forgiveness, or to serve his purposes.

I feel the need to do this, because I often take time for granted, along with the opportunity it affords. I’m prone to forget that any presumed window of opportunity is not guaranteed to remain open, just to fit into my schedule. A schedule of “tomorrow”, which never comes!

As we have seen with the Corona-virus, nobody knows what’s around the corner, which could completely scupper our prior plans.

People die, or leave your life for various reasons. Situations change. Things you can be depending upon, may suddenly be taken out of the equation. And then the opportunity to do that which you wanted to do, or which God had asked you to do, disappears. Puff!

This happened to me recently.

I waited to do something good for someone. I delayed because of a mixture of procrastination and hard-heartedness. I’d failed to act because I allowed offence to lodge within my heart and dictate my inclinations.

And now, the opportunity to show God that my love for him, exceeds my desire to satisfy capricious whims, has gone. Puff! Because the person in question has now departed from this world.

So, now I have to deal with the fact that I allowed stubbornness to stop me from reaching out, offering an olive branch, renewing acquaintances.

I acted no differently to Pharaoh. Instead of grabbing the opportunity to be rid of the emotional frog in my life, and be free from accusatory thoughts and wrong attitudes that plagued me, I procrastinated. I held onto them until “tomorrow”.

In my heart, I was resisting God’s Word and clear requirement. With that resistance, my mind whispered “tomorrow” whilst my stubbornness decided “Not yet!”

God warns us about rebellion. He says that those who are often reproved but harden their hearts, will be cut off without remedy (Proverbs 29:1).

Of course, I don’t want this to be my lot. I don’t want the story of my life to be written with the quill and ink of selfish and disobedient conduct.

God’s Word also warns that “…behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation. (2 Corinthians 6:2 KJV). There is a finite window of opportunity for you and me to walk in God’s ways… to be obedient to his will. Nobody knows when that window will close. So, waiting until tomorrow, a tomorrow that may never come, could work to our detriment.

If you are procrastinating about something you know you should do, or something God has instructed you to do, please pay heed dear reader, and learn a valuable lesson from me.

I pray for myself and for anyone else who struggles with similar issues. I pray that God will work within our hearts… that he will change us and bring us to that place where we both desire to obey His will, and actually do so, without delay.

Wishing you a peace-filled and victorious week.

With love,

Carol (aka Lady Cee)

Author of: Petitions From My Heart

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What’s your “P” Philosophy?


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Whenever you are feeling discouraged, disappointed or disillusioned with life, what do you do?

When life fails to go your way, or when people mistreat you, how do you habitually behave?

In that hour when emotions are high, when feelings of anger, frustration or failure reign, what will be your default position?

How we choose to behave during such times, demonstrates the level of our spiritual growth and maturity. Make no mistake, as a child of God, both Satan and the Holy Spirit will be standing by, seeking to influence your behaviour.

The voice we choose to listen to, will determine whether we emerge as perpetual victims or perceptive victors. [click to tweet]

In 1 Samuel 25:10-13, we read an account of how David was ill-treated and insulted by Nabal. David took offence and fully intended to wreak vengeance. If it were not for the quick thinking of this churlish man’s wife, David would have been guilty of killing not only Nabal but his entire unsuspecting household—including people who were innocent, who had done nothing wrong!

Anger and a desire for revenge, had clouded David’s judgment.

In comparison, Job demonstrated an admirable standard of emotional maturity. After losing all of his ten children, his considerable wealth and even his health, Job’s wife counselled him to: “Curse God and die!”

Job however, chose to adopt a mature philosophical outlook. He said:

“…Shall we indeed accept good from God, and shall we not accept adversity?”

(Job 2:10 NKJV)

Unlike David, Job chose not to listen to the Enemy’s suggestion, or pander to any sense of outrage, or to feelings of self-pity. He ignored his wife’s blasphemous suggestion, chose not to sin with his lips, nor to charge God with wrong, but to worship the Lord (see Job 2:20-22).

Dear reader, of the two examples mentioned above, which are you more likely to do?

Women of Warfare follower, you can choose your spiritual development philosophy this day, this hour, this season. Will you pity-party or pray?

With love,


Carol (aka Lady Cee)

Author of: Petitions From My Heart

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Mend What Is Broken: A Prayer for Health — The Daily Inspo

Heavenly Father, I call on you right now in a special way. It is through your power that I was created. Every breath I take, every morning I wake, and every moment of every hour, I live under your power. Father, I ask you now to touch me with that same power. For if you […]

via Mend What Is Broken: A Prayer for Health — The Daily Inspo

I came across this beautiful prayer earlier this year and had wanted to share it but completely forgot.

I think it especially relevant now, in this time of fear and uncertainty (what with the spread of the Covid-19 virus), and I hope someone out there might find it a blessing.

Wishing you God’s peace and divine protection.

Much love,

Carol (aka Lady Cee)


Covid-19: A Prayer for Protection


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The following personalised prayer and declaration is based on Psalm 91 and Luke 10:19. Please feel free to use it to pray for yourselves and your loved ones. If you do not currently have a relationship with God, or if you have been neglecting your relationship with Him, He is merciful and compassionate. All you need to do is ask his forgiveness and commit (or re-commit) your life into the safe custody of his Son, Jesus Christ.

*****       *****       *****


 I dwell habitually in the secret place of the Most High God. I therefore abide under the shadow of the Almighty. He is my refuge, my fortress, my God and in Him I trust.

Surely he will deliver me from unsuspected snares, plagues and pestilence (e.g. Covid-19). He will cover me with his feathers of protection and shield me with his wings of healing and deliverance. The truth of his Word will act as an impenetrable shield and sturdy buckler, deflecting any harm that comes my way.

I shall not be afraid for the terrors of the night or for arrows of affliction aimed during the day, nor for the pestilence that stalks in darkness, nor for any form of destruction that might lay waste at noonday.

Even though a thousand falls at my side, or ten thousand expires at my right hand, I shall not be affected because I have made the Lord my refuge and the Most High God, my perpetual place of habitation. Therefore no evil shall befall me, no plague (e.g. the Corona-virus) shall come near my dwelling place.

My Father-God has instructed his angels to keep watch over me and protect me in my comings and goings. If danger is near, they will bear me up in their hands and deliver me from life-threatening situations.

I have authority to tread upon the lion and adder and to trample underfoot the young lion and serpent. In accordance with Christ’s decree, I have been given authority over all the power of the Enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt or destroy me.

Because I have chosen to set and seal my heart with love and devotion towards God, he will deliver me. And because I have known his name (i.e. Jehovah-Nissi – the Lord God my banner of protection), He will set me on high, out of harm’s reach.

Whenever I call upon my Father-God in times of trouble, he will answer me. He will be with me, deliver me and honour me. And He will satisfy me with a long life, a God-quality brand of life and he will shower me with the benefits and blessings of his salvation. Amen!

Wishing God’s prevailing peace and protection for you and your loved ones.

With love,

Carol (aka Lady Cee)

Author of: Petitions From My Heart

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Will You Please Come Home?

An Open Letter to all lost lambs and sheep who have wandered away from my flock

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Where are you my beloved?

I wonder if you know how much I hurt since the day you wandered away from the safety of my care. Yes, I realise you have done so because you feel hurt… because you’ve been offended… because (and my heart pains me to know this), you’ve been emotionally abused, or blatantly ignored, or marginalised, or cruelly rejected. You’ve had enough.

You have wandered away from the safety of my flock because certain shepherds, or certain church members have disappointed you, failed to live up to your new found expectations of an accepting, loving and united family of God.

And so you withdrew. You’ve withdrawn your heart, your trust and your allegiance to “the church”. You say: I want nothing more to do with those bunch of hypocrites! And believe me, I understand how you feel.

Yes, you still want to be a child of God, a disciple of Christ, but you’ve decided to do so your own way. You’ve decided to do so on your own terms. So you stay away from the religious circus and you erect your walls and barriers.

And even though outwardly there is bravado (I don’t need them), inwardly there is a gnawing resentment, and a deep untended wound because something, or someone you’d placed your trust in, let you down.

You were excited at first. After all, what could be more perfect than joining a loving community of people with good morals and virtuous spirituality? What could be more desirable than mixing with a group of friends who’d always have your back? What a breath of fresh air to be able to be yourself… to be able to confide your concerns or doubts or struggles. What a pleasure it was going to be, to mix with others who are on the same spiritual wavelength and committed to the same standards of Christ’s love. What could be more perfect?

But then the glitz rubbed off to reveal people who appear to be no better than your unsaved next door neighbours, or the ungodly colleagues at your workplace, or the unbelieving members of your family.

You had not expected to be the subject of gossip-mongers or to be propositioned by a church leader. You did not approve of “super-star” shepherds who seek celebrity status, rather than model servant-leadership. You certainly hadn’t expected there to be cliques within God’s kingdom, or worse still, to find yourself excluded. You thought you’d left that kind of thing behind when you separated yourself from the world.

You hungered to experience the supernatural power and presence of God but the most you received were invites to a happy-clappy spiritual bubble, which often burst once you left the vicinity of the church premises and left you feeling unequipped to face life’s challenges.

I understand your disillusionment.

But dear sweet child of God, I want you to know there will always be tares amongst the wheat. There will always be the imposter –v- the genuine. And there will always be the fully sold-out and on-fire believer –v- the lukewarm bench-warmer, with those who sit comfortably in between.

My dear disillusioned one, there will always be a mixture of wolves, goats, lambs and sheep amongst the members of my church. There will be those amongst my flock who get it wrong, yet are bona fide believers. They make mistakes. They are ever learning and growing. And as they learn and grow they are being transformed into my true image – not the synthetic portrait to which you were introduced when you first made my acquaintance.

My precious child, as they learn and grow, they will become that loving, holy community you so desire to be a part of and for which you had originally signed up. But my dear precious one, it takes time. It takes time to mature, just like cheese. Just like wine. And it will take every child of God (including you) to assume their rightful place in the body of Christ. It will require every child of God (including you) to submit to the process of being rubbed against one another… to be chafed and challenged… to do and die.

So I need you to come back, dear one. I want you back in the safety of my fold. I want you joined to a community of admittedly imperfect people, so that I may mature and perfect you and perfect others alongside you.

Because making that choice to come away, to segregate yourself from my family, is making a choice to place your opinions, your disgust and disappointments, your hurts and anger above my will, above my plan and purpose for your life. And whilst you stay away, that serpent (my arch-enemy), feels he has carte blanche to sift and sully you, to poison your thoughts against my people and even at times against me, to alienate and entrench you within your disappointment, hurts and resentment. Whilst you stay away dear precious one, you play into my enemy’s hands and you render yourself an orphan, you make yourself so vulnerable.

Beloved child, will you please come home? Will you return to my sheepfold? Will you let me restore and settle you into my family? Will you allow me to love you, comfort you, hold and heal you?

I do hope you will.

With my utmost, unconditional love,




Sent on behalf of Jesus (The Good Shepherd and Overseer of your Soul)


What’s your response to this post? Are you one of Christ’s lost lambs or sheep? Please share your thoughts in a comment box below. And if you know anyone to whom this message applies, then please don’t hesitate to share it. Thank you.





A God Who Sees You



I was listening to a man of God some time ago, when I heard him say:

Children will be what they see!

Now, as a child of God, as a Woman of Warfare follower, let me ask you, what do you see?

If you didn’t have good role models for parents you now have a heavenly father, so are you looking at him?

Are you seeing him?

Where are your eyes focussed?

Do you see a God who loves you so much that He sent his Son to die for you, in order to prove the depth of his love, in order to demonstrate his commitment to you?


Some folks see an angry God, or an unfair God, who plays favourites, or a God who’s written them off for past sins and failings, or a God who perhaps does not even notice them, let alone answer their prayers.

If you see such a God, then I can imagine it would be very hard to try and approach him, to ask his help, or even just hang out with him simply because you love and respect him. It would be hard because you do not really know Him, do not appreciate who He really is.

Hagar, was just such a woman. In Genesis 16:4-13, we read how after she began to act above her station, openly despising her barren mistress Sarai, upon reaping retribution as a result, she ran away.

Did Hagar bring this situation upon herself? Yes!

Did she deserve the punishment she received for acting so hoity-toity? Perhaps!

She was pregnant. Her master and mistress were Hagar’s only means of support and yet she ran away to a place where she had no idea how she’d survive.

Did God ignore her for being prideful and foolish? No!

In fact we read that he sought her out, spoke kindly to her, gave her a comforting and prophetic word with regard to the child she carried in her womb, then sent her back to the home from which she had just fled.

During the course of his conversation with Hagar we read: …the Lord has heard your affliction (Genesis 16:11 NKJ). I believe this was a response to Hagar’s cries of desperation and despair.

The story ends on a positive note because whether or not Hagar had a relationship with the God of her former owners before this incident, she recognised who was now addressing her personally—she saw a God who spoke directly into her situation and who was concerned about her welfare. She came away from this encounter saying in effect: “You are the God who sees” and “I have seen Him who sees me!” (verse 13)

Isn’t that a wonderful illustration of how God sees us, cares about us and desires to relate to us?

Friend and follower, let me ask you again – in terms of your relationship with God, what do you see?

If you shun God’s company because you think he is angry with you, or because you feel you have blotted your copy book, or if you are reluctant to approach a God who seems distant, harsh and uncaring, let me encourage you to think again. Those lies, those false accusations come from the Enemy. Don’t continue to listen.

If God seems distant, then let me encourage you to draw closer to him today. He promises that if you draw near to him, then he will draw closer to you.

And if you don’t know how to draw closer to him, then ask him to show you. Ask Him to draw you nearer to himself with his gentle cords of love (Hosea 11:4). I guarantee you that he will!

With love,

Carol (aka Lady Cee)

Author of: Petitions From My Heart

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How do you see God? As a distant, mystical being who’s out of touch with the real world? As a spiritual Father Christmas to whom you send a list of your needs? As an unreasonable task master? Please share your thoughts in a comment box below. I’d love to hear from you.

Effective Prayer Requires Sacrifice


Every morning you’ll hear me at it again.

Every morning I lay out the pieces of my life on your altar

and watch for fire to descend.

(Psalm 5:3 The Message)


Even though my mother (God rest her soul) inducted me into a lifestyle of prayer, it was not always easy to maintain a prayerful lifestyle. I admit it was probably not as hard for me as it is for some others within the body of Christ, who did not have that particular example and influence around them, but I nevertheless sometimes struggled.

Usually, it was because of difficult circumstances which the Enemy used to demean and distract me.

Just as King David did, I discovered that there are times when you have to speak to your soul and encourage yourself in the Lord.

The following is an extract from my writing journal, where I sought to both speak to and motivate myself, so I could continue to pray for myself and for others, regardless of how I felt; so I could deal with those issues which often tripped me up and prevented me from praying, or else undermined the effectiveness of my prayers.

I share this journal extract in the hopes that it will speak to the hearts of those who truly love God and want to please him, yet struggle in their walk with the Lord because of disappointments, or discouraging circumstances which the Enemy uses, to try and break their focus (often successfully).

I share in the hopes that those who struggle to maintain a consistent prayer life, will be encouraged to push through with determination.




The power to change things. Change me, change others, change my community, change my world.


It is the positive power of the tongue. When you pray, you are able to join forces with God, imitate him, when he spoke in the beginning and said: “Let there be…”. There was darkness, there was void, there was no life. However, he spoke and it changed the earth’s atmosphere and environment.

Carol, are you not happy with your life, your relationships, your social and economic environment? Then change it! Take the Word of God and apply it by speaking to your circumstances with authority and in faith.

To speak with authority there must be belief in what you are saying. There must be confidence that you have the right to ask, or declare that thing. There must be confidence that what you say will come to pass.

What undermines that confidence, that assurance?

It is sin. It is the sneaking suspicion at the back of your mind that you are not quite there spiritually, that you have blotted your copy book so to speak with your rebellion and stubbornness.

You know what the Word of God says about forgiveness but nevertheless, you feel that your case is an exception, or you feel that to obey God’s word in that regard is too costly.

Yes, it is costly. Costly to your flesh. To your pride, to your self-esteem. You feel to forgive is to render you a doormat. Render you weak and impotent and pathetic whilst your offender is empowered over you.

You think to hold on to your unforgiving attitude is to hold onto the last vestiges of self-respect. That person doesn’t respect you. Onlookers who see and know what has been done also do not respect you.

Who respects the weak? Who respects the put-upon, the one who is put down not just once or twice or even three times but again and again and again and again until it becomes a cycle, until it becomes a way of life, until your thoughts and your heart and your entire life is wrapped around tightly with the scorn, ridicule and contempt, of others like a silk worm in its cocoon. Wrapped so tightly, until that person’s hatred, or jealousy, or malice, or reproach, seeps into your soul, poisoning your entire spiritual immune system.

You have the Word of God in your heart. You have the blood of Jesus that declares you righteous and justified but somehow you have allowed the poison of other people’s opinion and antics to break down your spiritual immune system. You have treated the Word of God, the name of Jesus, the blood of the Lamb, the anointing that breaks the yoke, as insignificant, in comparison to your woes, your wounds.

What is significant (to you), is that this person or those people should not get away with making you feel a non-entity, a no person, a bottom of the heap hobo. And yet… in the Kingdom of God, when it comes to our relationship with others— particularly those that mistreat or persecute us—that is sometimes how God wants us to view ourselves.

If you hold onto your life (your reputation, your self-esteem, your pride blah blah) then you will lose it! But, Jesus says if you will lose (i.e. deliberately let go of) these things for my sake, then you will find it (a higher, God-blessed life).

What a paradox!

In comparison to this world and how it thinks and operates, the Kingdom of God is a topsy-turvy way of operating. The world says: celebrate yourself, pamper yourself, live for yourself! But the Word of God says: crucify your flesh, die to self, deny yourself.

Carol, where are you in God’s equation?

Choose you this day whom you will serve—will it be your Father God, or yourself (i.e. the demands of your unruly flesh)?

[end of journal extract]

***     ***     ***

Dear friends and followers, I am choosing to be a victor. I am choosing to be a victorious overcomer.

How about you?

With much love,

Carol (aka Lady Cee)

Author of: Petitions From My Heart


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Related Reading: Underdog or Overcomer

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Royal Connections!



Today, I received a letter in the post. The envelope indicated that this letter was from Buckingham Palace, residence of Her Majesty the Queen.

I’d completely forgotten that I’d written expressing my good wishes to her and her family for 2020. Now, I don’t normally write to the Queen, but I’d wanted to send her a complimentary copy of my recently published book (Petitions From My Heart), since it included prayers for her and her family.

As you can imagine, I was quite pleased to have received a response. It was not unexpected. I am aware the Queen responds (via her correspondence team), to those of her subjects who happen to send her letters. Although I did not ask, I had secretly hoped she would grant me permission to send my book but this was not forthcoming. However, the letter thanked me for observing their request regarding unsolicited gifts.

As I put the letter aside and contemplated showing it to my husband later when he returned from work, my thoughts went to my Father God. You see I imagine that this letter, is the closest I will ever get to Her Majesty the Queen.

Just because I sent her a letter and showed interest in her and her family, just because I’d observed royal protocol, this did not get me any further into her favour. It did not get me an invite for dinner, or draw me into her inner circle. As far as she was concerned, I was just one of her subjects, who happened to write to her and she had done her duty by granting me the courtesy of a response. There would be no further communication, no invite to become better acquainted.

My Father God however, who is so much greater than Her Majesty the Queen, indeed, greater than any illustrious person on earth (be it royalty, celebrity or other significant person), has deemed me fit to come into his awesome presence. He has graciously invited me to come and fellowship with him. He has willingly and generously adopted me into his family, elevated my position in life (to a royal status no less!), and granted me the privilege of unrestricted access to his holy presence and divine resources.

Whilst I acknowledge my pleasure at receiving a response from Her Majesty the Queen, I also realise that the reciprocal relationship and communication I have with the three members of the Godhead, is so much more rewarding.

So today, I’m giving thanks that I have a meaningful relationship with the King of kings and Lord of lords. I’m giving thanks that I know, and I’m also known by, the God of all gods!

Today, I’m appreciating afresh my place within my Father God’s kingdom as a member of His royal priesthood. And I look forward to the day I shall enjoy the silver service of my dear precious Saviour, when I partake of his feast at the marriage supper of the Lamb.

Dear friends and followers, my heart’s desire and prayer for you today is that you will also have a new awareness of your royal status and appreciate the unrestricted access you have to the three members of the Holy Godhead (Father, Son and Holy Spirit).

Have a beautiful and blessed week!

With love,

Carol (aka Lady Cee)

Author of: Petitions From My Heart


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Present? Or Absent?


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Jesus told them a story showing that it was necessary for them to pray consistently and never quit.

(Luke 18:1 – The Message)


Just suppose there’s an angel up in heaven consulting a register and calling out the name of every child of God who regularly engages in prayer?

Would s/he mark you down as present or absent?

The following is an extract from my book, Petitions From My Heart:

Daily we should be presenting ourselves before the throne of God to obtain grace for our specific needs.

Daily we should be declaring the establishment of God’s Kingdom in our lives, the Body of Christ, and our nation.

Daily we should be deploying the spiritual weapons of our warfare, combating the strategies, ploys and tactics of the Enemy designed to intimidate and deceive us, and thwart the purposes of God for our lives.

Who knows, perhaps countless heartaches could be avoided and seemingly irreconcilable situations reversed, if we diligently heed Paul’s exhortation to continue steadfast in prayer (Romans 12:12).

***     ***     ***


Have you sent Jesus your knee-mail today? [click to tweet]


Carol (aka Lady Cee)

Author of: Petitions From My Heart

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To all Women of Warfare followers and visitors, I wish you a wonderful, joy-filled New Year.

And I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your encouraging support over the past four years. I recall when I first stepped out into cyberspace, it was with much trepidation. I could not have continued without you – so, THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

I appreciate your visits, comments and likes and look forward to engaging with you further during this coming year.

May Father God bless you and your loved ones throughout 2020. May the good Lord cause his face to shine upon you. May he be gracious to you, lift up His countenance upon you and grant you heartfelt and ongoing peace.


With love and best wishes,

Carol (aka Lady Cee) ♥♥♥



Please Don’t Give Up!


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Hey you!

Yes you!

The one who sits in the seat of silent resignation, quietly despairing of ever experiencing true peace, joy and victory in your life.

God has a rhema word for you – for this day, this season of your life.

He says: It’s time to believe, trust and PRAY!

Dear loved one, may I recommend the following post for you to read? It’s called Man Down, and I believe God’s Holy Spirit of comfort will minister to you through its words. You are not alone!

Love from,


Carol (aka Lady Cee)

Author of:  Petitions From My Heart

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Do you recognise the above rhema word as a specific and timely message for you?

Do you have a prayer need?

Would you like some support with your prayer need?

Let me know in the comment box below or send me a message via my contact page.

Women of Warfare visitors, I wish you a peaceful and victorious week!



Love Yourself – Because You Are Worth It!


Did you know that Jesus once said that it is important we love ourselves?


Then let me show you from the Bible.  Hear what he has to say on the subject below:

…“Of all the commandments, which is the most important?” (emphasis mine)

Jesus replied, “The one that says, ‘Hear, O Israel! The Lord our God is the one and only God. And you must love him with all your heart and soul and mind and strength.’

“The second is: ‘You must love others as much as yourself.’ No other commandments are greater than these.”

(Mark 12:29-31 The Living Bible)



Well, dear reader, do you love yourself?

Do you respect yourself?

Do you approve of yourself?

If you were to examine your thoughts and actions and attitudes of the past week, month, year, could you really answer these questions in the affirmative most of the time?

Beloved Child of God, don’t depend on others to love you – love yourself!

Don’t look to others to respect you – respect yourself!

Don’t expect others to give your life meaning – give it yourself!

And don’t crave the approval of others. Accept God’s approval (He has made you righteous), so approve of yourself!

If you suffer from approval addiction, I recommend reading this blog post.

Have a wonderful, blessed and self-affirming weekend.

With heartfelt love and commitment,

Carol (aka Lady Cee)

Author of:   Petitions From My Heart

(If you live in the UK click here)

♥♥♥     ♥♥♥     ♥♥♥

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A Thanksgiving Prayer

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Oh give thanks to the Lord for He is good and his mercy endures for ever!

(Psalm 107:1 )


Father God,

I want to thank you for waking me up this morning so I can greet another new day. I want to thank you for your breath within me that enables me to live. I want to thank you for my destiny, for the plans and purpose you have ordained for my life. I want to thank you that you are ultimately in control of my future – not me, not any other person, and certainly not the Enemy!

I want to thank you for preserving my life throughout these years. Thank you for preserving me from danger, from terminal illness, from death and destruction. You are a good God, a gracious God, a mighty God—and I am so glad, so blessed, so privileged, so relieved and honoured to be able to claim and boldly say that you are my God!

Thank you for your love – that precious, enduring, extravagant and unconditional love. Thank you for demonstrating that love to me, even before I was aware that you existed, even before I chose to acknowledge you and serve you and live my life in a manner that pleases and honours you.

Thank you for your patience and generosity. Who but you would include me in your plans? Who but you would invite me to sit at the table of your blessings to partake of all that you have to give? Who but you would say and think such marvellous and affirming things about me when you, who are all-seeing, all-knowing and all-powerful, know exactly who I am through and through?

You are amazing Father God! You are beautiful beyond description and as the song goes, too marvellous for words.

And so I take pleasure today (on this day set aside to thank you for your goodness and provision), I take pleasure in acknowledging your prodigious nature, your bountiful provision, your magnanimous heart.

Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me, bless his holy name, praise his glorious name. May my thanks and praise to you, rise up as sweet-smelling incense and may that incense be a continually pleasing aroma to you.

Father God, I offer myself afresh to you.

Take my life and let it be

Fully, totally, utterly, consecrated to thee.


Happy thanksgiving to those who celebrate it!


Carol (aka Lady Cee)

Author of:    Petitions From My Heart

(If you live in the UK click here)



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You Are Not Alone!


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Are you suffering?

Do you feel forgotten, lonely or alone?

Like the stars that still shine behind the dark cloak of night, know that God is with you on your darkest days, in your difficult circumstances. His Word declares: I will never leave you, nor forsake you.

Take comfort from the fact that even Jesus felt abandoned by his Father (My God, My God, Why hast thou forsaken me?), and because Jesus suffered similarly, He is able to relate to you and to me. He is able to succour (help and support) us when, and whilst we are going through our difficulties.

So dear, dear reader, if this is where you are at right now, call out to him! Cast aside that shroud of doubt. Resist those thoughts and fears which whisper and tell you otherwise and sometimes threaten to overwhelm you. Do not cast aside your confidence and faith in the Lord.

Reflect on this: you may FEEL as if God has abandoned you, but much like the individual in the Footprints poem, far from abandoning you, he is walking besides you and when you are unable to walk, he carries you!

Dear reader, won’t you trust him, draw nearer to him, allow him to minister his love to you?

As we draw closer to Thanksgiving Day, let’s express gratitude to our Father God for his faithfulness, even when we least deserve it. And let’s be thankful that Jesus, our faithful high priest, ever lives to make intercession for us.

Have a tremendous week!


Carol (aka Lady Cee)

Author of: Petitions From My Heart

(If you live in the UK click here)





Did you enjoy reading this post? If so, please share your thoughts in a comment box below. Do you know someone who would benefit from its message? Then please don’t hesitate to share it. Thank you.


Why Are We Waiting…?



Waiting on God requires the willingness to bear uncertainty, to carry within oneself the unanswered question, lifting the heart to God about it whenever it intrudes upon one’s thoughts.

Elisabeth Elliot


Waiting is an exercise of faith that demonstrates the condition of our hearts. Waiting on God is an act of faith. And faith is what separates the men from the boys.

Steve Farrar


You may be sitting around waiting for God to change your circumstances. Then you’re going to be happy, then you’re going to have a good attitude, then you’re going to give God praise. But God is waiting on you to get up on the inside. When you do your part, He’ll begin to change things and work supernaturally in your life.

Joel Osteen


Sometimes the miracle isn’t in your prayer being answered but in your faith being grown as you wait.

Jackie Hill Perry



Jesus loved his friend Lazarus.

But when He was called to come and intervene, to exercise his power and heal his friend, Jesus did not come to his aid straight away. In fact, He deliberately delayed his visit and allowed Lazarus to die.

Now the miracle wrought by raising Lazarus from the dead was greater than if Jesus had healed him and prevented him from dying.

Are you experiencing a delayed answer to your prayers?

Could it be that God requires you to die to self, to self-serving expectations?

Or perhaps that delay means there is a greater miracle on the way!

And perhaps the miracle on its way will be more precious and have a deeper meaning for you when it actually does come.

In fact, like the raising of Lazarus from the dead, perhaps your miracle will have a greater impact upon others because of the delay.


Just a thought!


Carol (aka Ladycee)

Author of: Petitions From My Heart 

(If you live in the UK click here)




Additional resources:

  1. What is faith?
  2.  Faith requires patience
  3. How to believe God for a miracle

Women of Warfare followers and visitors have a wonderful week!


CREDIT: The above CC0 image comes courtesy of


Did you enjoy reading this post? If so, please share your thoughts in a comment box below. Do you know someone whom would benefit from its message? Then please don’t hesitate to share it. Thank you.



A Living Letter Read by Others!



Simply No Excuse!

I’m sure I’m not the only one.

In fact, I’m positive I’m not the only child of God who has said something, or done something that undermines the integrity of the Christian stance we’ve taken and the godly pathway upon which we’ve chosen to walk.

But doing so, provides my enemies with ammunition, which they have no hesitation in using. And so, with perfect glee (whether behind my back or at point-blank range), they shoot and scoff: Call yourself a Christian do you? What a hypocrite! Now the fact that other people have fallen in this regard does not excuse me. As a child of God, I’m not called to measure myself against others but against God’s Word, His Will, His standards.



Stock-Check Your Spiritual Life

The Bible clearly tells us to examine ourselves (our thoughts, our attitudes, our conduct):

Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. (2 Corinthians 13:5 NKJV)

Another version puts it this way:

Check up on yourselves. Are you really Christians? Do you pass the test? Do you feel Christ’s presence and power more and more within you? Or are you just pretending to be Christians when actually you aren’t at all? (2 Corinthians 13:5-6 The Living Bible).


So how often do we stop and do this?

It is only as we take an inventory of our beliefs and our behaviour that we can comply with this request.

Unfortunately, we are more likely to focus our telescope or magnifying glass upon the deeds of others, than upon ourselves. No wonder Jesus issues a reprimand about seeking to remove a small spec from the eyes of those around us, whilst a log obscures our own vision and discernment!


Are You Play-acting Through Life?

Nobody wants to be a hypocrite.

I certainly don’t and I’m 100% sure that you don’t want to be one either.

Now don’t get me wrong. I get that we are not perfect beings and that we’ll never reach that stage of absolute perfection until Jesus returns. However, we do have a responsibility to live as true to our confession of faith and commitment to Christ, as far as we possibly can.

We do not want to be like the Pharisees, Scribes and Sadducees of Jesus’ day, whom he denounced as “white-washed sepulchres”.

And we don’t want to be guilty of using our righteousness and liberty as a cloak to hide, or perpetuate a sinful lifestyle (1 Peter 2:15-16).

So how can we be sure that we are doing our utmost to live up to God’s standard of holiness?

As already suggested above, we can regularly examine our hearts and our lives.

And, as David did, we can ask God to search our hearts and reveal any hidden ways of rebellion and dishonesty.

Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. (Psalm 139:23 KJV).


Before I go on, let me make something perfectly clear. Righteousness is not the same as holiness.


Righteousness –v- Self-righteous Rituals or Religious observance

Righteousness is our legal standing of approval and acceptance in God’s eyes.

Righteousness is a state of being which God has imputed to us because of our faith in Jesus Christ, because of that precious blood which He had shed for us, thereby justifying us in God’s sight.

Righteousness is a quality that cannot be increased or decreased. Just as daytime does not become night simply because rain clouds accumulate and dark skies occur, so the condition of righteousness we’ve been given, cannot be undone or contaminated by good or not so good deeds.


Holiness on the other hand is a godly standard of living. It can be maintained. It can be increased or it can be undermined.

Religious observance is not holiness. And rituals or legalistic rules do not constitute holiness.

From my understanding of the scriptures, I believe that holiness is a decision to separate oneself from the corrupting influences of the world. I believe it is a loving and submissive obedience to God, which results in reverence for and towards him, plus respect for and towards others.

When we indulge in behaviour that displeases our Father God and stands at odds to what we know we ought to do, then (provided our hearts have not become callous), the Holy Spirit convicts us. He does this as we read God’s Word, as we receive the counsel and teaching ministry of those placed in authority over us, or through His direct promptings within our hearts.


A Heart He Smites, Is a Heart that will do right!

Even King David revealed that his heart “smote” (i.e. convicted) him when he’d sinned.

And David’s heart smote him after that he had numbered the people. And David said unto the Lord, “I have sinned greatly in that I have done: and now, I beseech thee, O Lord, take away the iniquity of thy servant; for I have done very foolishly.” (2 Samuel 24:10 KJV)

The other day, I read a post from one of my blogger friends, where the Holy Spirit “smote” her heart about a less than Christ-like behaviour. You can read about it here.

I laughed as I imagined the scenario and could identify with that temptation to become impatient and engage in behaviour which condemns us later down the road.

And indeed, there have been those occasions where my own heart “smote” me for un Christ-like behaviour, such as indulging in gossip and backbiting.

Dear reader, perhaps you can relate.

There are periods in our lives when we feel “enough is enough” and, taking umbrage because of other times in the past when we were pushed around or made to feel like a doormat, we charge full steam ahead, pushing our way past those who dare to stand in the way of our self-esteem.

Friends, as we go about our day-to-day lives, let us not forget that we are actually living, breathing, letters being read by others. It may be strangers. It may be work colleagues. It may be family or friends. But you can jolly well bet that amongst those onlookers, there will be a few enemies. So let us diligently strive to walk on God’s Highway of Holiness, so that our lives make at least good, if not riveting reading!


This Week’s Prayer Focus: (Don’t forget to put on your spiritual armour before entering the battlefield of prayer!)

Let’s pray for ourselves and for one another in the body of Christ that we will pay heed to James’ admonition to be “doers of the word, and not hearers only…” (James 1:21-24)



Father God,

We come before you in meekness and with humility. Forgive us for those days when we fall far short of your standard of holiness. Forgive us when we indulge in less than Christ-like behaviour, in order to assert our rights or upholster our self-esteem.

Help us to remember Christ’s example in the face of challenging or humiliating circumstances. Help us to remember that he chose the path of obedience and humility and, as we recall his example, may we choose to emulate him.

O Lord God, help us to also remember the behaviour of Christ’s religious contemporaries, which stood at odds to His gospel. Let us take warning from this and examine our own ways.

Lord Jesus, we thank you for your precious, efficacious blood that even now speaks on our behalf from the mercy seat in heaven. We thank you that your blood speaks of nobler things than the blood of Abel, which had cried out for vengeance. We are so grateful to you that your blood cries out “mercy”, “forgive them for they know not what they do”. And we thank you dear Lord Jesus that whilst you are seated beside our Heavenly Father, you continue to make intercession for us.

Holy Spirit, what a precious gift you are to us. During the coming days, weeks, months and perhaps even years, help us to walk worthy of our calling. Help us to walk uprightly upon that Highway of Holiness. Whenever we stumble or fall, or deliberately desert that path, motivate us to repent, arise and move forward, confident that we are righteous in God’s sight. Finally, we ask that you make us zealous in our commitment to please and obey our Father God, in all of our ways.

We ask this in Jesus’ precious name. Amen.

© Carol Hind

Author of: Petitions From My Heart 

(If you live in the UK click here)




Women of Warfare followers and visitors have a wonderful and victorious week!

Did you enjoy reading this post? If so, please share your thoughts in a comment box below. Do you know someone whom would benefit from its message? Then please don’t hesitate to share it. Thank you.

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 Sunday’s Supplications

Sunday’s Supplications invites you to not only read the posts but also participate in the prayers. Let’s pray for ourselves and for each other. Let’s obey God’s command to watch and pray for all the saints (Ephesians 6:18)

Please note, you do not have to be a blogger to join this praying community.


*****   *****   *****


CREDITS: The above CC0 images come courtesy of

Lord – Teach Us to Pray!


The above CC0 image comes courtesy of



I don’t think there is anyone who can say they are totally satisfied with their prayer life.

In fact, I believe that even those who pray regularly, have a desire to connect with God on a deeper, richer, more effective level.

Only the spiritually ignorant, or those with a pharisaical  attitude of deceptive pride and self-righteousness, or those who fail to see prayer as a priority, could be satisfied with the status quo.

So, if you do recognise that your prayer life is lacking, what is the solution?


And a willingness to go to the One who ever lives to make intercession for us, and, as his disciples once did, dare to ask: Lord, teach me to pray.

Below, I share a 4min video, which I hope will stir up an ever-increasing desire within your heart to raise the current level and effectiveness of your prayer life.


If you’d like to find out more about John Piper (the person praying in this video) – click here.


Carol (aka Lady Cee)

For further reading:

Now, if you’ve been challenged or inspired by the above, you may want to check out my post called: A Spiritual Gauntlet!

And if you’d like some help with structuring your prayer life then please don’t hesitate to check out my book.

Petitions From My Heart

(If you live in the UK click here)



A Living Dog Trumps a Dead Lion!

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But for him who is joined to all the living there is hope, for a living dog is better than a dead lion. (Ecclesiastes 9:4)


During my devotional time with God recently the phrase “an unpretty path” kept coming to mind. I knew I’d written a post with this title a while ago and felt that perhaps God wanted to bring this to the attention of someone.

Perhaps you are a reader who feels you are at the end of your tether. You are doing your very best to walk in faith and victory but somehow everything always seems to go pear-shaped. You are wondering whether you will ever experience the sweet taste of victory. You are wondering whether God really cares… whether he is listening to, or has even heard your prayers… and if so, why doesn’t he change your circumstances now?

If so, this post has been written especially for you.




…when the baggage of past negative experiences meet with the pressure of current difficulties, and when the vision of your future seems cloudy, burdensome or overwhelming, you might (as Jesus did) be tempted to ask God to relieve you, to take your cup of troubles away from you. We all want that idyllic path but more often than not, success requires us to travel via a thorny crossroad.

It is at this point of pressure that we face a choice. Do we back away from the path we have chosen, or do we trust God to empower us, to enable us to carry on?

Are we truly committed to our Father-God so that honouring him, obeying his will, takes priority over our own pain, fears, disappointments and discomfort? Are we focused on the bigger picture, knowing that once we achieve success, it equips us with the means to bless others?



 The above is an extract from a post titled It’s An Un-Pretty Path! If you would like to read the entire post please click here

Dear reader, I know what it’s like to become trapped within a cycle of negativity. To suffer debilitating hurts and wounds from nasty individuals within your life, whether they be colleagues, church members, family or “friends”. To experience perpetual punches from the Enemy, as he pushes your thoughts around from pillar to post and pulverizes your self-esteem.

I know what it’s like to feel bullied… to believe that the ill-treatment you’ve received in life means you are both unloved and unlovable… to give up hope on ever receiving the welcoming smile and warm handshake of favour. I know.

But. Dear reader. I have come through to the other side.

I came. I saw. I conquered! In that I FINALLY came round to God’s way of thinking about myself and about my circumstances. And as I saw myself in the light of God’s Word (rather than through the warped lens of my persecutors), I began to walk in victory, I began to see myself as a conqueror – not the conquered!

Perhaps you feel you cannot go on. Perhaps you are afraid to, or have no idea how to assert yourself, and so you’ve decided to just roll with the punches others mete out, to accept defeat and live a second-hand “poor me” existence.

Dear. Reader. No!

That is NOT God’s best for you. That is NOT God’s plan for your life. That is NOT your destiny!

So, whether you see yourself as an underdog… whether you feel you don’t have the willpower, or the energy to fight anymore… whether you see perpetual clouds on your emotional horizon, God’s liberating word for you today is: Don’t give up! Don’t accept the lies of the Enemy.

  • Let the weak say: I am STRONG!
  • Let the victimized say: I am MORE THAN A CONQUEROR!
  • Let the hopeless say: God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above ALL that I can ask or think!

So trust God. And hold on. Your change WILL come!

With love,

Carol (aka Ladycee)

Author of: Petitions From My Heart

(If you live in the UK click here)


I do hope the message in this post has benefitted you in some way. If so, please share your response in a comment box below.

Do you know someone to whom this message applies? Then please don’t hesitate to share it. Thank you.


Prayer Gem 16


The above CC0 image comes courtesy of Gerd Altmann at




God has made us a Kingdom of priests. As such, our responsibility is to rule by prayer.

Secrets of a Prayer Warrior – Derek Prince


***     ***     ***



Have you assumed your responsibility? How well are you ruling?




Pursuing Genuine Godliness


The above CC0 image comes courtesy of


What springs to your mind when you think of the word “godliness”?

Do you think of religious people who have a “holier than thou” attitude?

Do you think of weird biblical characters, such as John the Baptist, who lived out in the wilderness and dined on locusts and wild honey?

Or do you think of modern-day saints, such as the late Mother Teresa?

Have you ever considered yourself as “godly” and if not, why not?

Having checked my dictionary, I note that the word “godly” is defined as follows:



(Chambers 21st Century Dictionary)


To me, those two words have negative connotations.

The late Bob Gass, writer of the UCB Word For Today* devotional, said this:

Godliness is an inside job. And the longer you think about it, the more convinced you become that a truly godly person is one whose heart is sensitive to God, who takes God and his Word seriously, and who desires more of Him.


And so dear friends, godliness is not an outside job!

Contrary to how others may have defined it, godliness is not determined by whether or not you wear hats, make-up, jewellery, or dresses that cover you from throat to toes. It is not embracing a poverty mind-set and maintaining a frugal or permanently penurious existence.

Godliness is a matter of the heart, a matter of your will.

Now God’s Word tells us that his eyes move throughout the earth, seeking those whose hearts are perfect towards him.

For the eyes of the Lord search back and forth across the whole earth, looking for people whose hearts are perfect toward him, so that he can show his great power in helping them.

2 Corinthians 16:9 – The Living Bible


Now that word “perfect” does not mean faultless, never making any mistakes in our relationship with him or with others. It points to a fundamental mindset, desire and drive, to love God with all our hearts, live aligned to his Word and purpose and make him the “be all and end all” of our lives.

On the basis of these two definitions, how do you measure up?

And, if you were to consider a biblical character that lived up to these ideals, who springs to your mind?

I don’t know about you, but the person who immediately impresses me as someone who loved God unreservedly and served him wholeheartedly, is David.

The following extracts from the Bible, grants us insight into David’s relationship with God:

As a deer pants for the water brooks,

So pants my soul for You, O God.

(Psalm 41:1)


Do not cast me away from Your presence,

And do not take Your Holy Spirit from me.

(Psalm 51:11)


Because your lovingkindness is better than life,

My lips shall praise You.

(Psalm 63:3)


Search me, O God, and know my heart;

Try me and know my anxieties;

And see if there is any wicked way in me,

And lead me in the way everlasting.

(Psalm 139:23-24)


The Psalms is littered with many more expressions similar to the above extracts and just reading these reveal David’s utter commitment and devotion towards God. They form a picture of his godliness and portrays what a godly heart and mindset entails.

We see that it incorporates, a love and hunger for God, a passionate and perpetual desire to please and honour Him, entwined with a holy reverence for Him.

If you would like to explore the subject of godliness further, I recommend this excellent article. Please click here.

I conclude today’s post with an extract from the above recommended article, written by the author, Jerry Bridges:

This is the heartbeat of the godly person. As he contemplates God in the awesomeness of his infinite majesty, power, and holiness, and then as he dwells upon the riches of God’s mercy and grace poured out at Calvary, his heart is captivated by this One who could love him so. He is satisfied with God alone, but he is never satisfied with his present experience of God. He always yearns for more.


If you enjoyed the article, or would like to read the book from which this extract has been drawn, you can purchase Bridge’s book, The Practice of Godliness, from Amazon – here.

 Now let us pray.


Prayer Focus:

Let’s ask God to stir up within our hearts and within the hearts of our brothers and sisters in Christ, a fervent, genuine and increasing desire for godliness.

PS: Now don’t forget to put on your spiritual armour before entering the battlefield of prayer!



Father God,

Again and again, throughout your Word, I see your heart’s desire is to enjoy an ongoing fellowship with your people.

I see it as you walked in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve. I see it in your relationship with Enoch, where you both enjoyed such a rich and rewarding fellowship with each other, you decided to bring him home with you to heaven!

I see it in your forming a nation for yourself from the enslaved children of Israel and I see it in your abounding love and amazing generosity of heart, in purchasing my redemption and setting aside a group of people similarly redeemed, which make up the Body of Christ.

Father God, I don’t want to be like those whom Paul decried as having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof.

I want to experience every facet of godliness and I desire genuine godliness to be the hallmark of my relationship with you. I pray that my brothers and sisters in Christ will have a similar burning desire.

Holy Spirit, I’m aware that this is not going to happen through my own might or willpower. And so I’m inviting you to come alongside me and help me.

I’m asking that you create an ongoing and increasing hunger and thirst for the knowledge and presence of God, both in myself and in my brothers and sisters in Christ.

Father God, I’m asking that you stir up within me and within your set-apart saints, a heart that reverences you, honours you and ever seeks to please you. May we, as members of the Body of Christ, pursue you and the things pertaining to your kingdom, far more than our own selfish desires and personal aspirations.

Lord God, deliver us from the Evil One. Thwart Satan’s blatant or subtle attempts to discourage, distract, or derail us from a godly mindset and lifestyle.

Enable us to adopt David’s strategy and cry out to you in openness and honesty, seeking your help and daily motivation, regarding our commitment and devotion to you.

In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

© Carol Hind



Has today’s post changed your concept of “godliness”?

What action will you take this week to become one whose heart is “perfect towards God”?


*****   *****   *****

 Sunday’s Supplications

Sunday’s Supplications invites you to not only read the posts but also participate in the prayers. Why not become a part of the WoW! community by participating in these prayers?

Let’s pray for ourselves and for each other. Let’s obey God’s command to watch and pray for all the saints (Ephesians 6:18)

Please note, you do not have to be a blogger to join this praying community.


 *****   *****   *****

Women of Warfare followers and visitors I wish you a blessed and victorious week!


*Free postal copies of UCB Word For Today are available from: FREEPOST RLTX-ABUL-GRAR, United Christian Broadcasters, Westport Road, Stoke-on-Trent, ST6 4JF (UK and Republic of Ireland only).

For the online version visit:


Not Now God! (2)


The above CC0 image comes courtesy of Gerd Altmann at



At the beginning of this year, I wrote a post inspired by a children’s book called Not Now Bernard. 

If you’ve not read it, or you would like to refresh your mind about this post please click here.

I ended that post with the following words:

As Christians, is it possible that when we habitually make excuses about our prayerlessness, when we say we are too busy to pray, we are by default allowing a spiritual monster to devour our loved ones and devour aspects of our own lives?

When we say: “Not now God!” (either literally or by default), when we choose other priorities, we may be unwittingly opening our lives to the presence of that spiritual monster, Satan.

Dear reader, I wonder what your attitude is towards God and the subject of prayer?

Is prayer something you do as a last ditch effort to get God’s attention, or something you engage in regularly?

Do you see prayer as a spiritual discipline that you’re aware you should be doing but just don’t have the energy, or the inclination, or even the foggiest knowledge about how to go about it?

Or, is it something that you’ve tried in the past and have now given up on?

During my many years as a Christian, I’ve come across all sorts of attitudes when it comes to prayer. And I’ve heard all sorts of reasons why people don’t pray regularly.

Maybe you are one of those people who:

  • Do not feel confident that their prayers are being heard
  • Feel they don’t know how to pray effectively
  • Reserve prayer for times of personal crisis
  • Say they do not have enough time
  • Believe this is the forte of specially called people, such as intercessors
  • Find prayer boring
  • Feel guilty that they are not praying enough, or feel intimidated by the concept
  • Do not believe that their prayers make a difference
  • Get so caught up with the pressures of daily living that a devotional and prayer life are placed on the back burner and then forgotten.


Women of Warfare followers and visitors if you are someone who has believed, thought or said any of the above as a reason why you do not pray, then may I be blunt with you?

–          A failure to pray is in effect a veiled statement where you are saying: Not now God!

–          A deliberate decision to not communicate with your Heavenly Father, hides a subconscious cry from your heart – Not now God!

–          A refusal to engage with Him who has given you breath and generously sustains it, is tantamount to an ungrateful snub (Not now God!)

Dear reader, lack of confidence, or know-how, or experience, are not justifiable excuses.

The disciples recognised their lack of know-how and asked Jesus to teach them to pray. Have you asked?

Every child of God has the Holy Spirit dwelling within them and He is more than capable of teaching and helping and motivating us to pray. We need only ask. We need only to have the desire and will. We need only to obey.

And as we engage, as we participate regularly, as we continue to connect, we shall grow in knowledge and experience, in confidence and in passion and, instead of: Not now God! our hearts will instead cry:

I come now God! I come with thanksgiving and praise. I come with hope for my future. I come with expectation of your forgiveness, goodness and mercy. I come to do your will.

My dear friend, if you have not already made it a habit to visit God’s throne room daily, may I encourage you to make a quality decision to do so? Don’t delay. Don’t put it off for a more “convenient” time, or for when you feel “good enough” or have arrived at whatever place of spiritual maturity you feel you need to be at. Do it now!

And if you would like a resource that will help you to structure your prayer life, or enable you to pray regularly, may I recommend my book Petitions From My Heart?

Have a blessed weekend!

Love Carol,


Carol Hind

Writer/Blogger/Prayer Advocate

Author of: Petitions From My Heart


Prayer – A Precious Privilege!



When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love. Marcus Aurelius



Prayer is a privilege and the soul’s sincere desire. We can move beyond routine and ‘checklist’ prayers and engage in meaningful prayer as we appropriately ask in faith and act, as we patiently persevere through the trial of our faith, and as we humbly acknowledge and accept ‘not my will, but Thine, be done.’ David A. Bednar



This morning, I’d like to discuss the privilege we’ve been given as children of God. You see there was a time when you could not dare to go into God’s holy presence uninvited, or unqualified. If you were not a Levite priest you were not invited and if you didn’t fulfil strict conditions, then you weren’t qualified.

No wonder whenever the High priests entered into God’s presence they went with a sense of trepidation. Would they make it out alive? No doubt, once their offering was accepted and they left the Holy of Holies (the place of God’s presence) alive, they felt relieved.

I thank God that this is no longer the protocol for coming into his presence. Because of Jesus, because his death enabled anyone to have direct access to God, you and I can now enter into the Holy of Holies, into God’s very presence without fear, guilt, or any sense of inferiority.

Prayer is communication with our Father God. And we are privileged to be able to take our cares and place upon his shoulders. We are privileged to be able to share our joys with him. We are privileged to be able to seek his intervention in the affairs of our lives, those of our loved ones, indeed of this world.

Would you not count it a privilege if a famous member of the rich and powerful clique were to take a special interest in you? Would you not feel privileged if a celebrity invited you into their home and made you feel at ease, decided they wanted to bless you with their worldly goods, use their authority and influence to help you?

Yet, sadly, it seems the one who is above all, indeed the one who created all, is not looked upon in the same way… not sought after in the same way.

Dear friends, the God of gods, King of kings and Lord of lords, is the “Celebrity” of all celebrities.

He has graciously invited you and me to share the benefits and blessings of his kingdom. He has graciously invited us to come into the Holy of Holies and visit him without restricted access. He has promised he will never leave or forsake us. He has declared his unconditional and everlasting love for us.

And yet, some of us do not avail ourselves of the tremendous privilege that he offers. Some of us fail to pray, to communicate with Father God on a regular basis. And there are some who may do so, but do it out of a sense of duty or desperation, not from a sense of gratitude, or reverence, or awe.

Friends and followers, where are you when it comes to communicating with your Father God? Are you availing yourself of this wonderful privilege? Have you thanked God for waking you up today? Have you invited him to influence your thoughts, attitudes and actions? Have you sought the riches of his wisdom?


Prayer Focus:

Let us pray for ourselves and for our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ that God will stir up within our hearts an increasing desire to fellowship with him through prayer.

PS: Don’t forget to don your spiritual armour before entering the battlefield of prayer!



Father God,

We want to thank you for waking us up this morning to greet another day. We are aware that there are people all over this world who were not so privileged. Thank you for your breath of life which flows throughout our beings. We want to thank you that we are not only alive but we are privileged to be able to fellowship with you. We are privileged to be able to come directly into your presence, to worship, declare our love for you and make our requests known to you. Hallelujah!

Father God, we ask that you draw us with your gentle cords of love into a closer, deeper, more meaningful relationship with you. We ask that you open the eyes of our understanding so that we can clearly see the wonders of your person and the riches of your magnanimous nature. Draw us into that place of joyful communion and utter dependence upon you. Grant us clear insight into your thoughts and feelings towards us and reveal your plans, your purpose and your destiny for our lives.

Father God, whenever we allow disappointments or problems to draw our attention away from you, change our perspective. Enable us to draw upon the measure of faith you have deposited within us. Enable us to trust you, to call upon you for help during times of confusion, fear or weakness. Grant us the boldness and courage to take our place on the battlefield of prayer knowing you have provided adequate protection and that your Word declares that we are more than conquerors!

We thank you in anticipation of victory. We thank you for hearing our prayers and granting our requests.

In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

© Carol Hind


Would you be interested in a resource that could help you to pray regularly? If so, please check out my book Petitions From My Heart at Amazon.

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Sunday’s Supplications

Sunday’s Supplications invites you to not only read the posts but also participate in the prayers. Why not become a part of the WoW! community? Let’s pray for ourselves and for each other. Let’s obey God’s command to watch and pray for all the saints (Ephesians 6:18)

Please note, you do not have to be a blogger to join this praying community.

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Women of Warfare followers and visitors have a wonderful and victorious week!






All Glory, Honour & Praise to You My Awesome God!



Whilst I’m most happy to share my good news with all who will listen and rejoice with me, I feel it is only right that I take some time to write a special post thanking my awesome God for enabling me to achieve a long, long, long-standing dream – the completion and publication of my book – Petitions From My Heart.

If you haven’t heard about it, or if you have but still haven’t checked it out, I invite you to do so. Just click on the highlighted link above.




Let your lives overflow with joy and thanksgiving for all he has done.

(Colossians 2:7c The Living Bible)


Whoever offers praise glorifies Me

(Psalm 50:23 NKJV)



Father God, I want to offer you exultant thanks and praise for your amazing goodness to me. I want to thank you for your mercies over these past years (indeed, since my conception), which have preserved my life through dangers (known and unknown), through health concerns, through constant opposition from both physical and spiritual foes.

There is no God like you. In fact, there is no other God but you! You are the only true and living God. And I’m so, so, glad to be able to say that you are my God!

Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!



Father God, I want to thank you for the privilege of being able to enter into your Holy Presence without fear, or any sense of guilt or condemnation. I want to thank you for making it possible for me to enter into your Holy of Holies through the precious blood of your Son, Jesus Christ. I come with reverence. I come with joy. I come with gratitude.

I thank you Father God that you are able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that I can possibly ask or think. I thank you that you are a God who does not lie and you are an unchanging God. I thank you for answered prayers. I thank you for the achievement of this long outstanding dream. I commit this work (Petitions From My Heart) into your hands to do with it as you will. Use it for your glory and honour. Use it to bless those of your people to whom it has been assigned.

I ask this in the mighty, matchless name of Jesus. Amen.





How has God come through for you in an amazing way this year? Please share in a comment box below, so we can rejoice along with you.



Yippee! I’ve Finally Done It!


I can’t help myself. I just keep staring and staring and staring at it.

What am I staring at?

A dream come true!

A long-standing goal realised!

I’m referring to my recently published book. And although it’s my first book, I consider it to be my “magnum opus”. Why?

Because it represents a significant portion of my life.

Because it is the culmination of hours and hours and hours of writing, re-writing, researching, editing and proof-reading.

Because by God’s help I was able to persevere, despite much personal discouragement, fears, frustration and the temptation to give up.

And now, before my very eyes, this book is the sweet manifestation of many years’ work… it is a beautiful testimony of my sweat, tears, tests and trials… it is the fruitful endeavour of a beautiful creative partnership between the Holy Spirit and myself.

It is evidence of my God’s goodness, grace and faithfulness, and a marvellous answer to prayer.

And so, dear reader, in all humility, may I share my pride and joy with you?


Thank you!

(Drum roll please)

Ladies and gentlemen, fellow bloggers, visiting readers, I have great pleasure in presenting to you:


Do check it out at Amazon: United Kingdom or USA

With much love,


(aka Lady Cee) ♥♥♥


CREDIT: The above featured image is a CC0 image which comes courtesy of



Underdog, or Overcomer?



There was a time in my life when I used to go home from work practically every week day feeling like an underdog. But, unlike Eddie the Eagle, I was not the kind of underdog everyone, or indeed anyone rooted for.

No, I was the subject of daily ridicule and rejection and I took it to heart. I felt a victim. I behaved like a victim. I was a victim.

Why is this happening? Why are people so cruel? And why is God allowing this to happen? Apart from my husband, or the odd family member, or my best friend, no one seemed to care about me.

I carried a wound deep within my heart and each fresh incident of mockery and mistreatment consolidated my sense of being a non-person.

And then one day I came across a quote from Eleanor Roosevelt, which upset me. It went like this:

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.


How dare she say this!

Does she know what I’ve been through? Does she know what it’s like to be me?

But you know she was right. She is right!

You see, it’s all about the mind-set. The habitual thought patterns. My mind-set. My thought patterns.

And as Assegid Habtewold observed:

A winning mindset can transform an underdog into a champion, conqueror, and achiever. You’re a mindset away from winning your battles!


God’s Word puts it this way:

…be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. (Romans 12:2)

As I exposed myself to the ideas and suggestions of various motivational speakers, they all highlighted the mind-set as a key to radical change, transformation, personal progress and achievement.

I had a choice. Continue to be miserable. Continue to die inwardly. Continue to allow others to control my emotions, dictate my day and keep me in a vegetative state, so to speak.

Or, I could accept responsibility. I could begin obeying God’s Word. I could begin trusting God and using his resources to change and heal me.

So, I decided to take back control. I decided to accept responsibility for the negative role I’d been playing in the scenarios of my life.

Has the mistreatment stopped? Not really!

Do I still feel hurt? Sometimes – but not to the extent that I did in the past.

Am I still a victim? Most certainly not!

Each new day, I make the choice to walk as a victorious overcomer.

Each new day, I take up my cross and follow Jesus (my Lord and Saviour), down the paths of rejection and ridicule, in the knowledge that he has walked the road before me, and for me.

And whenever I feel despondent, or outraged, or weary, I’m reminded of Paul’s words in Hebrews 12:3:

For consider Him who endured such hostility from sinners against Himself, lest you become weary and discouraged in your souls.


Dear reader, if life has not turned out the way you envisaged, if people don’t treat you the way you would want, if circumstances have left you feeling, acting and believing you are a victim, I pray God will open your eyes to the truth of his Word, so that as you know the Truth, as you embrace the Truth, as you meditate upon and pray the Truth, it will set you utterly and gloriously free! Amen.

Have a blessed and victorious week.

With love,


Carol (author of: Petitions From My Heart)


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Did you enjoy reading this post, or have you benefitted from its message? If so, please share your thoughts in a comment box below. Do you know someone whom this message would help? Then please don’t hesitate to share it. Thank you.


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A 21-day Thanks-Fest (Day 21)

Thank You Father God

Wow! I did it!

I was worried about whether or not I would be able to follow through with my challenge. I don’t recall ever writing on either of my blogs for 21 consecutive days. It has been a fruitful and satisfying exercise. I do hope you enjoyed reading these posts.

If you have shared this gratitude journey with me and supported me with your visits, likes and contributions, thank you so much. It is truly appreciated.



Now glory be to God who by his mighty power at work within us is able to do far more than we would ever dare to ask or even dream of—infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts or hopes.

(Ephesians 3:20 TLB)


Dear Father God,

Today I want to give you thanks for who you are.

You are a miracle-working God. You are able to do exceedingly abundantly above anything I could ask, or hope for. I want to thank you for those times in my life when you have come through in a way that exceeded my expectations.

And I want to thank you that there are more such instances to come in my future because you are a good, gracious God who delights in blessing your children and you have promised in your Word that you reward those who diligently seek you.

I also want to thank you that you are an unchanging God. I’ve met people who seemed to favour me one minute then ignored me the next. I’ve also had people make me promises but fail to follow through.

Now if I am honest, I myself have let others down. And so I appreciate your faithfulness. It’s so good to know that with you, I can be confident that you will never, ever change because you are the Father of lights in whom there is no variableness or shadow of turning.

What a blessing, comfort (and indeed a challenge), you are to me.

You are precious Father God and I thank you with all my heart.




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A 21-day Thanks-Fest (Day 20)

I run because it’s so symbolic of life. You have to drive yourself to overcome the obstacles. You might feel that you can’t. But then you find your inner strength, and realize you’re capable of so much more than you thought.
Arthur Blank, co-founder of Home Depot


We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort.
Jesse Owens, legendary American track star


I also realize that winning doesn’t always mean getting first place; it means getting the best out of yourself.
Meb Keflezighi, 2004 Olympic Marathon silver medallist


When you put yourself on the line in a race and expose yourself to the unknown, you learn things about yourself that are very exciting.
Doris Brown Heritage, women’s distance running pioneer



Dear Father God, today I want to thank you for the achievement of Roger Bannister, the first man to run a mile in less than 4 minutes.

I am thankful for his example to me that diligent preparation, personal discipline and a decision to attempt the “impossible” can catapult me into a higher sphere of achievement.

Thank you for Bannister’s reminder to me that experts do not always have the last word. And thank you for his example to me on being a barrier-breaker.

Father God, I want to thank you that there is no barrier to me running my own race according to your pre-ordained destiny for my life—unless I place one there!

I thank you Father God for empowering and enabling me by your Word and by your Holy Spirit to be a barrier-breaker. I thank you that as I run with endurance the race you have set before me, as I keep my eyes upon Jesus (the finishing line of my faith), those barriers to creative imagination, barriers to a renewed mind-set and barriers to abundant and victorious living, are being dismantled within my life.

Thank you dear Father God for all that you have done, all that you are doing and all that you will continue to do, so I may achieve record results… so I may run my race in a manner that brings praise and glory to your awesome name.

I thank you Father God.

With love,



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A 21-day Thanks-Fest (Day 19)

Bless the Lord, O my soul;

And all that is within me, bless His holy name!

Bless the Lord, O my soul,

And forget not all His benefits:

(Psalm 103: 1-2 NJKV)


Dear Father God, today I want to thank you for Sundays.

I am grateful for the opportunity to rest, reflect and review. And whilst I haven’t quite got into the swing of fully planning my week ahead, I do appreciate the fact that I am at liberty to do so.

I’m at liberty to do so because I don’t have to worry about where my next meal is coming from. If I choose, I can enjoy a fine Sunday roast, or prepare a less elaborate affair. And I can finish off my meal with a self-indulgent dessert, or choose to skip the sweet. I know that there are others who are not so fortunate.

And Father God, I’m extremely grateful that I don’t have to be concerned about where I’ll sleep tonight and whether I will be safe. I’m both aware and feel sad that this is not the case for everyone.

Dear Father God, the Easter day bombings at three churches in Sri Lanka last month has brought home to me the fact that when I attend church on Sundays, I don’t have to feel anxious or fearful that I risk being killed by terrorists.

My life is so different to someone who is persecuted for their faith, or those who are homeless, hungry, or even housebound.

And so I thank you dear Father God for the everyday blessings I enjoy and sometimes take for granted.

With much love,


Related post:

Dear reader, I trust you are thankful for the blessings Father God has showered upon your life. Let’s not be guilty of hearts smeared with the stain of ingratitude.


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