Have You Heard?

Elijah became almost suicidal (1 Kings 19:4).

Epaphroditus became so ill he was practically at death’s door (Philippians 2:25-30).

Daniel was so overcome with heaviness by God’s revelations of future events (which wouldn’t even affect him), he couldn’t eat or drink (Daniel 10:2-3).

Even Jesus, having reached the end of his tether in the Garden of Gethsemane, felt so overwhelmed that his sweat became as drops of blood.

I say all the above, to bring your attention to the fact that prayer warriors are human, can become discouraged, sick, or overwhelmed by their zeal for God’s kingdom, by the weight of responsibilities, by the endless prayer needs they see around them.

So, my question to you today dear friend is this: Are you pulling your weight?

Abraham did his best to negotiate with God, in a bid to save any righteous people left in Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 18:22-33). And Epaphras, a fellow-prisoner with the Apostle Paul, was described as one who laboured fervently in prayer (Philemon 1:23; Colossians 4:12). You’d think he’d be too busy having a pity party!

When 1 Thessalonians 5:17 asks that we “pray without ceasing”, this request seems burdensome, even impossible. But the apostle Paul was not asking us to pray ad infinitum (without a break). He was giving the exact same instruction as Jesus had given but expressed in different words.

Jesus said we always ought to pray and not faint (i.e., become disheartened, weary, or give up). Easier said than done – right?

To be a prayer warrior, an intercessor, can often seem like a never-ending task, at times an onerous responsibility.

Take recent events involving Israel and the brutal invasion of HAMAS. Prior to this was the invasion of Ukraine by the Russians.

My dear Christian friend, how have you been responding to these issues? Are you hearing God’s clarion call to enter the spiritual battlefield in prayer? Can you appreciate the need for more volunteers to take their place on the intercessory frontline, to lessen the burden on others and provide more firepower against our Enemy?

I believe that since the appearance of Covid19 which upended normal life for everyone, right across the globe, plus the escalation of needless destruction and violence in the two regions of conflict mentioned above, it is clear we are moving towards (if not into) a season of perilous times.

I may be wrong, but if I am not and this is the case, will your relationship with the Lord and your current prayer life be up to the challenge?

Dear follower of Christ, if you know it will not, or if you are unsure, may I kindly suggest that you take stock now (not tomorrow, not when it seems more convenient), but NOW and get your prayer life in order?

Today, if you will hear His voice,

Do not harden your hearts…

(Hebrews 3:15 NKJV)

Understand my dear friend that I am not seeking to alarm you or be a harbinger of doom. I am just acting on what I sense in my spirit and what I believe the Lord would have me say, as a spiritual watchman.

So, as Jesus said to the various church communities in Revelation (paraphrased): Let him/her that has ears to hear, listen to what the Spirit is saying. And to the Lord’s warning, I would add this: hear NOW, act TODAY!

With love and deep concern,


Author, Blogger and Prayer Advocate

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4 thoughts on “Have You Heard?

    1. Wow! Shell Vera. Thank you so much for your kind words! I was a bit fearful of uploading such a post but decided to be obedient to my heart rather hold back through fear. I appreciate your input and thank you for taking the time to read and comment. Bless you! You have touched my heart.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I am so thankful you did. You have an anointing with words and a grace with your presence, so I know it’s coming from a place of love, accountability, obedience, and true concern for your brothers and sisters who are walking this walk with you. We are supposed to edify AND admonish one another, but we call that last part “judgment” instead of understanding it’s the true act of love when someone ensure we are walking right not just happily. ❤

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