Where Are You?


The kiss of the Sun for pardon, The song of the birds for mirth, You are nearer God’s heart in a garden than anywhere else on earth!

Hello, my dear family, friends and followers,

I am trusting that you are well and have emerged from the Covid-19/Lock-down drama with your faith intact.

I have a question for you dear ones.

Where are you?

Now before I unpack what it I’d like to say, to encourage you on your spiritual journey, let me ask whether this question raises any recognition bells in your mind. I’ll give you a moment to think.


Now, given that I’m speaking into the context of those who love God and are followers of Christ, and trusting that you are familiar with your Bible, I believe you will recognise that this is a question God had asked Adam and Eve, in the book of Genesis (see Genesis 3:9).

Where are you?

Why did he ask this?

Because when he came into the Garden of Eden to fellowship with them (as was his usual custom), on this particular occasion, they were nowhere to be seen.


Because Adam and Eve had hidden themselves away. They were ashamed to meet with God because they had disobeyed his command and as a result of their disobedience they became aware of themselves in a negative way. They were naked and ashamed. But hang on, they had always been naked. Previously they’d not been ashamed. So what had suddenly made the difference?

Satan. The Devil. Mr Diablo. The Enemy of our souls!

He had made the difference. And the difference he brought into Adam and Eve’s lives was not positive. It was not life-enhancing. In fact, it brought a curse upon all humanity.

Satan had lied. He’d manipulated the truth. He’d implied by his words that perhaps God had misrepresented facts and was withholding something desirable from Adam and Eve. He suggested they could be their own gods, operate in their own wisdom, experience life on their own terms. And all Eve had to do to make this happen was eat of the forbidden fruit from the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. So she did. And the rest as they say, is history!

Before this event took place, it was Adam and Eve’s practice to fellowship with God daily. After the event however, they hid from His presence. They felt naked and exposed and no longer saw themselves as worthy.

Now when God called and asked “where are you?” do you think he didn’t know the answer to his question? Do you think that the One who is omniscient, didn’t know what had happened and why his two friends, his son and daughter had not kept their fellowship appointment as usual?

Of course he did!

He asked because he wanted them to own up to what they had done. He wanted them to be honest.

Behold You desire truth in the inward parts,

And in the hidden part You will make me to know wisdom.

(Psalm 51:6)

He asked because he wanted them to know that just because they had sinned, he did not love them any less than before they had sinned. He still wanted to fellowship with them. He asked because he wanted them to realise that disobedience brings consequences. He wanted them to understand and learn that the Enemy is a deceiver, who will manipulate you into thinking and doing something contrary to God’s will, contrary to whom God called and made you to be. He expected them to recognise and admit their error and take responsibility for their actions.

Do you know that God still desires open and honest fellowship with you today?

Dear friends:

  • if you have cooled somewhat in your relationship with him;
  • if you have accepted the lies of the Enemy, and doubted God’s goodness, or faithfulness, or ability to help and deliver you;
  • if you feel spiritually naked, exposed and ashamed because of life experiences and your responses to them;
  • if your choices have led you out of God’s perfect will so that you feel uncomfortable in, or dismissive of, God’s holy presence;
  • if you feel complacent about your commitment to him;
  • if you feel discouraged or bewildered by the disconnect between God’s assurances of blessing in His Word and the contrary evidence of your personal life…

Are you aware that God is reaching out and calling to you? Can you hear your heavenly father asking: where are you?

Whether saint or sinner – God loves you! He wants to associate with you. He wants to fellowship with you. He wants to protect you. But he will not force you to come to him!

Dear friend, if your fellowship with God through prayer, reading His Word and worship has deteriorated, is no longer a priority, or is non-existent, I’d like to encourage you today, to draw close to him. The Bible assures us that when we do so, he will reciprocate.

Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded.

(James 4:8)

No matter how worldly-wise you may believe yourself to be, no matter how ‘got-my-streetwise-head-screwed-on-tight’ you may judge yourself to be, no matter how ‘self-sufficient’ you may feel yourself to be, you are not, and never will be, in complete control of your life. The past two years of the Covid-19 pandemic has been proof of that!

And so, if you don’t want to continue through life without the benefit of the One who is in control, taking care of you… looking out for you… helping and guiding you… then you need to return to the garden of fellowship. You need to return to the terrain of obedience. You need to return to the land of loving submission to God’s will.

Can you hear God’s loving enquiry to you today?

Where are you?

If you can hear him calling, what’s your response?

Dear friend (I speak to both saint and sinner), if you can hear his voice, don’t ignore and don’t harden your heart. Don’t wait to get your life ‘together’, or for a more convenient time. You never know what’s around the corner of life!

So, act today!

With love,

Carol (aka Lady Cee)

Effectual, fervent prayer avails much!

PS: Have you put your spiritual armour on today?

Prayer Focus:

Let’s pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ who are discouraged, or who have become a casualty of the serpent’s bite of deception and wandered away from God’s perspective.


Father God,

You are an amazing God! What a privilege it is to be invited into your holy presence and fellowship with you. Thank you for your steadfast, unconditional love and acceptance. Forgive us for our disobedience, rebellion and ignorance.

In accordance with Ephesians 6:18 we lift up to you every member in the body of Christ, who is struggling in their relationship with you. We pray for those who have been deceived by the Enemy and are reaping the consequences of their actions. We apply the protective covering of the blood of Jesus to their lives, homes and loved ones and ask that you show mercy to them.

We pray for those who have been caught up in the busyness of life, or whose love for you has waned and ask that you kindle within their hearts a deeper love and passionate devotion for you. We pray for those whom the Enemy has targeted with lies and deception. Open their eyes to the truth Father God and deliver them from evil.

Jesus, you said that your sheep hear your voice and follow you. We therefore ask that your voice be raised within our consciences above the subversive voices of our social culture and our self-will. May your voice stir faith in our hearts and bring lasting assurance and hope. May your voice speak wisdom and guidance into our lives.

Holy Spirit, help us to tend to our gardens of fellowship with diligence.  Help us to be vigilant against the wiles of the devil who seeks to undermine our confidence in, and relationship with, God. Help us to love our Heavenly Father the way he deserves, with all our heart, mind, soul and strength.

We ask this in the mighty matchless name of Jesus. Amen.

© Carol Hind

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Sunday’s Supplications

Sunday’s Supplications invites you to not only read the posts but also participate in the prayers. Let’s pray for ourselves and for each other. Let’s obey God’s command to watch and pray for all the saints (Ephesians 6:18)

Please note, you do not have to be a blogger to join this praying community.

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Women of Warfare followers and visitors have a wonderful and victorious week!

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