I Will Bask in His Presence!

Have you ever sat in the presence of someone and wished you could get up, give them a piece of your mind, and then walk out, or else just suddenly disappear?

I have!

I’ve sat in the presence of a bigoted interviewer, who because of my name, qualifications, and experience, had not expected to see a black candidate. And even though I sat in his presence with a pleasant smile, pretending that this invisible (yet perceptible) wall of racial prejudice was not there between us, even though I presented myself capably, I did so, knowing full well I was wasting my time, knowing full well that the colour of my skin had already disqualified me from securing the post.

And, dear reader, I’m sorry to have to report that I’ve even sat in some church meetings and felt not the sweet presence of warm acceptance, but the frosty arms of rejection.

I have never, ever come into God’s presence however, and been treated by him in a way that made me feel unwanted, unworthy, unloved. And yet, this awesome God, this holy God, this magnificent and supreme being has every right, every reason, to reject me.

I would therefore like to publicly appreciate my Father-God today for his gracious, capacious love, for his amazing acceptance of me. I want to bask in the warmth and sunshine of his glorious presence. Will you join me?

Dear fellow blogger or visitor, I am sure that somewhere along your life’s journey, you have also experienced the pain of rejection. Whether because of your appearance and/or shape, your age, your class, your gender, your skin colour, or some other obscure reason; someone, somewhere (a parent, a friend, a family member, a lover, a community), has rejected you.

So let us take time out today, to acknowledge the acceptance, love, and generosity of our glorious God. And let us exalt his name together!


Thank you! Everything in me says “Thank you!”

Angels listen as I sing my thanks.

I kneel in worship facing your holy temple

And say it again: “Thank you!”

Thank you for your love,

Thank you for your faithfulness…

(Psalm 138:1-2 The Message)

I lift you high in praise, my God, O my King!

And I’ll bless your name into eternity.

I’ll bless you every day,

And keep it up from now to eternity.

God is magnificent; he can never be praised enough.

There are no boundaries to his greatness.

(Psalm 145:1-3 The Message)


Awesome Father-God,

I come into your holy presence today with joy and gladness. I come knowing I’m acceptable in your sight, not because of my own goodness, but because you have imputed to me the righteousness of your Son, Jesus Christ.

Father-God, in a similar vein to King David, I often wonder: Who am I that you should delight in me, deign to reach down to me, deliver and take care of me? Who am I that you should take notice of me and love me unconditionally?

Father-God, let me bask in the sunshine of your holy presence today. Let me revel in the richness of your unadulterated acceptance. Let me luxuriate in the wealth of your mercy and forgiveness. Let me rejoice in the truth of your Word that grants me spiritual freedom.

I ask this in the matchless name of your precious Son, Jesus. Amen!


Women of Warfare followers and visitors, I wish you all a joyful and enriching week in God’s presence.

With love,


Author, Blogger and Prayer Advocate


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