Come Celebrate With Me!

Hello dear friends and followers.

I’m celebrating the publication of a guest post, which has been published by a good friend (Holly) at her blog site, Wholeness Haven.

Whoo hoo!

Could you help me celebrate by visiting her site and supporting her? I don’t think you’ll be disappointed! She’s done a sterling job with the presentation of my message, and I feel so honoured and proud to be featured there.

My post has been set out in two parts and the links to these are as follows:

Part 1: God’s Master Key to Wholeness | Wholeness Haven

Part 2: God’s Master Key to Wholeness (part 2) | Wholeness Haven

Please don’t forget to leave your likes and comments and also share with your social networks. Many thanks dear ones.

Have a blessed weekend!

With love,

Carol (aka Lady Cee)

The effectual, fervent prayer avails much!

Are you looking for a resource that will help you to draw closer to God and develop a consistent and confident prayer life? Then please don’t hesitate to check out the links below.



6 thoughts on “Come Celebrate With Me!

  1. Sweet Carol, you know I love you, my dear friend. You have been a blessing to me time and time again, simply by being who you are. The gift of writing you have been blessed with leaves me in awe each time I read your words.

    Please never allow that lying devil to tell you that you are anything less than pure gold. I pray Holy Spirit would dispel every lie that would seek to bring distraction or discouragement into your mind and heart. There is NO doubt that you are called, anointed, FULL of purpose and overflowing with the love and wisdom that only Jesus Himself could fill you with!

    We are blessed because you are on this Earth. And I am blessed that you would choose Wholeness Haven to share your unique voice and beauty. Thank you again for allowing me to play a part in your story. The best is yet to come!! 😘

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear Holly,
      I don’t know what to say! You are always so encouraging and so extraordinarily generous with your comments.
      No wonder you have attracted a certain calibre of followers to your blog, who are committed to you and respond to your posts with generous meaningful comments. You are blessed indeed! May God continue to bless you and cause his face to shine upon you and grant you peace. And may he extend your territory in terms of your own ministry. I don’t know if you recall my words to you when you were wondering whether to close down “House Calls With Holly”. I said something along the lines of the Internet needing people like you to counteract all the filth and toxic negativity spewed out and I reiterate that! May he continue to use you to spread a Godly fragrance into the lives of others. Thank you for all the time you take to encourage me and the many others I’ve noted, with your prophetic words of encouragement. You have a BIG generous heart and you are making an impact in God’s kingdom.
      Love and cyber hugs coming your way dear sis. xxx

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Dearest Carol, I just read your words this morning and am so incredibly touched by what you’ve said. I can’t begin to express how grateful I am for you, your heart, and your friendship. You have been a blessing to me so many times, in so many ways.

        Your prayers and encouragement have turned many of my days from hardly bearable to joyfully blessed. Today, I needed to read what you wrote. 🤗

        Never underestimate the impact you have on us with your writing, your heart, and your ministry. God uses you in such a unique, refreshing way. Although I’ve been behind on everything here lately, and trying to catch up — know that you stay on my heart and mind. I’m grateful we’ve ‘met’ and I look forward to a long friendship. You are ALWAYS welcome at Wholeness Haven and my mailbox is always open to you as well, sweet sister.

        Sending lots of love and many hugs across the miles. YOU are loved and appreciated! If there’s ever anything I can do for (or with) you, please let me know! ❤


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