The Red Carpet of Welcome

God’s Red Carpet of Welcome

It’s Not Nice!

Ever walked into a room and realised you’ve just interrupted a conversation, where you were the subject of discussion?

It’s happened to me quite a few times!

The chief culprits were ex work colleagues. Not a nice feeling is it?

Especially when you realise that whatever was being said about you, was not complimentary.

During such times, you sense the tension in the air as the culprits desperately try to cover up by changing the subject. Sometimes the conversation would just cease abruptly, yet a strong signal is silently communicated: You are not welcome!

Why have I mentioned this?

Well, it’s not because I want to drag up the past. And it’s not because I want to share a story designed to make you feel sorry for me. As far as I’m concerned, it’s all in my past and that’s the best place for it!

However, I mention it because I want to use the scenario to highlight a complete contrast. A contrast between those who make you feel unwelcome and my Father-God, who fully embraces and welcomes you into His presence.  I want to remind you that our Father-God, our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, has pulled out all the stops, to signal their sincere love and acceptance, for me and for you.

An Attitude of Gratitude

This week, I’ve been experiencing some wonderful times in God’s presence. I am always grateful and regularly express my gratitude to him for accepting me into his family, for welcoming me into the awesome, holy presence of his throne room. And whenever I’m reminded that God’s acceptance and welcome was not always available to me, I am even more grateful.

After all, as a Gentile, I had no covenant with God and was alienated from his mercy, love and favour. But now, my wonderful Father-God, who previously couldn’t even be approached by his own people (the Jews), unless they observed the correct protocol, now operates an “open door” policy to all and sundry.

God’s Wholesale Welcome -v- Man’s Routine Rejection

Christ’s sacrificial and vicarious death upon the cross, means I can come into God’s presence without a prior appointment. I can come without the need of a third party to announce me, or enquire whether he’s free. I can come at any time of the day and night and I can come to him as many times in the day (or night), as I wish, or feel I need to. And each time I come, I am welcome. I know it. I experience it. And it’s a beautiful, warm feeling.

Now, there are people in this world (whether ordinary folk, celebrities, the great and the good), who would not necessarily welcome me into their midst. And, let’s face it, there are those whom I would not necessarily welcome into my orbit!

In all areas of life, society operates on a pre-determined level of acceptance, such that I could find myself excluded from potential opportunities, on the basis of skin colour, gender, class, or a myriad of other reasons.

And yet, the one who is Supreme, the one who is most High and Holy, the one who is Mighty, the one who has every right to reject me on the grounds of unworthiness, has seen fit to make it possible for me to come and fellowship with him at any time, for as long, and as often as I desire.

A Royal Invite – A Red Carpet Experience

As mentioned, lately I’ve been enjoying God’s company whilst he rolls out the red carpet of acceptance and hospitality. In fact, I’m experiencing richer, deeper levels of relationship with the three members of the Godhead. And because I’ve been so, so, blessed by these special periods of intimacy with God & Co, I’d like to encourage all my readers and visitors to make a special effort to develop a deeper, richer relationship with Him. Father-God promises in his Word that when you make the effort to move closer to him, he will draw closer to you. (James 4:8).

We are moving rapidly towards the end of this year, a year which I’m sure many of you will agree, brought unwelcome changes into our lives. Changes which have forced upon us a “new normal”. Changes which have thrust upon us unexpected instability, uncertainties and insecurities about what the future may hold.

Whilst for many of us, these changes came out of the blue, our omniscient God was not surprised. He was not caught out unawares. It therefore behoves us to draw as close as we can to the one who is unchanging… to the one whose thoughts and intentions towards us, are for our best interests, whether we see it or not, whether we believe it or not… to the one who is able to cause all things (even this pandemic crisis), to work together for our good. (Romans 8:28).

Unsavoury media reports may be unwelcome. Politicians and international policies may confuse, and even make us feel unwelcome. Racists, or religious fanatics may commit reprehensible acts, in a bid to show us we are not welcome. And, contrary to Christ’s message of inclusiveness, Christian cliques may signal to those of us outside their circle that we are unwelcome.

But our God, who is unchanging and ever dependable, will never change the rules or move the goal posts when it comes to his criteria for acceptance.

Fellowship – Your Spiritual Key to a Victorious End of Year

Jesus has already paid the price for our inclusion! He has made the way open for anyone (Male or Female, Jew or Gentile, Black or White), to come into God’s presence and to come without fear, guilt, condemnation or any sense of inferiority.

So my dear friend, don’t waste precious time or opportunity. Spend quality time in God’s presence through prayer, praise, thanksgiving and worship. He will welcome you with open arms!

Women of Warfare friends and followers, I encourage you to end this year and make preparation for the next, by choosing to develop your God-connection and increase your spiritual awareness, so you can confidently walk forward in life, as victorious overcomers.

Wishing you a safe, blessed and happy week ahead!

With agapē love and affection,

Carol (aka Lady Cee)

A Student in His Secret Place (Psalm 91:1)

The secret to enjoying a red-carpet experience with God is loving him with all your heart, mind and soul. Have you discovered this secret?

Need further tips for ending your year well? Click here

Poetry lovers, if you enjoyed this post, you may want to read a related poem I’ve written – click here


Are you looking for a resource that will help you to draw closer to God and develop a consistent and confident prayer life? Then please don’t hesitate to check out the links below.



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