Yippee! I’ve Finally Done It!


I can’t help myself. I just keep staring and staring and staring at it.

What am I staring at?

A dream come true!

A long-standing goal realised!

I’m referring to my recently published book. And although it’s my first book, I consider it to be my “magnum opus”. Why?

Because it represents a significant portion of my life.

Because it is the culmination of hours and hours and hours of writing, re-writing, researching, editing and proof-reading.

Because by God’s help I was able to persevere, despite much personal discouragement, fears, frustration and the temptation to give up.

And now, before my very eyes, this book is the sweet manifestation of many years’ work… it is a beautiful testimony of my sweat, tears, tests and trials… it is the fruitful endeavour of a beautiful creative partnership between the Holy Spirit and myself.

It is evidence of my God’s goodness, grace and faithfulness, and a marvellous answer to prayer.

And so, dear reader, in all humility, may I share my pride and joy with you?


Thank you!

(Drum roll please)

Ladies and gentlemen, fellow bloggers, visiting readers, I have great pleasure in presenting to you:


Do check it out at Amazon: United Kingdom or USA

With much love,


(aka Lady Cee) ♥♥♥


CREDIT: The above featured image is a CC0 image which comes courtesy of Pixabay.com



5 thoughts on “Yippee! I’ve Finally Done It!

  1. Congrats!!! You should feel very proud! Its a wonderful accomplishment and yes I know the feeling is amazing as you look at something that you personally have created and you hold it in your hands! Go celebrate and I hope your book touches many hearts. I will check it out!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much Joyroses. Indeed it is amazing and heart-warming. I’m still thinking about how to celebrate this achievement but I certainly intend to!
      Thank you for your good wishes. I join my hope with yours that it will touch many hearts.


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