A 21-day Thanks-Fest (Day 13)

Thank You Father God



We must allow the Word of God to confront us, to disturb our security, to undermine our complacency and to overthrow our patterns of thought and behaviour. 

John Stott


Dear Father God,

Today I want to thank you for your Word.

I want to thank you that I can depend upon it 100 per cent. You said that heaven and earth may pass away but not one iota of your Word will become obsolete. And in order to guarantee us assurance regarding the truth and dependability of your Word, when you could find no greater, you swore by yourself!

So, I thank you Father God that you are not like politicians, who are notorious for breaking their promises.

I thank you that when I stand upon a portion of scripture, which speaks to my personal circumstance, I can be confident that you are not making empty promises.

Thank you Father God!

With love,

 Carol ♥♥♥



CREDIT: The above CC0 images come courtesy of Pixabay.com







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