A 21-day Thanks-Fest (Day 2)


Thank You Father God 


Hello dear readers,

In case you haven’t heard, I’ve given myself the challenge of writing a gratitude post for 21 consecutive days.

Will you come join me?

I’d love it if you could.

You can either share your own post and link back to mine, or leave your contribution in a comment box below. Hope to hear from you!



The gift of self cannot be given to us. It is an incomparable gift that has already been given. We have possessed it from the beginning.

Gerry Spence


 “What you are is God’s gift to you, what you become is your gift to God.”
Hans Urs von Balthasar, Prayer 


Father God,

Please accept this package sent express to you today.

It has been wrapped with pleasure (but slight trepidation), tied with the ribbons of commitment and prettified with the beautiful bow of love.

Should anyone look inside, its content (or lack thereof), will not perhaps make sense to them. In fact, should they not have the gift of discernment (see what I did there Lord?), and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, they just will not understand. How could they?

But you, my dear omniscient Father and friend, will certainly comprehend.

So, for the sake of my readers and for the benefit of the Enemy, let me elaborate on your parcel’s seemingly invisible content.

It contains my heart. Not the physical organ which beats within my person according to your rhythmic grace, but the very essence of my being.

It’s yours to shape as you see fit, as you have already determined to do before the earth’s foundation was laid… before I was conceived in my mother’s womb. Please accept it as a token of my gratitude for your generous gift of salvation.

Today, dear Father God, as I entrust you with my life and allow you to mould me so you can use me to serve others, I want to thank you for giving my life meaning and purpose. And I want to thank you for my incredible future.

I thank you Father God.

CREDIT: the above CC0 image comes courtesy of Pixabay.com


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