The Art of Anxiety


A motivational video I’d been listening to earlier this week mentioned how worry leads to fear. And fear, as the Bible tells us, can lead to torment (1 John 4:18).


False Evidence Appearing Real

Do you struggle with fear? Do you have a degree in the art of anxiety?

Let me be honest with you and admit that fear has been an issue I struggle with. Sometimes I win the battle, other times I lose. But I’m determined in my heart to become consistently victorious in this area.

Having said that, let me confess that this week I suffered a mega anxiety attack. The sudden, intense and overwhelming sense of hopelessness combined with an unrelenting barrage of negative thoughts had me questioning my spiritual status, even questioning my sanity. It was not a pleasant experience.

Now as would-be overcomers choosing to walk in victory, incessant worry and negative fears need to be mastered. However, if we are to gain mastery over immobilising thoughts and feelings, we need to change our thinking, since irrational fears are often a product of our own imagination.

Let me give you an example. Years ago before I committed my life to Christ, I used to watch horror films. After watching The Exorcist, my thoughts focused on what had happened in the movie and fears arose which kept me wide awake.

Whilst I lay in bed terrified, my over-active imagination converted every inexplicable sound, every dark shadow into a potential visitation by an evil force, which was out to possess me! I suffered months of needless worry, stress and sleepless nights because of my fears – false evidence appearing real!

When it comes to fears and anxiety, the Apostle Paul advises:

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;

And the peace of God, which surpasses understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:6 NKJV).


Paul’s words imply that when it comes to our concerns or the difficult challenges of life, we have two choices – we can worry or we can pray!

So what’s your first instinct?

Is it to worry, or is it to pray?

Let’s take a moment to hear what others have to say on this subject:


Worrying is carrying tomorrow’s load with today’s strength- carrying two days at once. It is moving into tomorrow ahead of time. Worrying doesn’t empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength.
Corrie Ten Boom 


Become a worry-slapper. Treat frets like mosquitoes. Do you procrastinate when a bloodsucking bug lights on your skin? ‘I’ll take care of it in a moment.’ Of course you don’t! You give the critter the slap it deserves. Be equally decisive with anxiety.

Max Lucado


Easier said than done right?

Dear friend, allow me to encourage you today. If you’ve struggled in this area – don’t give up! Press on until you experience your breakthrough. Meanwhile, if there is something troubling your heart and robbing you of peace of mind, here’s a prayer for you.


Taken from:

Have a blessed weekend!


CREDIT – The above CC0 image comes courtesy of John Hain at

15 thoughts on “The Art of Anxiety

  1. Pingback: Take Charge Of Your Destiny! – A Purpose-driven achiever

  2. I liked Pastor Steven Furtick’s comment a few weeks ago that if you can be a world-class worrier, you can can be a world-class worshipper. It was a sermon from his Game Changer series about stopping the cycle of spinning around in our minds over worry. “Reverse Your Worry”. Great message today! Truly beautiful reminder to go first to God in prayer!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh, if you have a chance, please do listen! He has a way of breaking it down to where the seasoned and new folks can both take stuff away from the message. It’s simple, but it speaks to the heart. He teaches and preaches, so you learn the Bible while hearing it preached. My favorite sermon of his, and it’s hard to pick one, is from the “Savage Jesus” series where He taught about the ways Jesus defied culture and showed up for us with discipleship that wasn’t neat and pretty. The specific sermon was “Danger in the Distance”. Another from that series that hit me pretty hard for this season of my life, “Let the Dirt do its Work” is pretty powerful too.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Amen, sis! I too know what it is to suffer torment at the hands of anxiety. I enjoyed reading your post very much and know that our God has such amazing plans for your life. You are a powerful woman of God, a brilliant writer and an inspiration to so many of us. May each of your days be brighter with God’s glory than the one before and may His perfect love cast out ALL of your fear!

    I have shared this post of yours on my blog, because I believe in you and your heart. If you’d like to see it, you can find it here:

    You are precious! Never stop being the light in this world you are.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow! Wow! Wow!
      HollyG thank you so much for such an encouraging and affirming comment. I am so, so touched. Thank you for allowing God to use you to speak into my heart. I am going to print this out and put into one of my journals. And whenever I feel discouraged I will read this because I believe you have spoken God’s heart to me. I had been beginning to doubt God’s call on my life and was asking him for a Word but had not expected it to come via my blog.
      Thank you for taking the time to leave your wonderful comment and thanks for sharing my post. You have absolutely put a big warm smile in my heart and on my face. You are a precious woman of God!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh my goodness. Wow for me right now would be an understatement. Don’t be making my eyes get all teary!

        Know this: The enemy will always attack you in the area of your greatest call & gift. That’s very often how we know what our ministry is. The devil knows where you are a threat. So what does he do? He will seek to discredit you in your own mind, make you feel less than or even as a failure. He will make you doubt your call, your God given ability and make you feel like a fraud. None of this is true. It’s all a lie and it’s all a wicked scheme to get you to walk away from the purpose and creation our Lord has set out just for you.

        You are powerful. You are God’s beloved daughter and His plans for you will exceed anything you could ever ask, think or imagine. Let God’s truth of who you are saturate your very being until there’s no room for the enemy to create doubt ever again. Keep that smile because you are loved and so preciously valued, my friend. (big hug)


      2. And now you are making me all teary!
        Another beautiful comment for me to print off.
        Your big hug is warmly received and also returned. May the Lord God richly bless you and use you for his glory!


  4. Pingback: The Art of Anxiety ~ House Calls With Holly

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