I’m still standing!


Are you standing in the dignity and strength of God, or wallowing in the slough of despondency?  I’d like to think that in the face of the Enemy, in the face of any problems you may be encountering that you are defiantly declaring to yourself and to anyone who cares to listen: “You know what?  I’m still standing!” And I’d like to think that even if you are not yet in that place, you have every intention of getting there – soon.

A few months ago on my way to work, I passed a tree where a white van had crashed into it. As a result of the crash, the bark of this tree was stripped away in several places. It had become scarred by the accident.  Now whilst the white van was a complete write-off, the tree into which it crashed still stands erect in its position. Granted, it is not as it was before, for now it bears the scars of a collision.

The Bible often refers to us as trees (see Psalm 1:3 and Jeremiah 17:7-8). Using that metaphor and combining it with the above-mentioned accident, if we were to bring these into the context of our every-day lives as believers, we could say that life sometimes crashes into us, yet we survive – and like this tree, we can remain standing. Similarly, when life crashes into us we bear those scars of collision. But whether the scars we bear are scars of bitterness, or scars of bitter experience depends upon us and upon our attitudes.

Whenever I pass this tree, I note the scars it received did not undermine its ability to function as a tree. I noted that it still held its branch arms outstretched to the heavens. It did not hold its arms down by its side in defeat or self-pity. And although anyone passing could clearly see its scars, no one would consider it as no longer a tree, or a lesser one, or inadequate in any way.

I believe we can learn a lesson from this. Yes, we may bear the scars of rejection, or tragedy, or a personal world that has caved in but in God’s eyes we are no less a person, no less his precious child. Can you accept this? Can you embrace this truth for yourself? Can you ignore the devil’s taunts, which whisper in your innermost being telling you that you are a helpless victim… that nobody loves you… that no one cares whether you live or die, whether you flourish or wither? Can you get up from, and lever yourself out of, that mental pit of misery?

And, as occasion demands, will you don your spiritual armour, or wrap yourself within the garment of praise and allow God to heal and revive your wounded spirit? Will you trust Him to cause all the awful, unjust and undeserved things that have devastated you, to work together for your good? Will you stop trying to work out how this will happen and when? Will you stop discouraging yourself because you can’t see how this can possibly work out in your, or your loved-ones’ favour? Can you stop peering with short-sighted pessimism into your future with those sorrow-tinted spectacles and instead, look at your situation with the clear bright eyes of faith?

Could you give God a chance to work his magic, to summon his majestic might on your behalf by stepping out of the way?

You can!

Of course you can. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens, empowers and invigorates you.

Remember, the one who strengthens you has gone through worse than you can ever experience or imagine. He has endured rejection and scars so horrendous that they make yours and mine look like mere blemishes by comparison (not that I’m belittling what anyone has suffered, or is currently going through). In Isaiah 53:5 we are told that:

 …He was wounded for our transgressions,

He was bruised for our iniquities;

The chastisement for our peace was upon Him,

And by His stripes we are healed.

He did all this for me, all this for you. Why? Because he loved and loves me.   Because he loved and loves you. Because he wanted to show us by his experience that we can make it… that there is nothing any person, or any demonic being can do, which can curtail, or permanently thwart the will, plan and purpose of God for our lives, if we refuse to give in to our flesh and we stand our ground.

So, going back to my earlier questions – can you let go and let God? You can, because God’s Word says you can. The pertinent question therefore is: will you? Will you let go of your terms and submit to His?

Proverbs 3:5 says:

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,

And lean not on your own understanding.

In order to trust God, we need to have unwavering faith, or confidence in Him. He just loves it when we do. And when we do, we put ourselves into the right position to become green, flourishing and firmly-rooted trees. When we do, we put ourselves into the right position to lead fruitful lives. When we do, we can hold our heads erect and sing the high praises of God.

Dear reader, let us make up our minds to stand in God’s grace and mercy, stand in his protective power, stand in his unparalleled favour, to stand (and keep on standing) in his perfect will for our lives.  Yes – let us rejoice in the fact that despite what the Enemy has thrown at us and meant for our demise, we are indeed, still standing!

15 thoughts on “I’m still standing!

  1. Pingback: Do You Have the ‘S’ Factor? – Women of Warfare! (WOW!)

  2. Pingback: Getting To Know Beautiful Carol | a cooking pot and twisted tales

  3. I love the image of the tree, still standing…arms out stretched, not down by its side in defeat. Thank you for this lovely post. On a day when I’ve received some very troubling news, I will be like the tree you describe.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear Alexis,
      I don’t think there is any Christian who does not have something in their past they are ashamed about. I know I have.
      Even the disciple Peter who walked with Jesus felt ashamed after denying Christ. Even though Jesus knew he was going to do it did he condemn Peter? No way! Father God/Jesus does not condemn you. Jesus died so you could walk free of guilt and condemnation.
      Romans 8:1 says there is no condemnation NOW. Embrace that truth. Speak it out loud to yourself every time the memory or feeling of shame occurs because this is how you defeat the Enemy who wants to keep you bound in guilt and shame. It can be very hard to let go of negative thoughts but not impossible if you are determined and consistent.
      Thank you for sharing your heart precious one and may the tranquil peace of God fill your heart and mind.
      Don’t be a stranger now – visit again and let us know how you are progressing 🙂


    1. Hi Oleen,
      You don’t know how my heart is touched to hear you say that. Thank you for dropping by and sharing your thoughts.
      My prayer for you is that the Holy Spirit will come alongside you and help you with your fight. May your resolve to no longer be a victim remain strong and may God enable you to walk in the freedom and liberty of his Kingdom. May your eyes and heart be opened to the truth of his Word in such a way that His truth sets you totally free. Amen!
      May I make a suggestion Oleen? Would you put on the armour of God by faith at the beginning of each day? You can either use the Warrior’s prayer on this site, or a cut down version in your own words from Ephesians 6:13-17. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hi! I just read it and I felt reassured 🙂 I’ve known these words for so long but reading them again after months of not reading the bible gives me strength.
        And, yes, It’s a daily battle (or rather every moment). I feel like I am a kid again who is need of constant reminding, but He is kind because I’ve never felt Him so close like now. He is working on my life and I can see and sense it. (even in my dreams!)
        I would gladly do your suggestion. I would put this verse on my daily planner so I will always be reminded. Thank you so much. This really means a lot to me. ❤

        Liked by 1 person

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