Love Letter from your Father

An Open letter from our Heavenly Father to his wounded daughters in the Body of Christ


My dear precious child in Christ,

Do you know how much I love you?

Maybe you do on a superficial level but you do not appreciate just how much I love you, the extent, the depth, the height. How could you? It is really beyond human comprehension. As my Word declares, my thoughts and ways are higher than your thoughts, your ways (Isaiah 55:8-9). But believe me beloved daughter – I truly, truly love you. Unconditionally. Absolutely. No strings attached. Nothing you say, do, or think will change how I feel about you.

How do I feel about you? I see you as precious. More precious than gold… than pearls… than diamonds… than all the things that this world deems as valuable. I have proved it – in that even when you were not aware of me, thought nothing of me, cared nothing about me, I sent my Son to die for you, so that we can be reconciled (Romans 5:8-10), so that I can make you my beneficiary, a joint heir with my Son Jesus (Romans 8:16-17). I want you to know there is nothing you can do, say, feel… nothing the Enemy can do, which can separate you from the deep genuine love I have for you (Romans 8:35-39). Nothing! Believe it and accept it and walk in the truth of it. Ask my Holy Spirit to reveal this fact to you in a way you can understand, absorb, accept and appropriate. I love you.  I. Love. You.

Dearest daughter, I see you. Your struggles, your hurts, your confusion, your loneliness. I see your indecision. Your disappointments and disillusionment with life, with me even, with those things you had imagined would bring you security and fulfilment. I see you. I know you. I hurt with you. Let me walk with you. Let me help you. Let me enfold you within my loving protection, within the safety of my arms and within the security of my Kingdom.

Don’t doubt my love for you. Unquestioning love eradicates fear (1 John 4:18). Fear robs you of all that I have planned for you since before you were even conceived. Yes, I planned for you to be here. I’ve planned your future (Jeremiah 29:11). So take my hand, trust me, walk with me and I will guide you, grant you the wisdom and the confidence and the tenacity to reach the end of your journey. But my daughter, I would not have you just focus on the end prize alone, on achieving that goal, on reaching your destiny. I would have you enjoy every step along the way.

And I would have you fight (because you will have to fight). Yeah, I would have you fight with confidence, with courage, with determination. For I have already given you the victory (1 Corinthians 15:57). Do you believe it? Do you believe my Word? Will you trust me? Will you agree that I know best and have given you my best and that your welfare is a primary concern on my heart – even when there are days and seasons where it seems the very opposite? Will you come on this lifetime adventure with me and, like Abraham (your forefather of faith), trust me to keep my promises (Romans 4:16, 20-21) and lead you through the unknown? Will you?

My dear precious one, faith is your title deed (Hebrews 11:1 *Amp). A title deed cannot be denied. It cannot be refuted. It cannot be ignored. Check that title deed often. Review it. Be confident that you already own the promises written in my Word (2 Corinthians 1:20). Circumstances, or the Enemy, or unbelief will deny this… challenge this. But you have a choice. A choice to agree with me, or agree with whatever, or whomever would challenge my Word. Have I not set before you, life and death (Deuteronomy 30:19), blessing and cursing? Choose Life. Choose Blessing. Choose Me!

Never doubt it. I love you. I. Love. You.

*Amp = Amplified Bible

5 thoughts on “Love Letter from your Father

  1. Pingback: Clarissa’s Conversation with God – Women of Warfare! (WOW!)

    1. Dear sis,
      Thank you so much for your comment. Those simple words have encouraged me. I was beginning to wonder whether I had heard from the Lord. I had to believe that even if no one acknowledged this post, the Lord is using it to minister to someone somewhere.
      My first comment! Yay! (excuse the excitement – I am a blogger barely 1 month old) 🙂
      May the Lord continue to administer his soothing balm to your heart and life. Amen.

      PS: wonderful graphic for Eyes Straight Ahead!

      Liked by 1 person

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